Beauty and Health

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In stock: 306 Pain-relieving ointment with scorpion venom is a fast-acting drug for reducing and eliminating pain in the musculoskeletal system, based on medicinal herbs and poisons. Helps to improve health and restore the functions of muscle and bone structure. The product is developed and manufactured according to traditional recipes of Chinese folk medicine. The pain reliever for joints stimulates blood circulation in the affected areas, eliminating the formation of blood stagnation. The composition includes natural medicinal ingredients that can quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation and pain symptoms of the moving parts of the bone structure. Natural pain-relieving ointment is easily absorbed and penetrates into their tissue structure, has a direct analgesic, warming, and soothing effect. Application The composition is applied to problem areas 1-2 times a day in a thin layer, rubbing in with light movements until completely absorbed. It is not recommended to apply the pain-relieving ointment to children, during pregnancy (use under the supervision of a doctor), people with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components, in case of itching and allergic reactions, on areas of skin with open wounds, damage and inflammation. Composition The main biologically active substances of the ointment for joints: Fat and venom of white viper. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to restore the functionality of joints, peripheral treatment of the nervous system and elimination of muscle pain. An effective pain reliever, reduces inflammation of the skin. Milled centipede. Scorpion venom. Poria cocos (tinder fungus) - a sedative. Bee venom is an antiseptic, reduces inflammation, pain. Increases the level of red blood cells and prevents blood stagnation, dilates blood vessels.
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In stock: 66 The product is made using natural medicinal herbs grown in ecologically clean areas of the mountains of Miaolintong, Leigong, Yuelian, Taiyang, Foding, Shiwanda and others. Due to the competent combination and proportioning of medicinal herbs, Miaolin Jiefushuang ointment helps to quickly relieve inflammation and pain, destroys pathogens, stops the course of the disease, improves blood supply and activates the process of tissue regeneration. To date, the effectiveness of Miaolin Jiefushuang ointment has been proven in relation to such diseases as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, scabies, all types of lichen, as well as skin diseases caused by staphylococcus, enterococcus and other microorganisms resistant to traditional drugs. psoriasis, including on the scalp itching, irritation on any areas of the skin dermatitis and dermatoses shingles, ringworm, versicolor lichen neurodermatitis eczema folliculitis scleroderma dermatomycosis of the feet acne scabies skin inflammation of any etiology Ingredients: Chinese false larch, catechu acacia, fragrant gynocardia, hibiscus leaves, girchi fruits, liquid paraffin, stearic acid, glycerolipids, petrolatum, acetyl alcohol, sorbitan oleate, polysorbate 80, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate. Use: apply the ointment to the affected area of the skin with light movements, leave until completely dry. Use 3 times a day. For external use only. Course of application: minimum course - 8 days.
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In stock: 567 Zudaifu cream ointment (Zudaifu) original recipe - the number one remedy in China for psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, fungal infections and other skin diseases. Indications for use: psoriasis, vitiligo, fungal infections, skin lesions by staphylococcus and candida bacteria, lichen, ichthyosis, irritation and redness of the skin, skin itching, itching of the external genitalia, acne (pimples), mosquito and insect bites, prickly heat, eczema, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, herpes. Ingredients: Chinese pagoda tree, kochia scoparia, holly leaves, Amur cork tree, burning root, Chinese lotus, sweet honey locust, ash root, mulberry root bark, chlorhexidine (antiseptic), menthol, purified water, white petroleum jelly. Directions: Zudaifu cream for psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo is applied in small amounts to a clean and dry area of the body. Use daily, at least twice. This causes a feeling of slight freshness, rarely - a slight burning sensation. For external use only! Apply until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely and for an additional 2-3 weeks to achieve stable remission. The manufacturer of Zudaifu ointment recommends a repeat course after a month. Attention! It is not a medicine. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Pregnancy. Lactation period. Do not use in children under 3 years of age. Individual intolerance to the components!
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In stock: 578 Joint ointment, consisting of carefully selected and combined natural ingredients, developed according to ancient recipes of traditional Chinese medicine. It acts quickly, comprehensively and effectively, relieving the symptoms of various diseases of the joints and connective tissue. Composition Purified dragon turtle fat - has a complex beneficial effect on the joints. Centipede and scorpion venoms are excellent analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents. Borneol - effective for rheumatic pain, antispasmodic, tones tissues. Menthol - soothes and relieves pain. Camphor - has an anti-inflammatory effect, fights bacteria. Eucalyptus oil - improves blood circulation, is a natural antiseptic. Holly oil - reduces pain. Dwarf stellera root - relieves swelling and redness. Properties The drug almost instantly relieves pain in muscles and movable bone joints, alleviates the condition of pinched nerves, helps eliminate limited mobility, especially in the morning or after prolonged immobility. The components of the ointment, due to their antibacterial effect, help relieve inflammation and eliminate swelling. Normal blood circulation in the vessels is restored. "Dragon Turtle" is a drug with a pronounced warming effect, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints. The product is effective in recovering from injuries of various kinds. Indications for use Arthrosis; systemic inflammation of connective tissue; degenerative disorders of cartilage tissue; sciatic nerve impingement; lower back pain; gout; sprains, bruises. Application The drug is applied to clean skin with massaging movements until completely absorbed. Apply 1 to 5 times a day, depending on the intensity of pain. When applied, warmth is felt, sometimes a slight burning sensation.
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In stock: 269 Ointment based on scorpion venom has anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect, strong inhibitory action. Active enzymes included in the preparation kill bacteria and bacterial spores hidden under the skin, quickly penetrate the epidermis (450 microns) and completely prevent relapse, deeply cleansing the skin. Effective antifungal agent for skin diseases. Ingredients: scorpion venom, 28 herbs of Chinese medicine (round holly (Ilex rotunda), milkweed (Euphorbia jolkinii Boiss), Sophora flavescens, kochia scoparia seeds, cnidium monnieri, dried ash root bark, dried thorns of Chinese honey locust trunks (Spinae Gleditsiae), giant typhonium, japonica stemona, daurian rhododendron leaf, borneol, menthol). Indications for use: onychomycosis, fungal skin lesions (caused by yeast-like fungi), mycosis, dermatoses, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, ringworm, shingles, psoriasis, prickly heat. Method of application: externally, apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day. When applying the ointment to the problem area of the skin, a slight chill and tingling may be felt. Storage: in a dry, cool place inaccessible to children. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, tendency to allergies.
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In stock: 384 Indications for use: localized itchy dermatoses, neurodermatoses, contact dermatitis, weeping eczema, seborrheic dermatitis. Main components: each gram of ointment contains 0.75 mg of dexamethasone, 0.10 mg of camphor, 0.10 mg of menthol, excipients - field mint, sodium phosphate, liquid paraffin, hexadecanol, glyceryl monostearate, glyceride, polyoxyl (40 mg) stearate, carbomer, bicarbonate soda, purified water. Dexamethasone acetate contained in the ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an antihistamine effect; Mint and camphor have antipruritic, analgesic effects, stimulate local blood circulation. Method of administration and dosage: externally, 1-2 times a day, apply a small amount of ointment to the affected areas of the skin with massaging movements. Side effects: with prolonged use may lead to atrophy of the skin, impaired blood circulation in the microvessels of the skin, skin pigmentation. In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions. It is prohibited: 1. Apply to the surface of the skin with open wounds; it is not recommended to use in case of swelling after application or severe intolerance. 2. Use of the drug by people with diseases of viral etiology (herpes, smallpox, etc.). 3. Use for children. Precautions: Pregnant and lactating women should use with caution. With a large area of skin damage and the need for long-term use of the drug, it is recommended to conduct a trial use for 1 week; if the symptoms do not stop, consult a doctor. If a burning sensation, redness and swelling appear at the site of application of the ointment, then you should stop using the ointment, wash off the preparation at the site of application. If necessary, consult a doctor. In case of reinfection, you should consult a doctor. Allergy sufferers should use with caution.
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In stock: 312 The drug has an anticoagulant effect, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, fights against unpleasant itching and painful sensations. Due to the natural components of the antipruritic ointment Fu Lie Ling, rough skin becomes soft, small cracks and wounds heal in a short time. In severe frosts, the ointment serves as a protective agent against cracking and dryness of the skin. Indications for use: Itching, dryness of the epidermis of the elbows, hands and feet, tightening of the skin of the nasolabial folds, face, as well as peeling of the skin, painful sensations in psoriasis, dermatitis, and other skin diseases. Composition of Fu Lie Ling anti-itch ointment: Colorless mineral oil consisting of naphthenes and paraffins, glyceryl stearate, stearyl alcohol, white petrolatum, stearic acid, and other medicinal components. Directions for use: Before using Fulelin anti-itch ointment, thoroughly wash the affected area. Then apply the product evenly and carefully to the skin in a thin layer. In case of advanced skin lesions, apply a gauze bandage to the ointment. Do not wash off after application! Course of treatment: use Fulelin anti-itch ointment on problem areas no more than 2 times a day until symptoms disappear completely. For maximum effect, it is better to apply the cream before bedtime. Result after use. 10-20 minutes after a single application of the ointment, the skin becomes smooth, velvety and moisturized, the itching stops. After several applications of the ointment, cracks in the skin disappear, wounds heal, and the inflammatory process stops. Regular use of Fulelin cream is an excellent preventative measure against dryness and irritation of the skin.
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In stock: 1345 Iganerging does not contain hormones, alcohol, dyes and preservatives, active chemicals and parabens, therefore it is not addictive and is absolutely safe. eczema psoriasis of various types and forms various dermatitis, including allergic various types of lichen candidiasis of the external mucous membranes corns, plaques, dry skin female vulvitis allergic rash pimples and acne consequences of household and sunburns vitiligo itching swelling from insect bites How to use: apply a thin layer of cream to clean problem areas 2-3 times a day. Apply until the symptoms of problem areas of the skin disappear. After the symptoms on problem areas of the skin disappear, after 2 - 3 weeks, repeat the weekly course for the prevention of problem areas of the skin. For external use. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation; childhood; Individual intolerance to the components of the preparation; do not apply to open wounds; avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact, rinse thoroughly with water. Before use, test on a small area of skin.
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In stock: 433 Natural ointment for the treatment of vascular diseases of the veins of the lower extremities with earthworm enzymes. Helps restore the fibers of the vessel walls, elasticity, restore the former smoothness of the skin, eliminate the causes of venous disorders. The cream relieves pain and swelling in diseases such as varicose veins, vasculitis, thrombophlebitis. The cream for varicose veins normalizes blood circulation in the veins, cleanses the walls of blood vessels, restoring their patency and smoothing the texture of the skin. The cream improves blood microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism. Due to this, the processes of resorption of bruises, hematomas and blood clots are accelerated, the patency of the veins is restored. Ingredients: cinnamon, Oldham's figwort, millettia reticulata, large-flowered epimedium, Chuannu root, earthworm, Japanese honeysuckle. Indications for use: varicose insufficiency varicose veins vasculitis, nodular vasculitis symptoms of numbness, heaviness in the legs, swelling conditions after surgical and phlebosclerosing treatment Action of the drug: improves blood circulation in the veins, restoring their patency cleanses the walls of blood vessels from accumulated harmful substances normalizes blood circulation accelerates the process of resorption of blood clots, bruises relieves aching and bursting pain, numbness, swelling, fatigue gradually evens out the texture of the skin in the affected veins Method of application: external. Wash and wipe dry the sore spot, apply the ointment in an even layer. Use 3-5 times a day. Contraindications: pregnancy. Use with caution in case of skin allergy and skin damage. The drug cannot replace the main treatment. Store in a cool, dry place.
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In stock: 998 Chinese brilliant green is traditionally used for the care and rapid restoration of skin areas after damage: healing burns, irritations, insect bites. It has a regenerating, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves redness. The light formula of the gel, enriched with plant extracts, moisturizes and softens the skin, and also has a calming effect. Suitable for all skin types. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, early infancy (up to 1 month). Use with caution in case of fungal skin diseases. Indications for use: bacterial skin infections caused by microorganisms; sepsis; postoperative purulent complications; wound infection; skin and soft tissue infections; burns (including sunburn); insect bites; contact dermatitis (including that caused by irritating plants); minor wounds (including scratches); herpes; frostbite of the skin;
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In stock: 1157 Composition The balm contains over a hundred natural ingredients, oils and medicinal herbs from the mountain forests of Thailand, China and Indonesia. The ointment contains only natural ingredients. It includes: Camphor - 11%, menthol - 10%, cajeput oil - 7%, mint oil - 6%, clove oil - 5%, cassia oil - 5%, red pepper extract - 1%, a complex of medicinal oriental herbs and essential oils. How to use Tiger Balm is applied in a thin layer to the skin surface and rubbed in with gentle massaging movements for 1-2 minutes. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day. Indications Has an effective warming effect; helps relieve severe pain; is used to relieve muscle fatigue, sprains and bruises; improves the trophism of cells and organs; used for colds as a massage agent and for inhalation; can be used for infectious diseases complicated by cardiac and respiratory failure; improves blood circulation, normalizes breathing; is effective in treating diseases associated with salt deposits; relieves itching from insect bites; is used for colds and coughs; for headaches, the balm is rubbed into the temporal and occipital parts of the head; promotes effective treatment of joint diseases. Contraindications The ointment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Red balm should not be used by people who are allergic to the components of the ointment. The balm is used exclusively for external use. Avoid getting the ointment inside, as well as on mucous membranes (including eyes) and damaged areas of the skin.
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In stock: 1576 Used for cold prevention, general strengthening effect. Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the body during fatigue and stress. Helps with headaches and migraines. Reduces itching after insect bites. Ingredients: menthol, camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil. Indications for use: headache, migraine, stress, psychoneurosis, excessive emotional arousal, fatigue, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis), insect bites. Method of application: apply a small amount of the product to the temples and back of the head, for colds, rub the balm into the chest area and feet. Contraindications: apply the balm only to the skin, avoiding open wounds and mucous membranes.
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In stock: 449 Fijiling balm is used to prevent and treat colds and headaches. Thanks to the healing essential oils, the drug has a healing therapeutic effect on the body. It is used as a means for rubbing. The oil helps not only with colds, but also improves the general condition. Indications for use headache runny nose ARVI cold flu cough bronchitis nasal swelling It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The aromatic components of the oil are very effective against colds and contribute to: the emergence of obstacles to the penetration of viruses through the larynx and mucous membranes of the nose; restoration of self-regulating processes in the body; increase in local immunity; improvement of blood circulation. With regular use during illness, smelling oil blocks further development of infection and its spread in the upper respiratory tract. In case of acute respiratory viral infection or flu, it helps to reduce the temperature, relieve cough, soothe headache, reduce nasal swelling. It has a pleasant warming effect and stops inflammatory processes. Composition The product contains a mixture of natural essential oils, such as: camphor oil, clove oil, basil oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil. How to use When it is necessary to cure a cold, a small amount of the product is applied to the skin with smooth massage movements and rubbed in until a burning sensation appears. After rubbing, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm shawl to enhance the effect of the application. When treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as acute respiratory viral infections, apply the oil to the area under the nose, both wings of the nose, the area under the lower lip, maxillary sinuses and the skin in the temples, and begin to rub it in. To combat cough and bronchitis, apply the smelling oil to the chest (in the bronchial area). It is also necessary to rub the calves of the legs. To relieve headaches, apply Fijiling essential oil to the temples.
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In stock: 177 Fijiling balm is used to prevent and treat colds and headaches. Thanks to the healing essential oils, the drug has a healing therapeutic effect on the body. It is used as a means for rubbing. The oil helps not only with colds, but also improves the general condition. Indications for use headache runny nose ARVI cold flu cough bronchitis nasal swelling It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The aromatic components of the oil are very effective against colds and contribute to: the emergence of obstacles to the penetration of viruses through the larynx and mucous membranes of the nose; restoration of self-regulating processes in the body; increase in local immunity; improvement of blood circulation. With regular use during illness, smelling oil blocks further development of infection and its spread in the upper respiratory tract. In case of acute respiratory viral infection or flu, it helps to reduce the temperature, relieve cough, soothe headache, reduce nasal swelling. It has a pleasant warming effect and stops inflammatory processes. Composition The product contains a mixture of natural essential oils, such as: camphor oil, clove oil, basil oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil. How to use When it is necessary to cure a cold, a small amount of the product is applied to the skin with smooth massage movements and rubbed in until a burning sensation appears. After rubbing, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm shawl to enhance the effect of the application. When treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as acute respiratory viral infections, apply the oil to the area under the nose, both wings of the nose, the area under the lower lip, maxillary sinuses and the skin in the temples, and begin to rub it in. To combat cough and bronchitis, apply the smelling oil to the chest (in the bronchial area). It is also necessary to rub the calves of the legs. To relieve headaches, apply Fijiling essential oil to the temples.
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In stock: 1391 White Tiger Ointment Balm is an excellent product produced using ancient technologies and traditional recipes of oriental medicine using high-quality natural ingredients that have a specific effect on the nerve endings at acupuncture points. 20g is designed for approximately 500 applications. White Tiger Balm is used to improve blood circulation and expand superficial blood vessels with a local analgesic effect, and the balm is also great for massage. The composition includes only natural extracts of natural origin: Saffron, Scorpion Venom, Chinese Angelica, Two-Toothed Strawflower, Solomon's Seal, Japanese Renutria, Ginger, Striped Ligusticum, Argi Wormwood, Motherwort, Sage Root. It can be called a truly folk natural balm for pain relief. The main medical effect of the balm: painkiller, has a local anesthetic effect; has a therapeutic warming effect; improves blood circulation, protects the body from hypothermia. The drug is for external use only!
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In stock: 590 White Tiger Ointment Balm is an excellent product produced using ancient technologies and traditional recipes of oriental medicine using high-quality natural ingredients that have a specific effect on the nerve endings at acupuncture points. 20g is designed for approximately 500 applications. White Tiger Balm is used to improve blood circulation and expand superficial blood vessels with a local analgesic effect, and the balm is also great for massage. The composition includes only natural extracts of natural origin: Saffron, Scorpion Venom, Chinese Angelica, Two-Toothed Strawflower, Solomon's Seal, Japanese Renutria, Ginger, Striped Ligusticum, Argi Wormwood, Motherwort, Sage Root. It can be called a truly folk natural balm for pain relief. The main medical effect of the balm: painkiller, has a local anesthetic effect; has a therapeutic warming effect; improves blood circulation, protects the body from hypothermia. The drug is for external use only!
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In stock: 189 Peeling socks from Bioaqua are a good moisturizer. The manufacturer has provided a special peeling gel, which is made from natural acids and extracts. This will help bring your feet into excellent shape in just a few applications! The mask moisturizes and softens the skin, relieves tired and tense feet. Cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also fights unpleasant odors. Using them is simple and clear. You need to put on socks on clean, dry feet for 20-40 minutes. After that, wash off the remaining gel and apply foot cream. The mask is also recommended for use after exfoliating foot peeling. Moisturizing peeling socks Bioaqua BQY8955
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In stock: 232 About the product Foot peeling socks from the Asian brand Pilaten are ideal helpers in preparing your feet for the summer season. The disposable sealed package contains a transparent gel composition for gentle exfoliation of roughened epidermal cells. The cosmetic product is easy to use: you can take foot masks with you on a trip to make your skin soft, smooth and attractive. Composition The gel is based on glycerin, which reliably retains moisture in the deep layers and helps nourish rough, dry skin. To add softness and smoothness, the composition includes lavender flower extract, which is also known for its antiseptic and healing properties. It eliminates peeling and heals microdamages, and natural ginseng extract gently softens dead cells, stimulates blood flow and promotes cell regeneration. Effect The gel with a pleasant floral aroma effectively combats roughness, dryness and microcracks. It softens, smoothes and deeply nourishes the skin, accelerates the healing of microdamages and gives the feet amazing smoothness. Application The composition is applied to clean dry skin, evenly distributing it over the surface with gentle circular movements. The gel is not rubbed in, leaving it to dry completely for 5-7 minutes. The translucent white film formed on the surface of the feet is carefully removed, after which additional skin nutrition with a rich cream is recommended to enhance and prolong the effect.
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In stock: 45 About the product The SENANA set of floral hand creams is designed to care for damaged dry skin. The set consists of 5 tubes of cream with unrivaled delicate aromas of lily, chamomile, green tea, rose oil and lavender. All these plants are known for their healing properties. The thoughtful plant design of each cream reflects the chemical formula of the product. The package contains 5 pcs. of 30 grams. The tubes do not lose their presentable appearance throughout the entire period, so such a set can be an excellent idea for a gift. Composition * Water. * Butylene glycol. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Extract of lily, chamomile, green tea, rose oil, lavender. Effect The care products from the Senana set have a moisturizing and regenerating effect. Creams with a delicate texture help protect the skin of the hands from external influences. Plant extracts have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. With regular use of the product, the skin of the hands looks smooth and well-groomed. Hands are softened, they are silky, pleasant to touch. The cream is suitable for use during the day and at night. Senana flower creams are also recommended for strengthening the nail plate. How to use Before applying, wash your hands with soap. Squeeze a small amount of cream from the tube and spread over all areas. Rub into the skin with light stroking movements until absorbed.
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In stock: 47
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In stock: 31 About the product The Senana Fruit Hand Cream set is a product with the aromas of blueberry, pomegranate, lemon, peach and shea butter. Each of these products is paraben-free and actively and at the same time delicately combats dry skin on the hands. The tubes are pleasant to the touch and have a convenient flat lid, which allows you to place the cream vertically on a shelf. Mini creams take up little space and can be taken with you on the road - on a business trip or on vacation. The package contains 5 pcs. of 30 ml. The SENANA fruit hand cream set can be presented as a gift. Ingredients * Water. * Butylene glycol. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Extract of blueberry, pomegranate, lemon, peach. * Shea tree bark extract. Effect The SENANA fruit cream set can become your favorite assistant in the fight against peeling and dry skin of the hands. The texture of the product is so light and delicate that dry damaged skin instantly absorbs it and receives a balanced dose of active ingredients. With regular use of fruit hand creams, the level of hydration increases. The product tones, evens out the structure, heals wounds and cracks. Lightens pigmented areas, has an antioxidant effect. In addition, you can treat the nail plate. SENANA creams have a pronounced anti-aging effect. Under their influence, the skin on the hands becomes elastic, firm, the visibility of calloused old hands completely disappears. How to use Wash your hands with water, dry with a towel. Apply a small amount of cream to the skin and rub it in.
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In stock: 17
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In stock: 12 Hand cream with snail mucin Images 75 grams XXM2835 Hand cream based on snail mucus extract is designed to intensively care for the skin of the hands. Snail mucin in its composition is a 100% natural component, the effectiveness of which has been clinically proven. It moisturizes the skin of the hands, improves its color and appearance, fights redness and microcracks, soothing and prolonging the youth of the skin. The skin will retain its elasticity and flexibility even after contact with detergents and hard water. The cream has a pleasant light smell and a comfortable consistency, due to which it instantly penetrates the skin, making it soft and smooth. How to use: apply a small amount of cream to your hands and gently rub into the skin.
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In stock: 77 Hand cream with chamomile Bioaqua 75 grams