Beauty and Health

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In stock: 306 Pain-relieving ointment with scorpion venom is a fast-acting drug for reducing and eliminating pain in the musculoskeletal system, based on medicinal herbs and poisons. Helps to improve health and restore the functions of muscle and bone structure. The product is developed and manufactured according to traditional recipes of Chinese folk medicine. The pain reliever for joints stimulates blood circulation in the affected areas, eliminating the formation of blood stagnation. The composition includes natural medicinal ingredients that can quickly and effectively eliminate inflammation and pain symptoms of the moving parts of the bone structure. Natural pain-relieving ointment is easily absorbed and penetrates into their tissue structure, has a direct analgesic, warming, and soothing effect. Application The composition is applied to problem areas 1-2 times a day in a thin layer, rubbing in with light movements until completely absorbed. It is not recommended to apply the pain-relieving ointment to children, during pregnancy (use under the supervision of a doctor), people with individual intolerance and hypersensitivity to the components, in case of itching and allergic reactions, on areas of skin with open wounds, damage and inflammation. Composition The main biologically active substances of the ointment for joints: Fat and venom of white viper. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is used to restore the functionality of joints, peripheral treatment of the nervous system and elimination of muscle pain. An effective pain reliever, reduces inflammation of the skin. Milled centipede. Scorpion venom. Poria cocos (tinder fungus) - a sedative. Bee venom is an antiseptic, reduces inflammation, pain. Increases the level of red blood cells and prevents blood stagnation, dilates blood vessels.
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In stock: 66 The product is made using natural medicinal herbs grown in ecologically clean areas of the mountains of Miaolintong, Leigong, Yuelian, Taiyang, Foding, Shiwanda and others. Due to the competent combination and proportioning of medicinal herbs, Miaolin Jiefushuang ointment helps to quickly relieve inflammation and pain, destroys pathogens, stops the course of the disease, improves blood supply and activates the process of tissue regeneration. To date, the effectiveness of Miaolin Jiefushuang ointment has been proven in relation to such diseases as psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, scabies, all types of lichen, as well as skin diseases caused by staphylococcus, enterococcus and other microorganisms resistant to traditional drugs. psoriasis, including on the scalp itching, irritation on any areas of the skin dermatitis and dermatoses shingles, ringworm, versicolor lichen neurodermatitis eczema folliculitis scleroderma dermatomycosis of the feet acne scabies skin inflammation of any etiology Ingredients: Chinese false larch, catechu acacia, fragrant gynocardia, hibiscus leaves, girchi fruits, liquid paraffin, stearic acid, glycerolipids, petrolatum, acetyl alcohol, sorbitan oleate, polysorbate 80, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate. Use: apply the ointment to the affected area of the skin with light movements, leave until completely dry. Use 3 times a day. For external use only. Course of application: minimum course - 8 days.
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In stock: 567 Zudaifu cream ointment (Zudaifu) original recipe - the number one remedy in China for psoriasis, dermatitis, vitiligo, fungal infections and other skin diseases. Indications for use: psoriasis, vitiligo, fungal infections, skin lesions by staphylococcus and candida bacteria, lichen, ichthyosis, irritation and redness of the skin, skin itching, itching of the external genitalia, acne (pimples), mosquito and insect bites, prickly heat, eczema, dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, herpes. Ingredients: Chinese pagoda tree, kochia scoparia, holly leaves, Amur cork tree, burning root, Chinese lotus, sweet honey locust, ash root, mulberry root bark, chlorhexidine (antiseptic), menthol, purified water, white petroleum jelly. Directions: Zudaifu cream for psoriasis, eczema and vitiligo is applied in small amounts to a clean and dry area of the body. Use daily, at least twice. This causes a feeling of slight freshness, rarely - a slight burning sensation. For external use only! Apply until the unpleasant symptoms disappear completely and for an additional 2-3 weeks to achieve stable remission. The manufacturer of Zudaifu ointment recommends a repeat course after a month. Attention! It is not a medicine. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Pregnancy. Lactation period. Do not use in children under 3 years of age. Individual intolerance to the components!
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In stock: 578 Joint ointment, consisting of carefully selected and combined natural ingredients, developed according to ancient recipes of traditional Chinese medicine. It acts quickly, comprehensively and effectively, relieving the symptoms of various diseases of the joints and connective tissue. Composition Purified dragon turtle fat - has a complex beneficial effect on the joints. Centipede and scorpion venoms are excellent analgesics and anti-inflammatory agents. Borneol - effective for rheumatic pain, antispasmodic, tones tissues. Menthol - soothes and relieves pain. Camphor - has an anti-inflammatory effect, fights bacteria. Eucalyptus oil - improves blood circulation, is a natural antiseptic. Holly oil - reduces pain. Dwarf stellera root - relieves swelling and redness. Properties The drug almost instantly relieves pain in muscles and movable bone joints, alleviates the condition of pinched nerves, helps eliminate limited mobility, especially in the morning or after prolonged immobility. The components of the ointment, due to their antibacterial effect, help relieve inflammation and eliminate swelling. Normal blood circulation in the vessels is restored. "Dragon Turtle" is a drug with a pronounced warming effect, which also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints. The product is effective in recovering from injuries of various kinds. Indications for use Arthrosis; systemic inflammation of connective tissue; degenerative disorders of cartilage tissue; sciatic nerve impingement; lower back pain; gout; sprains, bruises. Application The drug is applied to clean skin with massaging movements until completely absorbed. Apply 1 to 5 times a day, depending on the intensity of pain. When applied, warmth is felt, sometimes a slight burning sensation.
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In stock: 269 Ointment based on scorpion venom has anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic effect, strong inhibitory action. Active enzymes included in the preparation kill bacteria and bacterial spores hidden under the skin, quickly penetrate the epidermis (450 microns) and completely prevent relapse, deeply cleansing the skin. Effective antifungal agent for skin diseases. Ingredients: scorpion venom, 28 herbs of Chinese medicine (round holly (Ilex rotunda), milkweed (Euphorbia jolkinii Boiss), Sophora flavescens, kochia scoparia seeds, cnidium monnieri, dried ash root bark, dried thorns of Chinese honey locust trunks (Spinae Gleditsiae), giant typhonium, japonica stemona, daurian rhododendron leaf, borneol, menthol). Indications for use: onychomycosis, fungal skin lesions (caused by yeast-like fungi), mycosis, dermatoses, epidermophytosis, trichophytosis, ringworm, shingles, psoriasis, prickly heat. Method of application: externally, apply to the affected area 2-3 times a day. When applying the ointment to the problem area of the skin, a slight chill and tingling may be felt. Storage: in a dry, cool place inaccessible to children. Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, tendency to allergies.
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In stock: 384 Indications for use: localized itchy dermatoses, neurodermatoses, contact dermatitis, weeping eczema, seborrheic dermatitis. Main components: each gram of ointment contains 0.75 mg of dexamethasone, 0.10 mg of camphor, 0.10 mg of menthol, excipients - field mint, sodium phosphate, liquid paraffin, hexadecanol, glyceryl monostearate, glyceride, polyoxyl (40 mg) stearate, carbomer, bicarbonate soda, purified water. Dexamethasone acetate contained in the ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect, has an antihistamine effect; Mint and camphor have antipruritic, analgesic effects, stimulate local blood circulation. Method of administration and dosage: externally, 1-2 times a day, apply a small amount of ointment to the affected areas of the skin with massaging movements. Side effects: with prolonged use may lead to atrophy of the skin, impaired blood circulation in the microvessels of the skin, skin pigmentation. In rare cases, it causes allergic reactions. It is prohibited: 1. Apply to the surface of the skin with open wounds; it is not recommended to use in case of swelling after application or severe intolerance. 2. Use of the drug by people with diseases of viral etiology (herpes, smallpox, etc.). 3. Use for children. Precautions: Pregnant and lactating women should use with caution. With a large area of skin damage and the need for long-term use of the drug, it is recommended to conduct a trial use for 1 week; if the symptoms do not stop, consult a doctor. If a burning sensation, redness and swelling appear at the site of application of the ointment, then you should stop using the ointment, wash off the preparation at the site of application. If necessary, consult a doctor. In case of reinfection, you should consult a doctor. Allergy sufferers should use with caution.
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In stock: 312 The drug has an anticoagulant effect, has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, fights against unpleasant itching and painful sensations. Due to the natural components of the antipruritic ointment Fu Lie Ling, rough skin becomes soft, small cracks and wounds heal in a short time. In severe frosts, the ointment serves as a protective agent against cracking and dryness of the skin. Indications for use: Itching, dryness of the epidermis of the elbows, hands and feet, tightening of the skin of the nasolabial folds, face, as well as peeling of the skin, painful sensations in psoriasis, dermatitis, and other skin diseases. Composition of Fu Lie Ling anti-itch ointment: Colorless mineral oil consisting of naphthenes and paraffins, glyceryl stearate, stearyl alcohol, white petrolatum, stearic acid, and other medicinal components. Directions for use: Before using Fulelin anti-itch ointment, thoroughly wash the affected area. Then apply the product evenly and carefully to the skin in a thin layer. In case of advanced skin lesions, apply a gauze bandage to the ointment. Do not wash off after application! Course of treatment: use Fulelin anti-itch ointment on problem areas no more than 2 times a day until symptoms disappear completely. For maximum effect, it is better to apply the cream before bedtime. Result after use. 10-20 minutes after a single application of the ointment, the skin becomes smooth, velvety and moisturized, the itching stops. After several applications of the ointment, cracks in the skin disappear, wounds heal, and the inflammatory process stops. Regular use of Fulelin cream is an excellent preventative measure against dryness and irritation of the skin.
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In stock: 1345 Iganerging does not contain hormones, alcohol, dyes and preservatives, active chemicals and parabens, therefore it is not addictive and is absolutely safe. eczema psoriasis of various types and forms various dermatitis, including allergic various types of lichen candidiasis of the external mucous membranes corns, plaques, dry skin female vulvitis allergic rash pimples and acne consequences of household and sunburns vitiligo itching swelling from insect bites How to use: apply a thin layer of cream to clean problem areas 2-3 times a day. Apply until the symptoms of problem areas of the skin disappear. After the symptoms on problem areas of the skin disappear, after 2 - 3 weeks, repeat the weekly course for the prevention of problem areas of the skin. For external use. Contraindications: pregnancy and lactation; childhood; Individual intolerance to the components of the preparation; do not apply to open wounds; avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact, rinse thoroughly with water. Before use, test on a small area of skin.
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In stock: 433 Natural ointment for the treatment of vascular diseases of the veins of the lower extremities with earthworm enzymes. Helps restore the fibers of the vessel walls, elasticity, restore the former smoothness of the skin, eliminate the causes of venous disorders. The cream relieves pain and swelling in diseases such as varicose veins, vasculitis, thrombophlebitis. The cream for varicose veins normalizes blood circulation in the veins, cleanses the walls of blood vessels, restoring their patency and smoothing the texture of the skin. The cream improves blood microcirculation and activates tissue metabolism. Due to this, the processes of resorption of bruises, hematomas and blood clots are accelerated, the patency of the veins is restored. Ingredients: cinnamon, Oldham's figwort, millettia reticulata, large-flowered epimedium, Chuannu root, earthworm, Japanese honeysuckle. Indications for use: varicose insufficiency varicose veins vasculitis, nodular vasculitis symptoms of numbness, heaviness in the legs, swelling conditions after surgical and phlebosclerosing treatment Action of the drug: improves blood circulation in the veins, restoring their patency cleanses the walls of blood vessels from accumulated harmful substances normalizes blood circulation accelerates the process of resorption of blood clots, bruises relieves aching and bursting pain, numbness, swelling, fatigue gradually evens out the texture of the skin in the affected veins Method of application: external. Wash and wipe dry the sore spot, apply the ointment in an even layer. Use 3-5 times a day. Contraindications: pregnancy. Use with caution in case of skin allergy and skin damage. The drug cannot replace the main treatment. Store in a cool, dry place.
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In stock: 998 Chinese brilliant green is traditionally used for the care and rapid restoration of skin areas after damage: healing burns, irritations, insect bites. It has a regenerating, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, relieves redness. The light formula of the gel, enriched with plant extracts, moisturizes and softens the skin, and also has a calming effect. Suitable for all skin types. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components, hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, early infancy (up to 1 month). Use with caution in case of fungal skin diseases. Indications for use: bacterial skin infections caused by microorganisms; sepsis; postoperative purulent complications; wound infection; skin and soft tissue infections; burns (including sunburn); insect bites; contact dermatitis (including that caused by irritating plants); minor wounds (including scratches); herpes; frostbite of the skin;
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In stock: 1157 Composition The balm contains over a hundred natural ingredients, oils and medicinal herbs from the mountain forests of Thailand, China and Indonesia. The ointment contains only natural ingredients. It includes: Camphor - 11%, menthol - 10%, cajeput oil - 7%, mint oil - 6%, clove oil - 5%, cassia oil - 5%, red pepper extract - 1%, a complex of medicinal oriental herbs and essential oils. How to use Tiger Balm is applied in a thin layer to the skin surface and rubbed in with gentle massaging movements for 1-2 minutes. It is recommended to use 3-4 times a day. Indications Has an effective warming effect; helps relieve severe pain; is used to relieve muscle fatigue, sprains and bruises; improves the trophism of cells and organs; used for colds as a massage agent and for inhalation; can be used for infectious diseases complicated by cardiac and respiratory failure; improves blood circulation, normalizes breathing; is effective in treating diseases associated with salt deposits; relieves itching from insect bites; is used for colds and coughs; for headaches, the balm is rubbed into the temporal and occipital parts of the head; promotes effective treatment of joint diseases. Contraindications The ointment is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. Red balm should not be used by people who are allergic to the components of the ointment. The balm is used exclusively for external use. Avoid getting the ointment inside, as well as on mucous membranes (including eyes) and damaged areas of the skin.
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In stock: 1576 Used for cold prevention, general strengthening effect. Essential oils have a beneficial effect on the body during fatigue and stress. Helps with headaches and migraines. Reduces itching after insect bites. Ingredients: menthol, camphor, peppermint oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, cinnamon oil. Indications for use: headache, migraine, stress, psychoneurosis, excessive emotional arousal, fatigue, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis), insect bites. Method of application: apply a small amount of the product to the temples and back of the head, for colds, rub the balm into the chest area and feet. Contraindications: apply the balm only to the skin, avoiding open wounds and mucous membranes.
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In stock: 449 Fijiling balm is used to prevent and treat colds and headaches. Thanks to the healing essential oils, the drug has a healing therapeutic effect on the body. It is used as a means for rubbing. The oil helps not only with colds, but also improves the general condition. Indications for use headache runny nose ARVI cold flu cough bronchitis nasal swelling It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The aromatic components of the oil are very effective against colds and contribute to: the emergence of obstacles to the penetration of viruses through the larynx and mucous membranes of the nose; restoration of self-regulating processes in the body; increase in local immunity; improvement of blood circulation. With regular use during illness, smelling oil blocks further development of infection and its spread in the upper respiratory tract. In case of acute respiratory viral infection or flu, it helps to reduce the temperature, relieve cough, soothe headache, reduce nasal swelling. It has a pleasant warming effect and stops inflammatory processes. Composition The product contains a mixture of natural essential oils, such as: camphor oil, clove oil, basil oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil. How to use When it is necessary to cure a cold, a small amount of the product is applied to the skin with smooth massage movements and rubbed in until a burning sensation appears. After rubbing, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm shawl to enhance the effect of the application. When treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as acute respiratory viral infections, apply the oil to the area under the nose, both wings of the nose, the area under the lower lip, maxillary sinuses and the skin in the temples, and begin to rub it in. To combat cough and bronchitis, apply the smelling oil to the chest (in the bronchial area). It is also necessary to rub the calves of the legs. To relieve headaches, apply Fijiling essential oil to the temples.
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In stock: 177 Fijiling balm is used to prevent and treat colds and headaches. Thanks to the healing essential oils, the drug has a healing therapeutic effect on the body. It is used as a means for rubbing. The oil helps not only with colds, but also improves the general condition. Indications for use headache runny nose ARVI cold flu cough bronchitis nasal swelling It is also used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The aromatic components of the oil are very effective against colds and contribute to: the emergence of obstacles to the penetration of viruses through the larynx and mucous membranes of the nose; restoration of self-regulating processes in the body; increase in local immunity; improvement of blood circulation. With regular use during illness, smelling oil blocks further development of infection and its spread in the upper respiratory tract. In case of acute respiratory viral infection or flu, it helps to reduce the temperature, relieve cough, soothe headache, reduce nasal swelling. It has a pleasant warming effect and stops inflammatory processes. Composition The product contains a mixture of natural essential oils, such as: camphor oil, clove oil, basil oil, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil. How to use When it is necessary to cure a cold, a small amount of the product is applied to the skin with smooth massage movements and rubbed in until a burning sensation appears. After rubbing, it is recommended to wrap yourself in a warm shawl to enhance the effect of the application. When treating diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as acute respiratory viral infections, apply the oil to the area under the nose, both wings of the nose, the area under the lower lip, maxillary sinuses and the skin in the temples, and begin to rub it in. To combat cough and bronchitis, apply the smelling oil to the chest (in the bronchial area). It is also necessary to rub the calves of the legs. To relieve headaches, apply Fijiling essential oil to the temples.
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In stock: 1391 White Tiger Ointment Balm is an excellent product produced using ancient technologies and traditional recipes of oriental medicine using high-quality natural ingredients that have a specific effect on the nerve endings at acupuncture points. 20g is designed for approximately 500 applications. White Tiger Balm is used to improve blood circulation and expand superficial blood vessels with a local analgesic effect, and the balm is also great for massage. The composition includes only natural extracts of natural origin: Saffron, Scorpion Venom, Chinese Angelica, Two-Toothed Strawflower, Solomon's Seal, Japanese Renutria, Ginger, Striped Ligusticum, Argi Wormwood, Motherwort, Sage Root. It can be called a truly folk natural balm for pain relief. The main medical effect of the balm: painkiller, has a local anesthetic effect; has a therapeutic warming effect; improves blood circulation, protects the body from hypothermia. The drug is for external use only!
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In stock: 590 White Tiger Ointment Balm is an excellent product produced using ancient technologies and traditional recipes of oriental medicine using high-quality natural ingredients that have a specific effect on the nerve endings at acupuncture points. 20g is designed for approximately 500 applications. White Tiger Balm is used to improve blood circulation and expand superficial blood vessels with a local analgesic effect, and the balm is also great for massage. The composition includes only natural extracts of natural origin: Saffron, Scorpion Venom, Chinese Angelica, Two-Toothed Strawflower, Solomon's Seal, Japanese Renutria, Ginger, Striped Ligusticum, Argi Wormwood, Motherwort, Sage Root. It can be called a truly folk natural balm for pain relief. The main medical effect of the balm: painkiller, has a local anesthetic effect; has a therapeutic warming effect; improves blood circulation, protects the body from hypothermia. The drug is for external use only!
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In stock: 189 Peeling socks from Bioaqua are a good moisturizer. The manufacturer has provided a special peeling gel, which is made from natural acids and extracts. This will help bring your feet into excellent shape in just a few applications! The mask moisturizes and softens the skin, relieves tired and tense feet. Cleanses and moisturizes the skin, and also fights unpleasant odors. Using them is simple and clear. You need to put on socks on clean, dry feet for 20-40 minutes. After that, wash off the remaining gel and apply foot cream. The mask is also recommended for use after exfoliating foot peeling. Moisturizing peeling socks Bioaqua BQY8955
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In stock: 232 About the product Foot peeling socks from the Asian brand Pilaten are ideal helpers in preparing your feet for the summer season. The disposable sealed package contains a transparent gel composition for gentle exfoliation of roughened epidermal cells. The cosmetic product is easy to use: you can take foot masks with you on a trip to make your skin soft, smooth and attractive. Composition The gel is based on glycerin, which reliably retains moisture in the deep layers and helps nourish rough, dry skin. To add softness and smoothness, the composition includes lavender flower extract, which is also known for its antiseptic and healing properties. It eliminates peeling and heals microdamages, and natural ginseng extract gently softens dead cells, stimulates blood flow and promotes cell regeneration. Effect The gel with a pleasant floral aroma effectively combats roughness, dryness and microcracks. It softens, smoothes and deeply nourishes the skin, accelerates the healing of microdamages and gives the feet amazing smoothness. Application The composition is applied to clean dry skin, evenly distributing it over the surface with gentle circular movements. The gel is not rubbed in, leaving it to dry completely for 5-7 minutes. The translucent white film formed on the surface of the feet is carefully removed, after which additional skin nutrition with a rich cream is recommended to enhance and prolong the effect.
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In stock: 45 About the product The SENANA set of floral hand creams is designed to care for damaged dry skin. The set consists of 5 tubes of cream with unrivaled delicate aromas of lily, chamomile, green tea, rose oil and lavender. All these plants are known for their healing properties. The thoughtful plant design of each cream reflects the chemical formula of the product. The package contains 5 pcs. of 30 grams. The tubes do not lose their presentable appearance throughout the entire period, so such a set can be an excellent idea for a gift. Composition * Water. * Butylene glycol. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Extract of lily, chamomile, green tea, rose oil, lavender. Effect The care products from the Senana set have a moisturizing and regenerating effect. Creams with a delicate texture help protect the skin of the hands from external influences. Plant extracts have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. With regular use of the product, the skin of the hands looks smooth and well-groomed. Hands are softened, they are silky, pleasant to touch. The cream is suitable for use during the day and at night. Senana flower creams are also recommended for strengthening the nail plate. How to use Before applying, wash your hands with soap. Squeeze a small amount of cream from the tube and spread over all areas. Rub into the skin with light stroking movements until absorbed.
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In stock: 47
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In stock: 31 About the product The Senana Fruit Hand Cream set is a product with the aromas of blueberry, pomegranate, lemon, peach and shea butter. Each of these products is paraben-free and actively and at the same time delicately combats dry skin on the hands. The tubes are pleasant to the touch and have a convenient flat lid, which allows you to place the cream vertically on a shelf. Mini creams take up little space and can be taken with you on the road - on a business trip or on vacation. The package contains 5 pcs. of 30 ml. The SENANA fruit hand cream set can be presented as a gift. Ingredients * Water. * Butylene glycol. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Extract of blueberry, pomegranate, lemon, peach. * Shea tree bark extract. Effect The SENANA fruit cream set can become your favorite assistant in the fight against peeling and dry skin of the hands. The texture of the product is so light and delicate that dry damaged skin instantly absorbs it and receives a balanced dose of active ingredients. With regular use of fruit hand creams, the level of hydration increases. The product tones, evens out the structure, heals wounds and cracks. Lightens pigmented areas, has an antioxidant effect. In addition, you can treat the nail plate. SENANA creams have a pronounced anti-aging effect. Under their influence, the skin on the hands becomes elastic, firm, the visibility of calloused old hands completely disappears. How to use Wash your hands with water, dry with a towel. Apply a small amount of cream to the skin and rub it in.
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In stock: 17
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In stock: 12 Hand cream with snail mucin Images 75 grams XXM2835 Hand cream based on snail mucus extract is designed to intensively care for the skin of the hands. Snail mucin in its composition is a 100% natural component, the effectiveness of which has been clinically proven. It moisturizes the skin of the hands, improves its color and appearance, fights redness and microcracks, soothing and prolonging the youth of the skin. The skin will retain its elasticity and flexibility even after contact with detergents and hard water. The cream has a pleasant light smell and a comfortable consistency, due to which it instantly penetrates the skin, making it soft and smooth. How to use: apply a small amount of cream to your hands and gently rub into the skin.
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In stock: 77 Hand cream with chamomile Bioaqua 75 grams
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In stock: 105 Hand cream with horse fat Bioaqua 60 grams
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In stock: 293 Perfumed hand cream Cocosweet Bioaqua 80 grams
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In stock: 181 The anti-crack stick isolates, restores, softens and reduces pain. Practical stick format, easy to use. Designed for skin care with multiple small cracks, on large areas that are problematic for balm coverage: dry skin of hands (palms), legs (heels, feet), wings of the nose, skin areas (periodically in contact with aggressive environments and substances) prone to cracking.
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In stock: 273 The anti-crack stick isolates, restores, softens and reduces pain. Practical stick format, easy to use. Designed for skin care with multiple small cracks, on large areas that are problematic for balm coverage: dry skin of hands (palms), legs (heels, feet), wings of the nose, skin areas (periodically in contact with aggressive environments and substances) prone to cracking.
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In stock: 554 About the product The nourishing cream is designed to care for the skin of hands and feet. The dense but quickly absorbed composition penetrates the epidermis, filling it with emollients. The skin becomes smooth, velvety, less susceptible to cracking and peeling. The cream is especially recommended for use in the cold season. Composition The highly nourishing composition fills the deep layers of the skin with vitamins and components necessary for cell regeneration. The basis of the cream is glycerin, which retains moisture in the epidermis. Also in the composition are allantoin and petroleum jelly, which heal microcracks, stimulate cell regeneration, tone and soften. Effect Improvement in the condition of dry, rough, cracked skin of the feet and hands is visible after the first use. Dry scales become invisible, the skin is smoothed, touching the areas of crack formation does not cause painful sensations. The skin surface is pleasant to the touch and visually more well-groomed. Application It is recommended to apply the cream daily to eliminate and prevent cracks. The skin is pre-cleaned, steamed, wiped with a towel. Then apply a sufficient amount of cream, gently rubbing it into the surface with circular massage movements. The cream is also used as an express remedy for skin restoration: apply a thick layer, put on cotton socks or gloves on top, leaving for 30-40 minutes until maximum absorption.
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In stock: 1057 About the product Nourishing cream Images is designed for hand and foot skin care. The dense but quickly absorbed composition penetrates the epidermis, filling it with emollients. The skin becomes smooth, velvety, less susceptible to cracking and peeling. The cream is especially recommended for use in the cold season. Composition The highly nourishing composition fills the deep layers of the skin with vitamins and components necessary for cell regeneration. The basis of the cream is glycerin, which retains moisture in the epidermis. Also in the composition are allantoin and petroleum jelly, which heal microcracks, stimulate cell regeneration, tone and soften. Effect Improvement in the condition of dry, rough, cracked skin of the feet and hands is visible after the first use. Dry scales become invisible, the skin is smoothed, touching the areas of crack formation does not cause painful sensations. The skin surface is pleasant to the touch and visually more well-groomed. Application It is recommended to apply the cream daily to eliminate and prevent cracks. The skin is pre-cleaned, steamed, wiped with a towel. Then apply a sufficient amount of cream, gently rubbing it into the surface with circular massage movements. The cream is also used as an express remedy for skin restoration: apply a thick layer, put on cotton socks or gloves on top, leaving for 30-40 minutes until maximum absorption.
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In stock: 51 About the product Bioaqua nourishing cream is designed for hand and foot skin care. The dense but quickly absorbed composition penetrates the epidermis, filling it with emollients. The skin becomes smooth, velvety, less susceptible to cracking and peeling. The cream is especially recommended for use in the cold season. Composition The highly nourishing composition fills the deep layers of the skin with vitamins and components necessary for cell regeneration. The base of the cream is glycerin, which retains moisture in the epidermis. Also in the composition are allantoin and petroleum jelly, which heal microcracks, stimulate cell regeneration, tone and soften. Effect Improvement in the condition of dry, rough, cracked skin of the feet and hands is visible after the first use. Dry scales become invisible, the skin is smoothed, touching the areas of crack formation does not cause painful sensations. The skin surface is pleasant to the touch and visually more well-groomed. Application It is recommended to apply the cream daily to eliminate and prevent cracks. The skin is pre-cleaned, steamed, wiped with a towel. Then apply a sufficient amount of cream, gently rubbing it into the surface with circular massage movements. The cream is also used as an express remedy for skin restoration: apply a thick layer, put on cotton socks or gloves on top, leaving for 30-40 minutes until maximum absorption.
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In stock: 332 About the product The IMAGES hand cream set in pink packaging consists of five miniature 30 ml tubes. Each of them produces a different effect and has a pleasant aroma. Depending on the condition of the skin, the weather and your mood, you can use different creams every day: with bee propolis, with chamomile extract, aloe vera, green tea, and sakura flowers. The products are quickly absorbed into the skin of the hands, moisturizing and leaving no greasy sticky marks. Composition All 5 creams are based on natural ingredients. 1. Propolis, like all bee products, contains a large number of vitamins. 2. Chamomile relieves skin inflammation well. 3. Aloe vera extract heals minor wounds. 4. Green tea leaves are rich in calcium, iodine, zinc and other useful substances that tone the skin. 5. Cherry blossoms contain pantothenic acid, which restores tissue elasticity. Effect When using IMAGES creams, the skin of your hands is moisturized, and the unpleasant feeling of dry palms disappears. The skin becomes elastic, smooth, and without pigment spots. Thanks to the carefully selected ingredients, your hands will be reliably protected from adverse environmental influences. Wounds will also heal, and cuts will heal. The vitamin complex included in each product will prevent painful manifestations. Now you will not be bothered by chapped skin, cracks on your fingers, and rough areas on your palms will be smoothed out. How to use Nutrients are best absorbed by damp skin, so it is recommended to apply the cream after washing your hands. For one procedure, it is enough to squeeze a small amount of cream out of the tube and distribute it evenly over the entire surface with gentle touches.
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In stock: 3 Bioaqua Hand Cream Set 5 pcs. 30 grams each
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In stock: 188 About the product Chinese BIOAQUA cream for face, hands and other parts of the body containing active petroleum jelly has an unusually oily melting structure. The cosmetic product includes natural ingredients given by nature. Unlike similar products, BIOAQUA skin restoration cream with petroleum jelly does not contain mineral additives and other ingredients that contribute to clogged pores. Therefore, it is ideal for girls with sensitive skin prone to acne and clogged pores. The product goes on sale in a round jar with a volume of 170 ml. With economical use, this amount will last for a long period. Composition * Shea butter. * Olive fruit extract. * Petroleum jelly. * Wheat proteins. Effect Cream with BIOAQUA petroleum jelly is designed for emergency moisturizing and restoration of the skin. It is instantly absorbed, does not leave greasy stains on clothes, heals cracks and wounds that often appear on overdried skin. The universal product is suitable for use in any season. In warm, hot weather, the cream based on Vaseline restores lost moisture, in winter, when the heating is turned on, it will protect your skin from lack of water, normalizes the water balance in the cells. How to use The cream for SOS restoration of dry, tight skin is suitable not only for adults, it is also recommended for children, especially after sun exposure. It can be used as a restorative, moisturizing agent at any time.
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In stock: 43 About the product Paw Paw Images Restorative Cream with Papaya Extract comes in a plastic tube with a bright summer design featuring a juicy papaya. The 30 ml tube is quite miniature, so you can take it on trips or carry it with you in your purse every day, where it won’t take up much space. Inside the tube is a thick, transparent balm that’s easy to apply and spreads well over the face. The cream has a pleasant fruity aroma that stays on the lips and body for a long time after use. This cosmetic product is suitable for all skin types and doesn’t cause allergic reactions. Ingredients * Mineral oil. * Papaya extract. * Calendula. * Vitamin E. * Glycerin. * Water. Effect Images Restorative Cream effectively eliminates dryness, covers the face with a thin, invisible film, and creates a barrier against cold and ultraviolet radiation. Papaya extract, which is part of the product, saturates the skin with vitamins and minerals. Papaya intensively moisturizes, restores water balance, nourishes the skin with the necessary amount of moisture. Calendula extract has an antibacterial effect, relieves irritation, heals wounds and microcracks. After using the cream, the skin of the hands, lips, face and body becomes soft, silky, radiant. How to use Apply the balm to dry or irritated areas of the skin, wait until it is completely absorbed. Do not rinse. Cream with papaya extract is recommended for daily use.
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In stock: 204 About the product Whitening toothpaste with mint and cranberry flavor Bioaqua perfectly refreshes the oral cavity, whitens teeth by several tones. A 120 g tube with a standard screw cap is economical to use. This is a white paste with a pale pink tint and a rich mint aroma. When brushing your teeth, you can feel the taste of cranberries and refreshing mint. Whitening toothpaste "BIOAQUA" is suitable for people suffering from bleeding gums, it does not have hard grains that can injure them. The product does not cause allergic reactions, intended for people over 16 years of age. Ingredients * Water. * Menthol extract. * Cranberry extract. * Thickener. * Vitamin E. * Silicic acid. * Antimicrobial component. * Fluorine. Effect Bioaqua gel toothpaste provides safe whitening, does not damage enamel, removes plaque from nicotine, coffee, tea. Effectively cleans the entire oral cavity, prevents caries and tartar. Saturates hard dental tissues with calcium and phosphorus. The aroma of mint and cranberry adds freshness to breath for a long time and creates a feeling of cleanliness. The paste intensively fights microbes, does not allow them to multiply. When using it, not only the surface of the enamel is cleaned, but also the space between the teeth. How to use Wet the toothbrush with warm water, squeeze a little product onto it. It is recommended to use the gel toothpaste not only in the morning and evening, but also after each meal. 120 grams
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In stock: 19
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In stock: 14
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In stock: 140 Gentle gel toothpaste with peach extract gently whitens your teeth day after day, provides effective prevention, gentle cleaning and protection against caries, fresh breath, prevents the formation of tartar and dark plaque on the enamel. How to use It is necessary to brush your teeth at least twice a day: in the morning (after eating) and before bed, after the last meal / liquid (except water) for 2-3 minutes. Do not use an excessive amount of paste and do not press hard on the brush. After brushing, rinse your mouth, as swallowing toothpaste can lead to hyperfluoridation of the teeth.
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In stock: 140 Toothpaste with an invigorating aroma of passion fruit eliminates unpleasant odor, maintaining a feeling of freshness and cleanliness of the oral cavity for a long time. Low fluoride content, provides effective and gentle care of teeth and oral cavity. Thoroughly and gently cleans teeth. How to use A small amount of toothpaste (about the size of a large pea) should be applied to a wet toothbrush and evenly distributed over the surface of the teeth. Then gently brush your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water, removing the remains of the paste. The recommended brushing time is 2-3 minutes.
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In stock: 299 30 candies of 3 grams The most convenient form of collagen for oral administration. Original gummy candies, which are now loved by many women who follow fashion and beauty. Manufacturers have patented them as "cosmetically rejuvenating" candies. After eating such a candy, along with the delicacy, the body will simultaneously receive substances useful for the beauty of the skin, such as collagen, enzymes, antioxidants and vitamin C. With prolonged use, they contribute to: improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails; smoothing out fine wrinkles, increasing the smoothness of the skin, slowing down the aging process (anti-age effect); increasing joint mobility, strengthening ligaments, reducing pain, restoring cartilage tissue; strengthening bone tissue, restoring bone tissue after fractures, reducing the risk of osteoporosis; accelerate wound healing and connective tissue restoration after injuries, surgery, burns (improves tissue regeneration); Ingredients: maltose syrup, white sugar, concentrated strawberry juice, carrageenan, sodium citrate, citric acid, DL-malic acid, fruit juice enzyme powder, plant collagen peptide. 1 candy contains: collagen 500 mg, vitamin C 100 mg
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In stock: 291 30 candies of 3 grams The most convenient form of collagen for oral administration. Original gummy candies, which are now loved by many women who follow fashion and beauty. Manufacturers have patented them as "cosmetically rejuvenating" candies. After eating such a candy, along with the delicacy, the body will simultaneously receive substances useful for the beauty of the skin, such as collagen, enzymes, antioxidants and vitamin C. With prolonged use, they contribute to: improving the condition of the skin, hair and nails; smoothing out fine wrinkles, increasing the smoothness of the skin, slowing down the aging process (anti-age effect); increasing joint mobility, strengthening ligaments, reducing pain, restoring cartilage tissue; strengthening bone tissue, restoring bone tissue after fractures, reducing the risk of osteoporosis; accelerate wound healing and connective tissue restoration after injuries, surgery, burns (improves tissue regeneration); Ingredients: maltose syrup, white sugar, concentrated strawberry juice, carrageenan, sodium citrate, citric acid, DL-malic acid, fruit juice enzyme powder, plant collagen peptide. 1 candy contains: collagen 500 mg, vitamin C 100 mg
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In stock: 534 Composition: a preparation based on scorpion, black snake and mountain ants. Auxiliary components - peach pits, kudzu, Japanese quince, cloves, dandelion, radish seeds, Chinese wolfberry fruits, allspice fruits, Chinese dioscorea rhizome, etc. Indications for use: joint pain, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, arthralgia, arthritis, shoulder periarthritis, sciatica, cervical chondrosis, protrusions and herniated discs, bone hyperplasia, numbness of the limbs, polyneuropathy (peripheral polyneuritis), muscle pain. Contraindications: allergic reactions, pregnancy, lactation, children under 12 years of age, gastric ulcer. Directions for use: 3 times a day, 3 tablets at a time, after meals.
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In stock: 112 Dietary supplement. Not a medicine! Wushaoshe (Chinese rat snake) is a traditional Chinese medicine remedy for treating joint and muscle diseases. Wushaoshe capsules treat the following diseases: rheumatism, rheumatoid syndrome, cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc displacement, femoral head necrosis, bursitis, knee meniscus injuries, hyperostosis, muscle strain, limb numbness, rheumatic heart disease (rheumatic carditis), dislocations and sprains, sciatica and other diseases accompanied by pain. Action of the drug: improves blood circulation, stimulates nerve endings extending from the spine and adjacent muscles, improves the condition of the vertebrae and the entire skeletal system, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, analgesic and antirheumatic effects. Indications for use: rheumatism, rheumatoid syndrome, cervical spondylosis, scapulohumeral periarthritis, arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, intervertebral disc displacement, femoral head necrosis, bursitis, knee meniscus injuries, hyperostosis, muscle strain, numbness of the limbs, rheumatic heart disease (rheumatic carditis), dislocations and sprains, sciatica and other diseases accompanied by pain syndrome. Ingredients: Ptyas dhumnades (Chinese rat snake), common copperhead, common lilac, exotic citron "Buddha's Hand" (fu shou), fingered date, common peach and date seeds, ginger amomum fruits (sha ren), mussels (moules), Chinese yam tubers, common licorice and other ingredients. Directions: Take 3 tablets 3 times a day.
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In stock: 327 60 capsules of 0.3 grams Properties of Ganoderma lowers blood cholesterol; reduces blood sugar, restores pancreatic function; lowers blood lipids and strengthens red blood cell membranes; due to the adenosine content of Ganoderma, it reduces plaque accumulation, destroys thrombin and prevents thrombosis; improves the functioning of the adrenal cortex, maintaining the balance of the endocrine system; increases the body's natural self-healing abilities, and strengthens the immune system; prevents tissue death; prevents aging, regularly taking Ganoderma, a person feels healthy and strong until old age; helps people who have suffered injuries to the musculoskeletal system, women during menopause with calcium loss in the bones, children at the age of active bone growth as a source of calcium; restores the body's defenses after a serious illness or surgery; improves the health of the respiratory system in cases of bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis; Composition: Ganoderma spore extract. Directions for use: Take 2 capsules 2 times a day after meals with warm water. Duration of use: 1 month or more.
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In stock: 516 40 capsules of 0.5 grams "Grape seed extract" helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, reduce swelling and fatigue in the legs, improve complexion, and is also involved in the synthesis of collagen, due to which it can reduce the risk of premature aging. For the production of "Grape seed extract" capsules, only carefully selected grapes of the highest quality and gentle production technologies are used, which ensures a high content of polyphenols in each capsule. Ingredients: grape seed oil, soy extract, vitamin E, edible gelatin, glycerin Indications for use: people who want to slow down the aging process, keep the mind and body young for many years people who want to whiten their skin and eliminate age spots (chloasma) cardiovascular diseases - coronary heart disease, stroke, myocardial infarction prevention of cancer allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases diabetes mellitus and its complications (retinopathy, neuropathy, etc.) headaches caused by vascular spasms and dizziness vision problems: deterioration of visual acuity, circulatory problems, retinal degeneration, cataracts radiation damage, poisoning with heavy metal salts people who use a computer, mobile phone, TV for a long time Method of application: 2 capsules 2 times a day during meals
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In stock: 62 Refreshing toner with aloe extract Bioaqua is a godsend for problem skin, a light facial care product with natural aloe vera juice extract, essential amino acids and vitamins. The second active component of the toner is tea tree oil, which has a calming and antibacterial effect. What is it for? The main effects of the toner with aloe produced by BIOAQUA: * effective cleansing from impurities; * restoration of normal pH levels, water-electrolyte balance, lipid barrier; * moisture saturation, nutrition of the deep layers of the skin; * antiseptic and anti-inflammatory therapeutic effect; * normalization of the structure of collagen and elastin fibers; * stimulation of tissue regeneration; * soothing effect after burns, insect bites and other injuries; * protection from damaging factors. Advantages The toner differs from other products because: * acts gently, moisturizes without damaging the protective skin barrier; * is suitable as a basic product for daily care; * does not contain alcohol; * is hypoallergenic, suitable for all skin types and has no age restrictions; * has a light texture, does not form greasy marks or a film effect on the face; * makes the skin healthy and beautiful. It is easy to buy the popular refreshing toner from the Chinese company Bioaqua in a volume of 120 ml on our website. When placing an order, you can specify a convenient delivery method.
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In stock: 105 Bioaqua Blueberry Toner 120 ml BQY0603 About the product The cosmetic product has a pronounced rejuvenating effect. Blueberry extract, which is part of the BIOAQUA toner, is especially useful for young and teenage skin. If you suffer from age spots, teenage acne and other defects on the face, the BIOAQUA blueberry toner will help restore natural beauty and health. Blueberry extract has moisturizing and healing properties, restores delicate skin after chapping, hypothermia, frostbite, sunburn. The nourishing liquid is contained in a bright blue plastic bottle with a capacity of 120 ml. There is a screw cap on top that protects the toner from drying out. Composition * Pure water. * Blueberry extract. * Vitamins B, P, PP. * Hyaluronic acid. * Anthocyanins. * Microelements. * Antioxidants. Effect Toner with blueberries Wonder Lotion BIOAQUA produces an analgesic effect, strengthens the walls of capillaries, restores collagen fibers. With regular use, the skin is toned, becomes more elastic, pigmentation disappears, the face is brightened. Thanks to the antiseptic and soothing properties, micro wounds and cracks quickly heal, rough areas soften. The face becomes soft and velvety. How to use Before use, it is recommended to shake the bottle with toner slightly. The liquid is applied to a clean face with a sponge or palms. For better absorption, do a light massage.
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In stock: 50 Laikou Hyaluronic Acid Toner 125 ml LAIKOU Moisturizing Toner can be used for all skin types, but will be especially useful for dry and rough skin. Its high efficiency is ensured by hyaluronic acid and Aloe extract. The composition also contains amino acids that provide elasticity to the skin. Toner: • cleanses the skin of dead cells; • delivers nutrients even to the deep layers of the dermis; • helps to smooth out the structure of the face; • helps to retain moisture for a long time; • eliminates roughness and flaking of the skin. With regular use of the product, the skin will be saturated with vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids. If a girl has swelling, itchy skin or problems with blood circulation in the face, they will soon disappear. Product application It is recommended to apply the product only to clean skin.
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In stock: 19 About the product The main purpose of the Chinese toner IMAGES is to tone and cleanse the skin of the face from the remains of cosmetics and sebum. The product is quickly absorbed, which makes it possible to wipe the face with it before applying foundation and any other decorative cosmetics. The consistency of the lotion with snail mucin resembles ordinary water, it does not contain alcohol and other aggressive components that dry the skin excessively. Facial toner with snail mucin IMAGES has a pleasant delicate aroma, is applied to the face with a cotton swab or disc. The drug in the amount of 120 grams is contained in a cylindrical plastic bottle of golden color with an image of a snail. Composition * Mucin - snail secretion extract. * Avena sativa - oats. * Water. * Glycerin. * Hydrogenated castor oil. * Seaweed extract. * Flavoring. Effect When using the IMAGES toner, the skin of the face becomes velvety and smooth. Pigment spots are discolored, pores are cleansed and noticeably narrowed, blackheads and the consequences of acne disappear. The product soothes, perfectly mattifies, evens out the relief and tone of the skin, does not cause discomfort, inflammation or redness. How to use The manufacturer recommends wiping the skin with toner 2 times a day. A cotton pad is soaked in liquid and applied to the face. After complete absorption, you can use cream or serum. Facial toner with snail mucin Images 120 ml
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In stock: 4 Toner hyaluronic acid Bioaqua 150 ml BQY3931 This toner has a good rejuvenating effect. It is made on the basis of hyaluronic acid - a component that allows you to actually return elastic, flexible and healthy skin. Hyaluronic acid is completely safe for human health, it is contained in our body without various means. Thanks to it, the structure of collagen fibers improves, which helps to combat age-related defects. However, over time, its natural production in the body becomes less active. And then a toner with hyaluronic acid comes to the rescue. The uniqueness of the product is in its wide range of action and high efficiency, because it penetrates into all layers of the inner skin. At the same time, the components of the toner are not perceived by the body as foreign bodies and do not cause allergies.
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In stock: 86 About the product Chinese moisturizing serum with oligopeptides SENANA of transparent consistency is in a branded bottle with a capacity of 30 ml made of dark brown glass with a beautiful design. The lid is made simultaneously with the pipette for convenient application of toner to the face. When using the serum, a subtle floral aroma is felt. It has an oily structure, is easy to apply, evenly distributed over all areas, does not cause a sticky feeling. It is recommended to use the emulsion toner at night, but if desired, you can use it in the morning after washing. Composition * Cosmetic base. * Nutrients. * Bioregulatory oligopeptide 1. * Natural plant extracts. Effect With regular use of serum with oligopeptides, the skin is enriched with nutrients, rejuvenated, and gains a healthy glow. The subcutaneous layers gradually replenish lost moisture, traces of post-acne disappear on the surface, the tone is evened out, dry and dull skin is moisturized, preventing peeling. The product perfectly restores facial relief during the rehabilitation period after serious cosmetic procedures. How to use SENANA toner is used after washing with water and gel or foam of the same series. Using a pipette, apply the serum-emulsion to the face (no more than 2-3 drops) and gently distribute with your fingertips from the center to the edges. After complete absorption, use a nourishing cream.
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In stock: 3 Rorec Snail Mucin Serum 15 ml The serum is made on the basis of snail mucin - a component that has gained immense popularity in the field of cosmetics and nourishing products for facial skin and more. Snail extract itself is unique - it has a positive effect on skin cells from several sides at once. First of all, it is an effective moisturizer. Moreover, it acts not superficially, but deeply, providing the right amount of moisture even to the deep layers of the epidermis - and this is a necessary condition for beautiful and healthy skin. In addition, the serum nourishes the skin, because the dermis also needs nutrients, vitamins and microelements to maintain normal functioning. As a result of using the serum, the skin will become elastic and smooth, and the effect will last for a long time! The complexion will also improve, the color will be more even, the skin will shine! Directions: Wash your face and apply a few drops of serum to your palm and gently rub onto your face. Massage from the center of your face outward until the serum is absorbed.
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In stock: 202 About the product ROREC Green Tea Serum is a highly effective cosmetic product with a wide range of effects: antibacterial, restorative, antioxidant, and moisturizing. The product has a characteristic glycerin consistency; the liquid can be described as viscous, transparent, and slightly sticky. The 15-gram bottle of serum is equipped with a convenient pipette dispenser, which allows the product to be used very economically. When used correctly, this amount is enough for approximately 1 month. ROREC Face Serum is a universal product suitable for any skin type. Ingredients * Water. * Tea leaf extract. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Glycerin. * PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil. * * Flavoring. Effect Under the influence of the ingredients included in the Rorek tea serum, the skin is intensively moisturized, restored, toned, becomes elastic and firm, the tone of the entire face is evened out. The oval is tightened, the effect of sagging cheeks is reduced, irritations are relieved, the main cause of inflammatory processes is eliminated - pathogenic bacteria. Method of application The serum can be used as an independent product or in combination with a foam for washing, toner, emulsion, night cream and other cosmetic products of the same series.
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In stock: 241 About the product A Chinese-made cosmetic product with pomegranate extract and hyaluronic acid has a non-greasy, light texture. IMAGES moisturizing serum is intended for daily care as a face mask, as well as a base for cream or makeup. The transparent red glass bottle contains 15 milliliters of serum with a subtle aroma. A pipette-dispenser is built into the cap. When applied, the liquid is easily and evenly distributed over the skin. Composition The serum is transparent, has an oily liquid consistency. It contains ingredients with targeted action: 1. base - water and glycerin; 2. punica granatum (pomegranate fruit extract); 3. hyaluronic acid; 4. wild oat extract; 5. gelling polymethacrylates; 6. flavoring. Effect Moisturizing serum with pomegranate extract is quickly absorbed into the skin, leaving no sticky marks. The cosmetic product saturates dehydrated cells with moisture. With regular use, the elasticity and firmness of aging skin is noticeably improved, wrinkles are smoothed out, the texture is evened out, the blush and healthy complexion return. How to use Before starting the procedure, it is necessary to cleanse the face of makeup. The serum is applied to problem areas in a measured drop and gently rubbed in. The product is completely absorbed into the skin within a few minutes.
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In stock: 174 About the product Serum with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is intended for regular use at home. It works as an active antioxidant, slows down the aging process of the skin, brightens the complexion. Suitable for all skin types, there are no age restrictions. Composition The care product contains vitamin C, tremella (Japanese mushroom), hyaluronic acid. All ingredients are collected according to a unique formula, complement each other and enhance the properties of the final product. They are completely natural, do not harm when used and do not cause allergies. Effect Laikou serum is saturated with useful substances that have a simply magical effect. The general condition of the skin is significantly improved, the first signs of aging disappear, the tone is lighter, fresher. Traces of pigmentation, freckles and post-acne are removed. The skin becomes elastic, firm, saturated with moisture. Damaged cells are restored, the growth of new ones is stimulated, and the production of sufficient amounts of collagen is activated. The product nourishes and tones, resulting in rejuvenated, soft and silky skin. How to use: Remove a few drops of serum from the bottle and apply to the face and neck area. Gently massage the viscous liquid into the skin until completely absorbed. The product can be added to creams, and used to make alginate masks.
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In stock: 21 About the product Bioaqua Blueberry Smoothing Serum is sold in a 15 ml blue glass bottle with a pipette built into the cap. The anti-aging product is ideal for any skin type. The pipette is very convenient for dosing the required amount of serum for one procedure. With rational use, it is enough for a month. Ingredients * Blueberry. * Ducale licorice. * Oat beta-glucan. * Hyaluronic acid. * Hydrogenated castor oil. Effect Serum with blueberry juice smoothes the face, moisturizes dry skin, tightens the face oval. With regular use, the skin becomes shiny and healthy, flabbiness disappears. Blueberry is a strong antioxidant, including magnesium, iron, vitamins K and PP, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Fruit acids exfoliate old cells, vitamins C and E prolong the youth of the skin. Bioactive elements regulate the sebaceous glands, normalize metabolic processes in tissues. Hyaluronic acid regulates water balance, maintains turgor. Oat beta-glucan stimulates the immune system, is a good antiseptic. Castor oil slows down cell aging. How to use Apply Bioaqua blueberry serum in an even layer on a clean face. Pat the product until completely absorbed. Store the bottle on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in a cool place at room temperature. Volume: 15 ml Bioaqua blueberry smoothing serum wholesale
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In stock: 70 About the product IMAGES Vitamin Face Serum is designed for daily skin care. A cosmetic product with a unique formula is recommended for use regardless of age. A transparent liquid of thick consistency is sold in a glass matte bottle with a capacity of 15 ml. There is a soft silicone pipette dispenser at the top of the lid. The serum is hypoallergenic, odorless, lays gently on the skin, is quickly absorbed, and maintains water balance. Composition The universal whitening agent consists of highly effective components of natural origin: * oat grain extract; * hyaluronic acid; * yeast peptides; * a complex of vitamins A, B1, B2, C. Effect Peptide cosmetics do not cause side effects, significantly improve the condition of the skin at any age. Age spots disappear, the skin softens, does not dry out. The face acquires a healthy fresh look, the positive effect becomes noticeable after the first application. Decorative cosmetics applied over the IMAGES serum remain unchanged throughout the day. How to use: Put a few drops in the pipette and lightly distribute the oily liquid evenly over the entire face until completely absorbed. The serum can be used in the first half of the day before the morning mask, day cream, makeup, and also before going to bed under the night cream.
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In stock: 211
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In stock: 76 The serum has a deep moisturizing effect. The product nourishes the skin well. This is especially useful during pregnancy and clearly visible aging of the dermis - often in such cases, skin cells lack nutrients. The product will make your skin more elastic and supple. How to use The serum is equipped with a special pipette for easy application. Use it to extract a small amount of serum and apply to the skin of the face. Evenly distribute the product, paying attention to problem areas, and massage until completely absorbed. Does not require rinsing. Recommended for use in the morning and evening.
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In stock: 162 Avocado extract provides full saturation of the skin with essential nutrients, improves blood circulation in the skin, enriches its tissues with oxygen. Due to deep penetration into the skin, it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, returning the skin to firmness and elasticity. The sterols contained in avocado help prevent premature aging of the skin, the formation of deep wrinkles and the appearance of age spots. The serum also contains ginseng extract (rejuvenating effect), centella asiatica extract (soothes and heals the skin, increases its elasticity), allantoin, panethnol and hyaluronic acid (intensive hydration and restoration) and other components useful for the skin. How to use: Apply to cleansed and toned skin, with gentle massaging movements, allow to absorb.
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In stock: 89 About the product Facial serum based on hyaluronic acid is designed to combat skin imperfections: rashes, redness and age spots. The elegant transparent packaging contains 30 golden capsules of an original shape, which are easy to open and use. Each capsule is designed for one use, and its contents are enough to treat the entire skin of the face. Composition The basis of the serum is hyaluronic acid, which penetrates deeply into the skin and is very hygroscopic (able to retain moisture). The composition also includes vitamin E - a powerful natural antioxidant that binds polyunsaturated fatty acids in biological membranes and fights inflammation, reducing the production of prostaglandin hormones. Effect Light transparent serum with vitamins and hyaluronic acid penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and helps saturate them with moisture, thereby smoothing out fine wrinkles and eliminating visible defects caused by inflammatory processes (redness, acne). Application Apply the serum to previously cleansed, moisturized skin of the face with light massage movements, carefully distributing it over the surface with fingertips. The product is suitable for daily use, does not cause allergies and is recommended for all skin types. The serum also improves the absorption of daily creams and enhances their effect.
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In stock: 94 About the product Hyaluronic acid is a godsend in cosmetology. Serum with it perfectly protects the skin from moisture loss, because it is its deficiency that leads to premature aging. The cosmetic product was created in the Laikou laboratory according to the original formula. It is intended for regular use at home. Composition The main component of the cosmetic product is hyaluronic acid, or rather, its three varieties: macro-, micro- and medium-molecular. There are also natural additives that have a beneficial effect on the skin. These are polysaccharides of tremella fuchsoides, glycerin, natural water. The product has a viscous texture, a pleasant smell and does not provoke an allergic reaction. Effect A unique serum with hyaluronic acid narrows pores, saturates the skin with moisture, retaining it in the cells and preventing the aging process. The face becomes fresh, the skin becomes elastic and healthy. The epidermis regenerates faster and more actively, is restored, existing wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones do not appear. Also, with systematic use, a lifting effect and improved skin turgor become noticeable. How to use Apply a few drops of serum from a convenient pipette to the face and neck. Rub into the skin with gentle massage movements. The care product can be mixed with creams and lotions, and also used as a base for a foundation fluid.
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In stock: 284 About the product ROREC B5 Serum with Hyaluronic Acid is an effective regenerating agent that helps smooth out expression wrinkles and stimulates cell renewal. You will appreciate the rejuvenating effect of ROREC serum containing hyaluronic acid after the first use. The product stimulates skin regeneration, and your face begins to glow with health and freshness. The anti-aging serum fights signs of aging, restores the skin, reduces peeling and redness. Ingredients * Hyaluronic acid. * Vitamin B5. * Snail mucin. * Fermented yeast extract. * Castor oil. * Mint extract. Effect ROREC serum gently cares for your face, easily evens out the relief, masks defects and smoothes wrinkles, restores lost elasticity, gives increased tone, protects the skin from negative environmental effects. Hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate deep under the skin, nourish and enrich the cells with oxygen. Snail mucin stimulates the production of elastin, synthesizes collagen, prevents the formation of new wrinkles. How to use Apply a small amount of serum to pre-cleansed skin and spread evenly with your fingertips. After a few minutes, you can use a mask or cream from the same series.
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In stock: 125 Bioaqua Anti-Acne Serum 30 ml BQY0726 Bioaqua Anti-Acne Serum will help girls with problem skin. Although the product is aimed at eliminating acne directly, it also helps with many other problems with the dermis. In what cases will Anti-Acne Serum help? • if there are problems with local metabolism; • in case of high activity of subcutaneous fat, characteristic oily sheen; • with enlarged pores; • if the face is covered with acne and / or pimples; • in the presence of any local inflammatory processes; • with uneven complexion. The serum will help to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, so that the oily sheen will not bother you. Various inflammations in the facial skin and rashes will also not be scary. In addition, with the help of the product you can make your skin tone even. At the same time, the pores are cleansed of all kinds of impurities.
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In stock: 265
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In stock: 472 About the product BIOAQUA acne cream is an excellent remedy for eliminating various blemishes: pimples, acne and rashes. It contains antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components that easily soothe and normalize the condition of problem areas of the skin with inflammation. A compact 30 ml tube with a convenient dispenser is easy to carry and use when needed. The cream has a thick consistency, it can be applied both pointwise where there are rashes, and over the entire surface of the face. Suitable for teenagers and adults of any age with skin problems. Ingredients * Water. * Oat extract. * Shea butter. * Jojoba oil. * Salicylic acid. * Aloe extract. * Mineral oil. * Beta-glucan. * Licorice extract. * Sodium PCA. * Bisabolol. * Flavoring. Effect BIOAQUA Cream for Problem Skin will quickly cleanse pores, rid your face of blackheads, and reduce rashes and redness. The product does not dry out the skin, and promotes rapid healing of purulent formations without dry crusts and unpleasant consequences in the form of post-acne scars. After the first application, you will feel relief in problem areas. Cleansed pores will narrow, and the water-fat balance will be restored. The skin will become velvety, smooth, and moisturized. How to use Wash your face with warm water, blot with a clean napkin. Apply a small amount of cream with light patting touches. After the aloe cream is completely absorbed, you can apply your usual makeup.
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In stock: 284 About the product Therapeutic cream with plant extracts is designed to combat acne and its consequences: scars, inflammation, redness. The compact tube is convenient to take with you, applying as needed to problem areas. The product is recommended for everyday use as the third stage of acne and post-acne therapy. Composition The cream contains a combination of components designed to eliminate painful inflammation and reduce the negative consequences of its appearance: hyaluronic acid, menthol, collagen and natural aloe vera extract. Collagen and hyaluronic acid are necessary for moisturizing and maintaining the elasticity of damaged skin, menthol - to combat acne, eliminate inflammation and stimulate blood flow, and plant extract - for healing and nutrition. Effect Concentrated cream based on plant extracts fights acne and normalizes the sebaceous glands, preventing the development of new inflammation foci. The product normalizes metabolic and restorative processes in cells, effectively softens and whitens the skin, making scars and darkening minimally noticeable. Application The cream is applied to pre-cleaned facial skin, which is additionally treated with a medicinal lotion or tonic with salicylic acid, mint and aloe vera extracts. Then a sufficient amount of cream is applied to the face, distributing it with massage movements over problem areas. It is not recommended to rub the skin, as this contributes to its damage and infection of the pores.
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In stock: Out of stock Peeling roll with snail extract Images 140 grams The peeling roll contains snail mucus. Thanks to it, the skin regeneration process is restored, so that wounds and other damage heal faster. In addition, this component contains chondroitin, which prevents aging. Metabolism in skin cells improves, all areas of the dermis receive the necessary amount of nutrients. The product will also help owners of old, wrinkled and problematic skin. It will get rid of defects on the face: • scars; • acne; • blackheads; • age spots; • scars. Also, thanks to the use of the peeling roll, the skin becomes firm and elastic again. Enlarged pores are narrowed. How to use? The product should be applied only to clean skin with light massaging movements. Then it must be washed off with warm water. Be careful if you have sensitive skin.
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In stock: 59 About the product Peeling is one of the most common procedures aimed at cleansing the skin from impurities and dead cells. BIOAQUA rice roll is a highly effective dual-action product that provides peeling and moisturizing in one procedure. The anti-allergenic formula and delicate cleansing make this product universal, ideal for all skin types and ages. A well-chosen composition of citrus extracts and hyaluronic acid enriches the skin with moisture, vitaminizes and nourishes the cells with useful substances. The main advantages of the product are a soft jelly consistency, pleasant smell, gentle and delicate care. Ingredients * Water. * Glycerin. * Hyaluronic acid. * Hydrolyzed rice. * Aloe extract. * Extract of aromatic citrus tree. * Yuzu fruit extract. * Propylene glycol. * Disodium EDTA. Effect Peeling gel with rice extract BIOAQUA softens rough skin, removes dirt, dust, excess sebum, cleanses pores from sebaceous plugs, saturates with amino acids, missing moisture and gives the skin additional elasticity. Brightens the face, evens out the tone, makes the skin matte and velvety. How to use It is recommended to apply the rice peeling to a dry face. For one procedure, you will need a small amount of the product, which is applied in a thin, barely noticeable layer. Gently rub the peeling into the skin with light circular movements for several minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Peeling peeling with rice Bioaqua buy wholesale
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In stock: 178 About the product Laikou Green Tea Facial Peeling Roll is a great alternative to various scrubs and other similar products. This cosmetic product removes dead skin cells and perfectly cleanses the epidermis of fatty deposits. The gel with a very delicate consistency weighing 60 grams is in a small green tube with a hermetically sealed screw cap. It is well absorbed and does not leave an unpleasant oily sheen on the skin. The gel has a pleasant aroma with notes of green tea. This cosmetic product does not cause allergic reactions. Ingredients * Aloe vera. * Hyaluronic acid. * Matcha green tea extract. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Water. Effect Laikou Facial Peeling Roll with Tea Extract is suitable for combination skin. Matcha tea, which has an antioxidant effect, has long been popular in the beauty industry. It reliably protects the skin from sunlight, fights wrinkles, and prevents their appearance. Aloe vera extract soothes well, relieves inflammation, and heals micro-wounds. Vitamins E and C in aloe tone, saturate the epidermis with the necessary amount of moisture, and tighten all problem areas. Hyaluronic acid creates the effect of "baby skin". How to use Apply the peeling roll to clean, dry skin. Distribute it over all areas of the face with gentle massaging movements. After the procedure, rinse off the product. It is recommended to use the gel 3-4 times a week. If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, rinse them with warm water.
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In stock: 181 About the product The cleansing foam with natural mucin is specially designed for mature skin that needs delicate lightening, strengthening and restoration. Healing natural ingredients give the face a velvety texture and even out the tone. The product envelops you with a delicate sweet aroma and will be a great gift thanks to the exquisite packaging in golden tones. Composition The basic ingredients of the anti-aging composition are low-molecular hyaluronic acid and thermal water with a high content of useful microelements. Penetrating deep into the epidermis, they saturate it with life-giving moisture necessary for normalizing metabolic processes and restoring water balance. The main active ingredient is wood snail mucin extract, which is known for its tonic properties. Effect The gentle cleansing foam gives the face softness, velvety texture and a healthy glow. It instantly smoothes out fine wrinkles, reduces dark circles under the eyes, gently brightens the skin, eliminating pigment spots and redness. Thanks to the toning effect, the skin becomes more elastic, supple and toned, and the facial contour becomes clear. Application The product is used as the second step of the skin cleansing and moisturizing program. The foam is suitable for daily use after cleansing the face from decorative cosmetics. It is recommended to wash thoroughly twice a day using a small amount of the product. The foam is distributed with massage circular movements, avoiding friction, and then washed off.
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In stock: 207 About the product Images Plant Extraction is a cleanser with kiwi extract, with which you can quickly get rid of impurities and easily remove makeup. The delicate texture of the IMAGES foam will help you care for your facial skin very gently. The active substance maintains the lipid barrier, retains moisture and adds softness. Kiwi contains a huge amount of organic acids and vitamins that help normalize the natural balance and cell renewal. Lactic acid helps to even out the relief and smooth out wrinkles. Ingredients * Water. * Polyethylene glycol. * Sodium extract. * Lauric acid. * Lactic, stearic acids. * PEG-100. * Kiwi fruit extract. * Glycerin. * Hyaluronic acid. * Hydroxyethylcellulose. * Flavoring. Effect Images vitamin cleansing foam has an antibacterial effect. The product gently and softly relieves irritation, helps to get rid of not only dirt, but also acne and inflammation. Starts the process of cell renewal, tightens the skin. After application, there is an immediate feeling of freshness and lightness. The product slows down the aging process, preserves the natural protective layer, does not tighten or dry. Using the foam every day, you will get a healthy complexion, natural radiance. How to use Squeeze a small amount of the product into your palm, add water. Apply to your face with light massaging movements, when foam forms, wait a few minutes and then rinse with warm water.
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In stock: 84 About the product IMAGES face wash foam with pomegranate extract will help to gently and quickly get rid of makeup residue, dust, dirt particles, and fatty deposits accumulated throughout the day. Properly selected components of the foam will not only wash away dirt, but also enrich all layers of the skin with vitamins, moisture, and nutrients. An anti-allergenic product with a pleasant delicate aroma does not cause irritation, gently washes the face, and has no restrictions on skin type or age. The bright red tube is packed in a cardboard box to match the main product. Volume: 100 ml. Ingredients * Water. * Pomegranate juice. * Stearic acid. * Glycerin. * Lauric acid. * Methylparaben. * Oat beta glucan. * Propylparaben. * Propylene glycol. Effect Foam with pomegranate juice provides deep cleansing of the skin, frees the surface from dead cells, promotes regeneration. Pores are cleared of fat plugs, become barely noticeable on the face. The skin does not shine, acquires a noble matte shade. Also, the care product has a moisturizing effect, makes it possible to use it for dry skin prone to rashes and allergic reactions. How to use Pre-wet your palms and rub the foam until you get a lush mass. A small amount of the product is enough to get a sufficient volume of foam. Apply to the face in circular motions, after a few minutes you can wash it off.
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In stock: 113 Bioaqua Niacinome Avocado face wash foam with avocado extract is an effective natural product that gently cleanses and cares for your skin. The product deeply cleanses and tightens pores, removes makeup residue, dust and sebum from the skin surface, making the skin smooth, elastic and very soft. Avocado oil, which is part of the cosmetic product, deeply moisturizes the skin and generously shares vitamins and valuable microelements with it, and hyaluronic acid additionally moisturizes and reduces the loss of moisture by the skin layers. How to use: Before use, wash your face with warm water, then squeeze a pea-sized amount of foam onto your palm. Lather and apply to your face in circular motions. Gently massage the skin with your fingertips, moving towards the temples from the center of the face. Rinse with water.
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In stock: 69 About the product BIOAQUA blueberry cleansing foam occupies a leading position in the rating of cosmetic products for facial skin care. The main task of the foam, made from natural products, is high-quality cleansing of the skin from makeup, sebum and various impurities. A soothing cleanser of delicate consistency lies evenly and thoroughly washes away impurities without tightening the skin. Suitable for all skin types. The foam has an unobtrusive, light aroma. A small amount of the product is enough for one procedure. Ingredients * Water. * Hyaluronic acid. * Glycerin. * Blueberry anthocyanin. * Gluconic acid. * Carboxymethyl. * Soy extract. * Niacinamide. * PEG-60. * Cellulose. * Licorice extract. * Xanthan gum. * Hydrogenated castor oil. Effect BIOAQUA Blueberry Foam for Washing is designed for gentle care, deeply moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, makes it elastic and radiant. Eliminates oily shine, prevents acne and subcutaneous rash. When using the product, makeup, sebum and various impurities are washed off the first time, the skin becomes clean and begins to breathe fully through cleansed pores. It is also acceptable to use for washing hands. How to use Squeeze a little foam onto your palm, mix with a small amount of water, lather until you get a rich cloud, apply to your face with massage circular movements and rinse with clean water.
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In stock: 242 About the product CITRUS JUNOS IMAGES Cleansing Foam is an excellent cleanser. Even after a sleepless night, this foam will make your face look fresh and rejuvenated. The 120-gram cleanser with an oily consistency comes in a soft tube with an orange painted on it. Like all Asian foams, the product with yuzu citrus is easily whipped in your palms to form a thick, elastic foam and spreads well over your face. Ingredients * Water. * Yuzu citrus extract. * Fruit extracts. * Amaranth seed oil. * Glycerin. * Lactic and lauric acids. * Nicotinamide. * Ethylene glycol. * Flavoring. Effect The gentle foam Images Blood Orange Moisturizing Cleanser successfully fights impurities. Girls with oily skin note that after washing with the care product, the pores become clean and noticeably narrower. The skin breathes freely, acquires a matte shade, does not shine at all, does not cause discomfort and a feeling of tightness. The acids included in the product have an antimicrobial effect, they perfectly dry out inflammation sites, prevent the appearance of acne. How to use Foam with Japanese citrus yuzu is recommended to be used daily twice a day. Squeeze a small amount of the product into your palms, mix with warm water, lather well and apply to the face with circular massaging movements. After cleansing, rinse off the product with plenty of water.
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In stock: 229 Removes excess sebum and impurities, gently massages and refreshes the skin of the face. Recommended for oily skin. Sea salt tightens pores. Prevents acne and oily shine. How to use: Lather a small amount and apply to damp skin of the face, massage, paying special attention to problem areas; rinse with warm water.
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In stock: 128 About the product Rorec foam based on cow's milk proteins has a moisturizing and refreshing effect. The main purpose of the product is to gently cleanse the skin of the face from traces of makeup, sebum, dust and other contaminants. Rorec milk protein cleansing foam is suitable for all skin types, it can be used at any age, it does not cause irritation or allergic reactions. After washing, the skin of the face and neck becomes incredibly smooth and velvety. The cosmetic product in the amount of 100 grams is in a soft elastic tube with an image of a cute cow. The pleasant sweetish aroma of natural cow's milk reminds of childhood. Ingredients * Purified water. * Glycerin. * Milk protein extract. * Stearic, myristic and lauric acids. * Urea. * Propylene glycol. * Flavoring. Effect With regular use of Rorec nourishing foam, the water-fat balance of the skin is normalized. Under the influence of milk proteins, the moisture level on dry areas of the face is replenished, oily shiny spots on the nose, chin and forehead disappear. The skin tone is evened out, a matte shade appears. Due to the antimicrobial properties of the product, the number of inflammations decreases, subcutaneous rashes disappear, and red spots become invisible. How to use Squeeze a small amount of foam out of the tube, lather well in your palms and apply to a damp face, neck and d?collet?. Massage the skin with light touches, especially in the "T" zone, and rinse with warm, clean water.
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In stock: 1321 About the product ISILANDON hydrogel eye mask is a translucent super-thin patch that is almost invisible on the face. They fit perfectly and do not slide down, even when you are in an upright position. The patches are generously soaked in a healing serum and are individually packaged with 2 pieces. Delicate thin pads pleasantly cool the skin under the lower eyelids. It is advisable to keep them in the refrigerator before applying. The gel-like transparent liquid is quickly absorbed, leaving no unpleasant stickiness or characteristic shine under the eyes. Ingredients * Water. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Glycerin. * Acacia flower extract. * Provitamin B5. * Hydrolyzed collagen. * Butanediol. * Yeast extract. Effect Collagen patches ISILANDON remove bags and dark circles under the eyes, especially after sleepless nights, prolonged sitting at the computer, with poor nutrition and bad habits. The healing serum stimulates the production of its own collagen, gives tired skin elasticity, eliminates swelling, counteracts dryness, moisturizes, restores color. This product has a refreshing effect, thanks to which you will finally wake up, and your skin will acquire a rested look. How to use Before applying the patches, you need to completely cleanse your face from night cream and makeup residue. Carefully open the package, apply cool, wet pads under your eyes and enjoy for 20 minutes. It is not recommended to keep it longer. Isilandon eye mask buy wholesale
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In stock: 390
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In stock: 136 Anti-aging hydrogel eye patches with rosemary extract and shea butter help maintain the beauty and youth of your skin. With constant lack of sleep, poor ecology and stress, anti-aging hydrogel eye patches against wrinkles are the number one product in your express care. Patches help restore damaged skin, provide long-term hydration, making the skin soft and smooth. Shea butter contains a unique complex of fatty acids necessary for the skin to maintain elasticity, flexibility and youth, nourishes and moisturizes the skin. Hyaluronic acid deeply moisturizes the skin and creates a protective barrier to retain moisture. Vitamin complex - has an antioxidant effect. Regular use of patches provides instant relief of puffiness, elimination of dark circles under the eyes, maintains an optimal level of moisture in the cells and increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin. How to use Patches are applied to clean, prepared skin. Place the patches under your eyes, press lightly so that they do not slip and stay in one place better. The action time of the Images patches is no more than 20 minutes.
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In stock: 48 Hydrogel eye patches are saturated with a huge number of essential vitamins, minerals and microelements. The set includes 60 patches, designed for 30 applications. Hydrogel patches, impregnated with a cosmetic composition based on Shea butter, intensively combat puffiness, bags and dark circles under the eyes. In addition, they have a powerful antioxidant effect, increase elasticity and give silkiness to the skin. Shea butter promotes enhanced regeneration, renews cells, and moisturizes the thin skin under the eyes for a long time. How to use Patches are applied to clean, washed, prepared skin. Place the patches under the eyes, press lightly so that they do not slip and better stay in one place. The action time of the patches is no more than 20 minutes.
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In stock: 142 Hydrogel eye patches have long been an integral part of life in the beauty industry. The Images brand has released hydrogel eye patches with golden algae, which help active marine components act on the skin deeply and specifically. Why are seaweeds so useful? Their secret is the high content of kelp extract, fucus and spirulina, which actively work to ensure that your skin produces a large amount of collagen and elastin. Thanks to this, its elasticity only grows, and dark circles gradually disappear from your face. How to use Patches are applied to clean, prepared skin. Place the patches under the eyes, press lightly so that they do not slip and better stay in one place. The action time of Images patches is no more than 20 minutes.
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In stock: 43 About the product Anti-aging patches with red orange extract are designed for daily care of problem areas around the eyes. The round jar under the sealed lid contains 60 orange hydrogel petals soaked in vitamin serum. The product is suitable for all skin types. It is made on the basis of yuzu citrus extract, a hybrid of lemon and mandarin, common in southeast Asia. This product stimulates collagen synthesis, restores water balance, improves blood microcirculation. Composition * Judzu citrus extract. * Water. * Allantoin. * Glycerin. * Hyaluronic acid. * Hydrogenated castor oil. * Potassium chloride, etc. Effect The product replenishes the loss of moisture, collagen, increases skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles. With regular use of citrus patches, the feeling of tight skin and dryness disappears. The most sensitive areas are soothed, eyelid swelling is reduced, dark circles become invisible, and bags under the eyes disappear. The hydrogel serum has a cooling effect, which helps to quickly perk up after a night's sleep. How to use The elastic pad is carefully removed from the jar using a special plastic spatula included in the kit. The patches are applied under the lower eyelids and removed after 20-30 minutes. The remains of the cosmetic product do not require rinsing. The liquid is gently rubbed into the skin until completely dry.
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In stock: 492 About the product Chinese face mask with jellyfish extract Liftheng Jellyfish Collagen is intended for external use. Patches soaked in hydrogel serum are stored in a branded plastic jar with a sealed lid. The package contains 60 pieces of original-shaped medicinal pads that can be applied under the eyes, as well as in the nasolabial fold area. Composition The main components of the eye mask: * jellyfish collagen - to stimulate intracellular processes; * almond and shea oils - to restore skin in problem areas, protect the face from stress factors; * seaweed extract - to give the skin elasticity and flexibility; * hyaluronic acid - to prevent dryness, normalize water balance. Effect The Liftheng mask has no age restrictions. Thanks to the hydrogel texture, the pads are easy to fix, do not slip on the skin. Suitable for all skin types. When using this product, bags and dark circles under the eyes disappear, expression wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is rejuvenated. How to use: Patches are applied to the face every other day, the recommended course is 60 days. Before use, the skin is cleaned with a cotton pad soaked in lotion or micellar solution. The maximum effect of the product is 30 minutes. After removing the mask, the remains of the healing essence are gently patted into the skin with your fingertips.
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In stock: 2903 About the product Gel mask for the skin around the eyes with crystals and natural collagen effectively combats age-related changes: wrinkles, age spots, dark circles and puffiness in the morning. Golden silicone patches are pleasant to the touch, give a feeling of coolness and complete relaxation. Composition The gel for patches contains natural connective tissue protein, which is responsible for the elasticity, flexibility and maintenance of skin tone. Being a structural protein, collagen performs a supporting function: it supports and strengthens. Additional components in the composition are hyaluronic acid and thermal water, which saturate the skin with life-giving moisture. Effect Anti-aging gel mask in the format of silicone patches fights aging, flabbiness, and decreased elasticity of the skin around the eyes. It quickly eliminates the pronounced signs of aging, smoothes out fine wrinkles at the outer corners of the eyes, lightens pigment spots, gets rid of dark circles and puffiness. Application: The face is pre-cleaned and treated with a toning composition: lotion, tonic, milk. Carefully apply silicone pads to the upper borders of the cheekbones, avoiding placement directly on the lower eyelid and getting the mask in the eyes. Leave the patches for 20-30 minutes, then remove, and evenly distribute the remaining product and pat into the skin with light patting movements.
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In stock: 519 About the product Eye mask with BIOAQUA collagen will help to tighten and smooth the skin under the eyes in the shortest possible time. Collagen, which is part of the mask, is an important component that helps restore skin elasticity, is responsible for youth and beauty. Patches made of elastic white silicone are completely soaked in healing serum. Package volume - 7.5 ml. Soft plates fit tightly, hold well on the surface of the face, providing maximum contact and penetration of active components into the subcutaneous layers. When in contact with warm skin, they create a pleasant coolness. Ingredients * Water. * Xanthan gum. * Propanediol. * Glycerin. * Oat beta-glucan. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Disodium EDTA. * Hydrogenated starch hydrolysate. * PEG-40. Effect Patches with collagen BIOAQUA replenish moisture and nutrients. Regular procedures using a collagen mask will help to improve tired skin, smooth out wrinkles, restore its elasticity and firmness. With a cosmetic product, you will get rid of signs of fatigue, early aging, improve the condition of sensitive delicate skin. Get rid of unaesthetic dark circles, bags under the eyes. How to use To give your face extra freshness, put the package with patches in the refrigerator a few hours before the procedure. Wash your face with warm water, carefully apply the patches under your eyes and leave for 15-25 minutes.
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In stock: 210 About the product Anti-aging eye mask SIAYZU RAIOCEU is made in China. The product is flat pads - patches (60 pcs.), impregnated with a hydrogel base of moisturizing effect. Gel-like serum with patches is in a sealed light-proof jar. The mask emits a barely noticeable, delicate perfume aroma, does not cause allergies. Composition The main components of the active substance are amino acids: valine, leucine, arginine, proline, glycine, serine, threonine, histidine, alanine. In combination, they: * normalize the water-fat balance of the subcutaneous layer; * restore the immune system after stress; * stimulate collagen production. Biological compounds remain active throughout the entire period of use. Effect After 40, the skin around the eyes becomes the most problematic area. Thanks to the anti-aging mask, dark circles and characteristic bags under the eyes disappear, expression wrinkles are smoothed out. The main effect of SIAYZU RAIOCEU patches is rejuvenation, protection from aging. With regular use, the skin is noticeably lightened, moisturized, becomes elastic and more elastic. How to use The mask comes with a special plastic spatula. With its help, you need to remove one patch at a time from the jar and place it under each eye for 20 minutes. After removing the product, the remains of the nourishing serum are gently rubbed into the skin.
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In stock: 144 About the product Images Gold Lady Series Eye Mask eye patches are transparent soft pads soaked in a hydrogel solution with gold particles. The round cosmetic jar contains 60 patches and a plastic spoon, which makes it easy to get each plate. With daily use, this amount is enough for a whole month of pleasant procedures with an awakening effect. Composition * Gold particles. * Irish moss extract (Chondrus crispus). * Chamomile extract. Effect Serum with gold particles activates collagen production, smoothes wrinkles around the eyes, tightens the skin, makes it silky and smooth. Irish moss is used as a natural thickener, is of great importance in the formation of the patches themselves. Chondrus crispus perfectly moisturizes the skin, filling the cells with moisture. Medicinal chamomile relieves irritation, swelling, lightens dark circles around the eyes, soothes the delicate skin under the lower eyelids. The mask has a cooling effect, the feeling of heaviness leaves the eyelids, the look becomes more open. How to use Patches are applied to dry, clean skin, while the wide side should be in the area of maximum swelling. Slippery plates soaked in gel can slide down, in the first minutes they will have to be returned to their place until some of the liquid is absorbed into the skin. After 20 minutes, the patches should be removed and the remaining liquid should be patted into the skin with light patting.
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In stock: 1079 About the product BIOAQUA CRYSTAL eye mask consists of a pair of transparent hydrogel patches soaked in therapeutic serum and packed in disposable individual packaging weighing 10 grams. Elastic soft plates literally float in the liquid. The patches have an ideal shape and a delicate structure. They are easy to use, do not slide down or to the sides, and the gel does not get on the mucous membrane of the eye. Do you want to give your face a radiant, well-groomed look? Use the CRYSTAL patch mask, it provides delicate, high-quality care with an instant effect. Ingredients * Glycerin. * Allantoin. * Collagen. * Saussurea bitter leaf extract. * Indian jasmine flower extract. * Calendula extract. * Senegal acacia extract. Effect Plant extracts in the gel essence help to get rid of dark circles under the lower eyelids. Patches have a healing effect, brighten, moisturize the skin around the eyes, relieve irritation, soothe itching. With regular use of the product, which has wound-healing and regenerating properties, characteristic plaques, crimson dots, small blood meshes - signs of rosacea - completely disappear. How to use BIOAQUA CRYSTAL patches are applied to pre-cleaned skin in the eyelid area. To achieve the desired effect, leave the mask on the face for at least 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, do not wash off the remaining gel. It is best to do a light massage so that the liquid is completely absorbed into the skin. Bioaqua Crystal Eye Mask BQY7229
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In stock: 42 Bioaqua Osmanthus Eye Mask Main ingredients: witch hazel extract, oat beta-glucan, osmanthus flower extract, trehalose, sodium hyaluronate, EDTA, PEG-40. Net weight/number of discs: 140 g/ 80 pcs. Bioaqua mask is an effective remedy for wrinkles and aging in general. The years go by, but you don’t want to see wrinkles on your face? These masks are a good preventive measure. In addition, with its help you can remove the signs of aging that have already appeared. Since the product has a soft texture and contains substances of natural origin, the skin receives long-term hydration, wrinkles actually disappear, as well as bags under the eyes. And to see the first result, it is enough to spend fifteen minutes! The components included in the product restore proper metabolism. Thanks to this, the skin receives the necessary nutrients. Due to this action, even the deep layers of the dermis receive everything necessary for life, early aging is prevented. If you regularly use this product, the skin will become healthy and beautiful again.
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In stock: 229 About the product The Images peel-off mask with gold microparticles is designed for delicate care of mature skin. It also serves as a preventive cosmetic product to combat premature aging and is suitable for owners of any skin type. It is packaged in a compact tube with a hinged lid, effectively designed in gold and black tones. Composition The gel-like product is based on natural collagen and hyaluronic acid, which are necessary to maintain the beauty, health and youth of the skin. For deep nutrition, the composition includes vegetable oils saturated with tocopherol and retinol. The most important component is colloidal gold microparticles, necessary to combat aging. Effect The peel-off mask has a lifting effect, stimulating metabolic processes in the deep layers of the skin and triggering cell regeneration. Nourishing oils are responsible for the recovery processes and the production of elastin, which is necessary to maintain elasticity and tone. Microparticles of gold reduce the acidity of the skin, promoting its rapid healing and restoration, eliminating minor damage and gently whitening. Application The gel composition is applied to clean, dry skin of the face. For deeper penetration of the active substances, it is recommended to pre-steam the skin. The gel is evenly distributed over the surface manually or with a cosmetic spatula, left until it hardens completely and the resulting film is carefully removed in the direction from the forehead to the chin.
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In stock: 2012 The nose cleansing strip is designed for hygienic and painless removal of blackheads. The strip will pull comedones out of your pores in a few minutes: easy and simple. In addition, it is covered with a special antiseptic composition, thanks to which blackheads will not bother you for a long time. The sticker strip effectively absorbs fat and dirt. At the end of the procedure, the sticker is removed along with the dirt, leaving the skin on the nose clean with narrowed pores. The sticker contains aloe vera extract and bamboo charcoal. How to use: Clean the surface of the nose and after washing, moisten it with water. The skin should be well moisturized, otherwise the strip will stick poorly, the effect will be weaker. Open the package and remove the thin film from the strip before application. Apply the wide strip to the nose, smoothing it out, press it firmly to the skin. The action time is 10-20 minutes, then carefully remove the nasal strip without sudden movements.
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In stock: 706 About the product JOMTAM face mask with sea salt and magic bubbles has a pronounced detox effect. Salt is one of the main ingredients of this product. The cosmetic product is very popular among those with oily skin. After all, under the influence of sea salt, the production of sebum by the sebaceous glands decreases, due to which the face becomes matte and stops being shiny in problem areas. The mask also contains linseed oil, which helps moisturize and smooth out expression wrinkles. Ingredients * Water. * Sea salt. * Collagen. * Flax seed oil. * Carbomer. * Glycerin. * Hydroxyethylcellulose. * Propylene glycol. * Xanthan gum. Effect The bubble mask from the JOMTAM brand quickly saturates the skin with oxygen, moisturizes, and evens out the relief. It thoroughly cleanses pores, nourishes, and gives visible results. From the very first days of use, you will feel how elastic, moisturized, and soft your skin has become. The components of the JOMTAM mask are able to tighten the oval in a short time, remove dead skin particles, giving the face an inner glow and a healthy look. How to use The mask with salt should be applied to moisturized skin. When in contact with moisture, a process will begin in which bubbles form on the surface. The mask is effective for 15-20 minutes, then the mask is removed, and the remaining foam is washed off with warm water.
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In stock: 507 Oxygen mask with Bioaqua clay About the product Universal oxygen mask with BIOAQUA clay quickly and effectively cleanses pores, removes blackheads, reduces skin oiliness, regulates sebum secretion. The mask is a wet jelly-like mass of dark gray color with a hint of wet asphalt. The aroma is very sweet, but unobtrusive. The jar contains 100 grams of the substance. For ease of application and economical consumption, a plastic spatula is provided. When applying even a very thin layer, the product reacts to the heat of the human body, the reaction begins immediately. The mask bubbles, hisss, swells. Ingredients * Water. * Kaolin clay. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Glycerin. * Jojoba oil, avocado pulp. * Purslane extract. * Witch hazel extract. * Sowing oats. * Oat beta-glucan. Effect Clay oxygen mask Bioaqua removes street dust, traces of cosmetics from the face, interacts with the skin at the cellular level. Useful components penetrate the subcutaneous layers, stimulate regeneration, remove dead cells. The product deeply cleanses the pores, draws out even the most stubborn impurities, removes excess sebum. The face begins to breathe, the relief and overall tone are evened out. With regular procedures, the cleansed pores gradually narrow and become invisible, blackheads completely disappear in problem areas. How to use A small amount of the mask is distributed over the entire face. When bubbling begins, you can lightly massage, paying special attention to the T-zone. After 15 minutes, the foam mass must be washed off with warm water. Weight: 100 g
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In stock: 1930 About the product The bubble face mask is a thin fabric with a delicate aroma, impregnated with Bubble Mask microbubbles, saturated with bamboo charcoal and amino acids. Under the influence of oxygen, the composition applied to the face increases in volume, forming a thick foam. During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is felt on the skin, bursting bubbles improve blood microcirculation, awaken cells. Composition * Cosmetic base. * Bamboo charcoal. * Green tea extract. * Nutrients. * Amino acids. Effect Abundant foam opens clogged pores, cleanses them of sebaceous plugs, removes decay products, washes away makeup residues and other impurities. Bamboo charcoal elements penetrate deep into the skin, saturating the cells with moisture. After deep cleansing, the entire face begins to breathe, blackheads disappear, pimples, acne, red spots, subcutaneous rashes become invisible. The skin brightens, becomes elastic and smooth, the contours of the face are tightened. How to use Apply the fabric mask to a clean face and distribute it evenly. 15 minutes should pass from the moment oxygen bubbles form, then remove the mask. The remaining essence should be gently patted into the skin with your fingertips, wait until it dries completely and wash with warm water.
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In stock: 303 10 pieces of 4 grams About the product BIOAQUA bubble mask with amino acids is sold in packages of 10 pieces. The mask from BIOAQUA is unique in its effect when cleansing the face. All the ingredients included in its composition have a complex effect on the skin, heal and regenerate, stimulate collagen production, eliminate inflammation. Due to the foam, the components actively penetrate the pores, due to which the cosmetic product is perfectly absorbed. Ingredients * Water. * Colloidal clay. * Pomegranate extract. * Jojoba oil. * Collagen. * Propylene glycol. * Cetyl stearyl alcohol. * Hydrolyzed placental protein. * Witch hazel extract. * Propenoic acid. * Methylisothiazolinone. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Flavoring. Effect The main advantages of Carbonated Bubble Clay Mask BIOAQUA are that it deeply cleanses, tones, moisturizes, tightens, strengthens the intercellular matrix. Easily copes with fine wrinkles, evens out the skin structure. Cleanses pores without dehydrating or damaging the skin. The procedure is quite pleasant. When applied to the face, the mask begins to foam, tingle slightly, improving blood microcirculation. How to use Before the procedure, wet your face with water, use a special spatula to collect and evenly distribute the product over the face. Leave the foamed mass on the face for 10-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
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In stock: 183 About the product Senana Collagen Bubble Clay Mask is a real find for problem skin. A small 100 ml jar is inside a cardboard box. There is a special spatula for easy application of the mask. The emulsion has a jelly-like consistency, it is quite dense, but easy to apply and distributes well. After applying the dark gray emulsion, you need to wait a little, and in a couple of minutes bubbles will appear that burst and massage the skin. Composition * Glycerin. * Kaolin. * Volcanic mud. * Hydrolyzed collagen. * Sodium creatine. Effect Senana oxygen mask tightens pores, removes traces of cosmetics and makeup. Volcanic mud in the product improves blood microcirculation, relieves inflammation, intensively moisturizes, nourishes the deep layers of the skin with vitamins and minerals. Mud perfectly evens out the tone, brightens, tightens the skin and slows down the aging process. Collagen improves the water balance, serves as a great filler for wrinkles. It fills in unevenness and visually evens out the relief of the face. How to use Apply the product to moisturized skin and spread it evenly over the entire face. For convenience, use a special spatula. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes. Then remove the remaining product with a cotton pad. For best results, apply the nourishing serum from the same series.
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In stock: 114 About the product Gel eye patches with pearl extract are made in the form of black petals in a hydrogel nutrient solution. The hypoallergenic SENANA mask was developed in China for skin care in problem areas of the face. The kit includes a round plastic jar with the product and a special spatula for easy removal of the pads. Composition The patches contain black pearl powder, plant-based components: hyaluronic acid, collagen, glycerin, castor oil, rose water, cucumber extract, camellia leaf extract, aloe. The highly concentrated product is absorbed into the skin, saturates the subcutaneous tissue with minerals, nourishes and moisturizes it. Effect With regular use of the Black Pearl mask, swelling of the lower eyelids is removed, the thin skin around the eyes, in the nasolabial fold area and on the forehead is noticeably smoothed out, becoming more elastic and flexible. The peptide complex prevents premature aging, has a rejuvenating, regenerating effect. How to use Before using the patches, cleanse your face of makeup, cream and other cosmetics. Remove the petal from the jar and place it under the lower eyelid. The narrow side of the patch should be at the inner corner of the eye, and the wide side should cover the crow's feet from the outside. Repeat the same with the other eye. The action time of the drug is no more than 20 minutes.
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In stock: 97 About the product Anti-aging hydrogel patches IMAGES based on swallow's nest extract are an excellent remedy for relieving puffiness in the eye area. Their effect is especially noticeable in the morning after a sleepless night. The patches go on sale in a beautiful designer box with the manufacturer's logo. One package contains 60 pieces of blue plates with a mother-of-pearl sheen. With daily use, this amount is enough for exactly 30 days. For convenient removal from the jar, there is a special plastic spoon. Ingredients * Glycerin. * Water. * Mozuku algae. * Extract of swallow's nests, citrus fruits, Baikal skullcap. * Aloe juice. * PEG-40 (hydrogenated castor oil). * Hyaluronic acid. * Titanium dioxide. * Calcium chloride. Effect Hydrogel patches with swallow's nest extract and mozuku algae IMAGES perfectly moisturize the sensitive thin skin around the eyes. The skin, nourished with moisture, cools, becomes more elastic, swelling disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out, characteristic dark circles and bags go away. The face looks refreshed and rested. After the procedure, the skin in problem areas becomes unusually light and smooth. How to use Patches with a cooling effect can be used at any time of the day. Elastic plates are applied to clean skin under the lower eyelids or in the nasolabial fold area. For best results, it is recommended to lie quietly with the patches in a comfortable position for 20 minutes.
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In stock: 58 About the product Hydrogel eye patches by IMAGES are great for fighting puffiness and removing dark circles under the eyes. A small plastic jar contains 60 elastic teardrop-shaped plates made of bright red silicone, generously soaked in a healing composition based on seaweed. There is a special spatula for conveniently removing patches from the jar. During the procedure, the applications fit tightly to the skin, remain in place, and a delicate aroma is felt. Hydrogel patches with red algae by IMAGES do not cause irritation or rashes. Ingredients * Red algae. * Collagen. * Hyaluronic acid. * Pearl. * Spirulina, rosemary, chamomile extracts. * Castor oil. * Polyphenol. Effect IMAGES hydrogel patches rejuvenate the skin around the eyes, restore blood circulation, and increase skin elasticity. Natural collagen restores lost elasticity, tightens the skin, and helps smooth out wrinkles and other signs of aging. Hyaluronic acid fills the cells with moisture and saturates them with oxygen. Algae relieve inflammation, heal microcracks and wounds, relieve irritation, and eliminate red spots. Spirulina extract increases the skin's resistance to external influences. How to use Wash off any remaining makeup, blot your face with a napkin, and use a spoon to remove two patches. Apply them to the areas under the lower eyelids. The product's action time is 20 minutes. After the procedure, you do not need to wash anything off, gently pat the remaining serum into problem areas.
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In stock: 38 About the product Gel pads (60 pcs.), soaked in a medicinal serum, are packed in sealed plastic jars of bright red color. When applied to the face, the patches fit tightly to the skin, while the active components penetrate into the subcutaneous layer. The mask with a rejuvenating effect improves the general condition of the face, effectively copes with swelling under the eyes, eliminates dark circles, smoothes out expression wrinkles. Composition The main component of the mask, carrageenan, is a medicinal agent. Carrageenan molecules interact well with epidermal cells, creating a reliable barrier against adverse environmental influences. The patches also contain dark red resin of plant origin, known as Daemonorops Draco (translated as "Dragon's Blood"). In cosmetics, this wood extract is used as a powerful antioxidant. Effect The CAHNSAI mask has a rejuvenating effect, moisturizes and nourishes the skin around the eyes. The concentrated composition improves blood circulation, maintains the water-salt balance in the cells, restores skin elasticity, and increases elasticity. The lifting effect is noticeable throughout the day. How to use The patches are removed from the jar one by one using the plastic spatula included in the kit. Each pad is glued under the lower eyelid for 20 minutes. After use, the mask is removed. The product does not need to be washed off; the remains of the healing serum are gently rubbed into the skin with your fingertips.
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In stock: 24 About the product Eye patches with hyaluronic acid are ideal for any skin type. Super-thin elastic teardrop-shaped pads fit tightly, hold in place well and fully release all the nutrients. One package contains 60 pieces, this amount is enough for 30 days. Each plate is soaked in a gel-like serum with an unobtrusive light aroma. The eye mask with hyaluronic acid and Asian centella extract from the VHA brand is in a round plastic jar with a screw cap. There is a special plastic spoon for careful removal of patches. Ingredients * Glycerin. * Water. * Hyaluronic acid. * Centella leaf extract. * Phytocollagen. * Hydrogenated castor oil. Effect The ingredients included in the preparation have a refreshing, deeply moisturizing effect, restore elasticity and firmness. The delicate skin around the eyes, prone to rapid aging, is noticeably tightened, expression wrinkles are smoothed out and become completely invisible, dark circles are lightened, bags under the eyes disappear. To maximize the refreshing effect, it is recommended to apply pre-cooled patches to the face. It is better to store the jar in the refrigerator. How to use Remove one patch from the container with a spatula, place it under the lower eyelid with the sharp tip towards the bridge of the nose, ensure a tight fit. Repeat with the other eye. After 20 minutes, remove the mask, and gently rub the remaining gel into the skin.
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In stock: 162 About the product The Senana algae eye mask is presented in the form of green patches, placed in an 80-milliliter jar. Using this cosmetic product, you can not be afraid of swollen eyelids, dark circles around the eyes and crow's feet that appear in the corners of the eyes. The active elements of deep-sea algae, which are part of the serum, instantly remove imperfections, and after half an hour the skin in the area around the eyes becomes smooth, and the face looks fresh. Ingredients * Spirulina. * Seaweed extract. * Chamomile. * Rosemary. * Hyaluronic acid. * Betaine. * Allantoin. * Castor oil. Effect When using patches with algae from Senana, bags disappear, swelling goes away, the skin becomes smooth and silky. Spirulina has a rejuvenating effect, soothes tired skin. Hyaluronic acid restores water balance, improves skin turgor. Castor oil protects the face from early aging. Allantoin heals wounds, cracks and other damage. Betaine or beetroot juice saturates the subcutaneous muscles with oxygen. Chamomile and rosemary reduce itching, peeling, prevent inflammation. How to use Wash your face with warm water. Apply patches, cooled in the refrigerator, to the lower eyelid. Take a comfortable position, relax for 30-35 minutes. Remove the patches, massage the skin under the eyes with your fingertips so that the remaining emulsion is completely absorbed.
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In stock: 551 About the product The moisturizing mask for the skin around the eyes is based on natural collagen, which is necessary to combat wrinkles, pigmentation, dark circles and puffiness. The golden silicone patches are pleasant to the touch, cool and give a feeling of freshness. Composition The gel for patches contains an important component - connective tissue protein, which is responsible for maintaining the elasticity, tone and elasticity of the skin. This structural protein strengthens, supports, and is responsible for turgor (internal pressure). The product also contains low-molecular hyaluronic acid, thermal water with a high mineral content and colloidal gold. Effect The eye patches have a pronounced anti-aging effect. They fight flabbiness, wilting, loss of elasticity and the appearance of the first wrinkles. The mask quickly eliminates visible signs of aging, lightens age spots and reduces eyelid swelling. Colloidal gold stimulates regenerative and metabolic processes, normalizes the condition of the epidermis and prolongs youth. Application The facial skin is pre-cleaned and toned, treated with lotion, emulsion or tonic. Then a patch is applied to the area under the eyes (on the upper border of the cheekbone), gently smoothing for a tight fit. The mask is left on the face for 25-30 minutes, and then the silicone pads are removed. The remains of the product are tapped into the skin with fingertips.
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In stock: 101 About the product Chinese hydrogel patches under the eyes HOUMAI gold have a rejuvenating effect. The product goes on sale in a beige plastic jar with a hermetically sealed screw cap. One package contains 60 pieces, with daily use this amount is enough for one month. Patches with 24-karat gold particles are suitable for all skin types, designed for women 30+ with aging skin in the eye area. Light transparent pads are soaked in care serum. For easy removal of patches from the jar, the kit includes a special spatula. Ingredients * Water. * 24K gold particles. * Hyaluronic acid. * PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil. * Propylene glycol. * Allantoin, etc. Effect The essence molecules penetrate the subcutaneous layers, moisturize, nourish, saturate with oxygen, renew cells, prolong the youth of tired skin. With regular use of the product, blood circulation is activated, protective properties are restored. Under the influence of collagen gold, flabby skin around the eyes becomes elastic and firm, pigmentation and characteristic blueness disappear, swelling disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out. How to use The patches are removed from the jar one by one with a spoon and applied alternately under the lower eyelids. The serum action time is 30 minutes. After the required time, the mask is removed, and the remaining essence is rubbed into the skin. There is no need to rinse, the liquid should be completely absorbed.
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In stock: 11 About the product Bioaqua eye patches with peach extract are a universal remedy for eliminating puffiness and traces of lack of sleep. Hexapeptides, which are part of the elixir, actively penetrate into the cells of the subcutaneous layer and prevent premature aging of thinned areas. Hydrogel patches with peach extract and hexapeptides are perfect for tired mature skin. The patches are delicate pink in color and impregnated with a medicinal composition; they are contained in a plastic round jar with a sealed lid. They attract attention with their beautiful designer packaging. One jar contains 60 pieces. Ingredients * Water. * Peach kernel extract. * Propylene glycol. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Acetyl hexapeptide-8. * Red rhodiola root extract, common ginseng. * Allantoin. * Hydrogenated castor oil. * Potassium chloride. Effect Regular use of patches with peach extract from BIOAQUA will give your face a fresh, rested look. The gel serum will moisturize the skin from the inside, nourish it with useful microelements. It will protect against the harmful effects of external factors, relieve irritation, remove swelling and dark circles under the eyes, smooth out expression wrinkles. How to use Using a spatula, remove the patches from the jar and apply the petals under the lower eyelids. For better absorption, gently press and leave for 20-25 minutes. Do not wash off the remaining gel, gently rub it into the thin skin around the eyes with your fingertips.
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In stock: 23 About the product Hydrogel patches from VEZE with dragon's blood extract and caviar. Dragon tree resin has a drainage, protective, wound-healing and softening effect. Caviar extract nourishes and tones, accelerates metabolic processes, activates collagen synthesis. The components of the cosmetic product will give the skin youth, eliminate fine wrinkles. VEZE hydrogel patches have a pleasant texture, they fit firmly to the skin and do not slip off. Your face will shine, have a fresh, rested look. The package contains 60 patches of golden and red color, soaked in essence. Composition * Water. * Dragon tree resin. * Propylene glycol. * Allantoin. * Glucomannan. * Glycerin. * Hyaluronic acid. * Caviar. * Hydroxybenzene ether. * Vitamin complex. Effect Even a single use of VEZE patches will quickly relieve swelling, eliminate dark circles on the lower eyelids, maintain the hydrobalance in the cells, and increase the elasticity and firmness of the skin. The product has a pronounced lifting effect, it awakens dormant cells, charges them with strength and energy. The vitamin complex in the care product helps remove excess fluid. How to use Before use, it is recommended to keep the patches in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Cleanse the skin, remove the patches from the jar with a spatula and carefully apply under the lower eyelids or to another area of the face. Remove after 15-30 minutes.
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In stock: 116 About the product Bioaqua hydrogel patches with algae eliminate swelling and remove dark circles under the eyes. The product comes in a small jar with a screw cap. The mask has a greenish tint and a pleasant, unobtrusive aroma. The kit includes a special spoon for easy removal of patches. The patches, soaked in a concentrated emulsion, hold tightly and do not slip. The patches do not leave a sticky film or oily sheen on the face and do not tighten the skin. The product does not cause allergic reactions and is suitable for all skin types. Ingredients * Green tea. * Algae extract. * Collagen. * Pearl. * Polyphenol. Effect Bioaqua hydrogel patches rejuvenate the skin. Polyphenol, which is part of the applications, restores microcirculation and improves the elasticity of the skin. Collagen gives elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, and prevents the appearance of new ones. Pearl intensively moisturizes the skin. Algae have an anti-inflammatory effect, relieve irritation, and tighten the skin of the face. Seaweed extract creates an invisible barrier, protects the face from the negative impact of the environment. How to use Wash your face with warm water, carefully remove 2 patches with a spoon. Press them firmly under the eyelids. Leave for 20-30 minutes. After the procedure, carefully tap the remaining emulsion into the skin under the eyes. It is recommended to store the package with applications in the refrigerator.
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In stock: 102 About the product Bioaqua hydrogel gold patches refresh the look, eliminate the "panda effect". The packaging attracts with a bright design in golden tones, perfect as a gift for March 8 or a birthday. The small jar contains 60 applications with a golden hue. Due to its compactness, the jar can be taken with you on trips. The kit includes a special spoon to easily get the patches out of the jar. The applications are generously soaked in a gel-like liquid, have a pleasant aroma. This product does not cause allergic reactions, suitable for combination skin. Composition * Colloidal gold extract. * Glycerin. * Allantoin. * Flavoring. * Potassium. * Propylene glycol. Effect Patches from Bioaqua intensively fight puffiness, improve the overall condition of the skin. Colloidal gold extract is very popular in modern cosmetology. Gold effectively smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin, and gives the face a matte finish. The patches literally copy the skin texture, fit tightly, and do not peel off. The product provides care for aging skin, has a calming effect, and makes the skin moisturized. After using the product, an invisible barrier remains in the form of a thin film to protect the face from the sun, frost, and wind. How to use Use a spoon to remove 2 patches from the package. Firmly fix each plate under the lower eyelid. Leave for 20-30 minutes. Remove the patches, rub the remaining emulsion into the skin. The procedure does not require additional rinsing. It is recommended to use the patches 3-4 times a week.
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In stock: 305 A film mask with niacinamide and hyaluronic acid combats age-related changes and takes care of the health of the skin. Moisturizes, nourishes, cleanses the dermis, normalizes metabolic processes. Gives the skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates flaking and reduces sebum production. Stops inflammatory processes, prevents the formation of pimples and acne. Accelerates the healing of wounds. Evens out tone. How to use: carefully apply a thin layer to clean, toned skin of the face, avoiding the lips and eyes. Leave on for 25-30 minutes. The resulting film is removed in one motion from the chin.
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In stock: 17 About the product Night mask with kiwi extract BIOAQUA is designed for enhanced facial skin care at night. The exotic kiwi fruit has a healing effect on the skin, evens out the complexion, fights flaking, relieves redness of inflamed skin, smoothes wrinkles and fine lines. The mask is a gel mass of delicate consistency with small fruit inclusions. It is distributed very easily and softly. The product in the amount of 120 grams is contained in a round plastic jar with a hermetic lid of pale green color to match the gel mask. Ingredients * Water. * Kiwi fruit extract. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Glycerin. * Snail secretion filtrate. * B-glucan. * Disodium EDTA. * PEG-40 castor oil. * Bis-hydroxymethyl. Effect Radiant and elastic skin is the result of using the BIOAQUA night mask with kiwi. A cosmetic product with a rejuvenating effect moisturizes the skin, nourishes it with useful substances, vitamins and amino acids, smoothes wrinkles. Active components penetrate deep into the skin structure, enrich the cells with oxygen, normalize metabolic processes, improve health and restore the lost attractiveness of your face. How to use Wash your face with warm water, blot with a towel, apply the gel mass to the face, evenly distribute over all areas, including the neck and d?collet?. Leave the mask on your face overnight. The next morning, your skin will be soft and elastic.
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In stock: 77 The new model from the reliable brand "Bioaqua" is an effective leave-in mask made from pomegranate. Accordingly, it is preferable to apply it in the evening before going to bed. The product has become so popular due to its unique composition. It contains folic acid and various antioxidants in optimal quantities, which together simultaneously improve the skin in general and improve its appearance in particular. Many girls especially liked the fact that there are no problems with fat after using the mask. The fact is that this product regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands and restores their normal functioning. The Bioaqua night mask with pomegranate is a proven product. Many people choose this model because of its protective properties. In this case, skin cells will be more protected and healthy. How to use: 1) Cleanse your face with foam or other cleanser. 2) Apply a not too thin layer of gel to your face, avoiding the lip and eye areas. 3) Massage for a minute. No need to wash off the mask. Night mask with pomegranate extract Bioaqua 120 grams BQY6049
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In stock: 52 Laikou Moisturizing Night Mask 120 grams This is a night mask from Laikou that can be used by both young girls and women. Its effectiveness is guaranteed by its well-thought-out composition. One of its main components is hyaluronic acid, which is widely used in the production of cosmetics. The mask promotes: • deep skin hydration; • rapid restoration of damaged areas of the skin; • activation of natural skin regeneration. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, each skin cell receives the necessary amount of moisture. Due to this, the skin becomes healthy and more elastic. This component also helps smooth out fine wrinkles.
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In stock: 86 Many cosmetic products have an anti-stress effect, but the innovative hot mask Bioaqua has an advantage - it has a general calming effect on the nervous system. Lavender extract in combination with a comfortable temperature provides the following effects: * relaxation of facial muscles; * anti-stress effect; * rest for the eyes with constant strain of the organ of vision associated with reading or working at the computer; * smoothing, regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin of the face; * moisturizing and nourishing the skin around the eyes; How to use Eye mask with lavender extract in a convenient form of release heats up on its own. To use you need to: * cleanse the skin; * take out the mask, place it on the face; * unfold the special temples, put them on the auricles; * wait for the mask to heat up to 40C; * enjoy the aroma of lavender in a horizontal position for 7-10 minutes; * remove the mask, remove the remains of the product with a cotton pad. The heating system is designed for single use. It is recommended to use the cosmetic product no more than once a week. The positive effect on the skin is immediately noticeable. The ideal effect is achieved after 4-6 weeks of regular procedures. Hot eye mask with lavender extract Bioaqua is one of the most popular products in the Teomart store. It is easy to buy a package in a convenient format on our website. When placing an order, you can specify your preferred delivery method.
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In stock: 376 Apple face mask with vitamins V7 Bioaqua About the product Cosmetics with apple juice and vitamins V7, released by the Chinese brand Bioaqua, are a means for rejuvenation, deep nutrition and restoration. Chinese rejuvenating face masks have a complex effect on the structure due to the combination of Eastern traditions and current standards of cosmetic quality. Composition Essential amino acids contained in the concentrate of natural apples, iron, vitamins A, B, C and K are the main active ingredients of the composition for complete care. Effect The main effect of the mask is care for aging and problem skin, with various metabolic disorders. Dry skin under the influence of active components is filled with nourishing moisture, and prone to oiliness - normalizes the state of the lipid layer on the surface. Also, as a result of the mask, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, microcirculation is improved, rejuvenation occurs. How to use: Face masks from China are easy to use – just take out the contents of the bag, straighten the fabric base and apply to the skin. After 20-25 minutes, the napkin can be removed, and the remains of the useful composition can be left to be absorbed.
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In stock: 350 About the product A cosmetic product based on rose extract prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, prevents dehydration, soothes, eliminates the feeling of tight skin. The SENANA fabric mask with therapeutic impregnation is in a tight sealed bag with an expressive design - bright roses on a black background. The volume of the product is 25 ml. A soothing mask soaked in serum moisturizes the skin, penetrates into the deep layers, saturating the cells with moisture, minerals and vitamins. The product can be used by women of all ages, regardless of skin type. Composition * ROSA RUGOSA rosehip petal extract. * Purified water. * Glycerin. * Hyaluronic acid. * Castor oil. Effect The pink mask evens out the skin texture, smoothes wrinkles, slows down age-related changes, gives the face a well-groomed healthy appearance. Thanks to deep hydration, the unpleasant feeling of dryness and itching disappears. The product has an antiseptic effect, is suitable for people with dermatological problems, relieves inflammation and irritation. The complexion is evened out, the skin stops being shiny and becomes matte. How to use In most cases, the mask is used in the morning before applying daytime makeup. To increase its effectiveness, you need to cleanse your face of the remains of the night cream with a toner and only then apply a napkin with serum. Keep the mask on your face for no more than 30 minutes. After the procedure, massage the skin so that the essence is completely absorbed.
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In stock: 115 About the product The soothing BIOAQUA Natural Extract Mask with aloe extract is suitable for women with supersensitive skin prone to allergies, irritation, dryness, and flaking. The disposable mask is placed in an individual package with a dense backing for easy application to the face. A thin fabric napkin is impregnated with a vitaminized gel-like essence with a subtle scent of aloe leaves. A universal mask with slits for the nose, mouth, and eyes completely covers the face and fits snugly to the skin. Serum molecules penetrate the subcutaneous layers, nourishing the cells with useful substances. Ingredients * Aloe vera extract. * Glycerin. * Water. * Hyaluronic acid. * PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil. * Urea. * Flavoring, etc. Effect Natural aloe leaf juice has long been used in folk cosmetics as a rejuvenating agent. With regular procedures, the water balance in the skin cells is maintained. The components of the BIOAQUA mask protect the face from the harmful effects of the atmosphere, lighten age spots, fight freckles, redness, and post-acne. After the first time, the skin of the face is calmed, glowing with health and freshness. How to use Apply the mask to the face after washing. To prevent air bubbles from forming under the napkin, it is recommended to press it tightly with your palms. After 20 minutes, remove the mask and rub the remaining gel into the skin.
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In stock: 181 About the product Rorec Cucumber Natural Skin Care Moisturizing Fabric Mask is designed for aging skin. The main component of the cosmetic product is cucumber extract, which has a restorative and toning effect on all areas. During the procedure, the face feels slightly cool and fresh, there is no itching, tingling, pinching or other unpleasant sensations. The drug gives a positive effect immediately after the first use. With regular use, the skin of the face looks healthy and well-groomed. Composition * Cucumber juice extract. * Castor oil. * Hyaluronic acid. * Water. * Glycerin. Effect The mask perfectly moisturizes, refreshes the skin, brightens the complexion, discolors freckles and age spots, relieves irritation. Under the influence of cucumber extract, enlarged pores are noticeably narrowed, the number of black fatty dots on the nose, cheeks, chin decreases. Gel-like serum, saturated with vitamins and oxygen, penetrates deep into the skin, filling the cells with moisture and nutrients. Traces of fatigue disappear from the face, the skin acquires a rested, well-groomed appearance. How to use Before applying the mask, remove makeup and dirt from the face. Remove the mask from the package, straighten it, align the holes with the eyes, nose, mouth. Leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the mask, and distribute the remaining serum over all areas. It is recommended to do the procedure 2-3 times a week.
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In stock: 636 About the product The moisturizing mask developed by Bioaqua contains natural cactus extract. It provides intensive hydration, transforms even dehydrated, overdried skin. It has a rejuvenating effect, eliminates skin imperfections, reduces the negative impact of external factors. It is used to care for aging, mature skin. Composition The main ingredient of the napkin mask is cactus extract, which intensively restores the water and lipid balance of the skin. Increases the elasticity of the epidermis, makes the microrelief smooth, wrinkles are less noticeable. The mask contains additional natural extracts that enhance the effect. Effect A single use of the mask provides deep hydration of the skin, a course of procedures gives a more persistent and long-lasting effect. With regular use, blood supply to the skin improves, local immunity is restored. The skin receives sufficient moisture, so wrinkles become invisible, peeling disappears. How to use Open the package with the mask, carefully take it out. Apply the napkin to the previously prepared - clean and dry - skin of the face so as to achieve maximum adhesion. Leave the mask for 20 minutes, then carefully remove it from the face. Gently pat the remains of the nourishing essence into the skin. To enhance and fix the effect of the procedure, apply a nourishing cream from your usual care line to the face.
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In stock: 434 About the product The Chinese mask with water lily from the BIOAQUA brand has a complex effect on the skin. It is created on a fabric base, which makes it easy and comfortable to use. Effectively removes traces of fatigue and deeply moisturizes. Composition Water lily is an excellent remedy for inflammation and irritation. The beneficial substances in its composition fill the skin with moisture, making it elastic and younger. Ingredients: water lily extract, natural ingredients, water. Allergic reactions do not occur. Effect After using the mask, the skin of the face acquires the necessary tone, is moisturized, fine wrinkles are smoothed out. The essence provides intensive nutrition and a healthy skin color due to the presence of biologically active substances. In addition, water lily is a powerful antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, any irritations disappear without a trace. Skin care cosmetics eliminate pigment spots, dryness and flaking, prevent age-related changes from appearing sharply, significantly increase the youth period of the skin. Application The face must be thoroughly cleaned of makeup and dirt. Remove the mask from the package, apply to the skin and carefully straighten, pressing firmly to avoid folds and air bubbles. After 20 minutes, remove the cloth, gently massage the remaining product into the skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to use the mask 3 times a week.
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In stock: 145 About the product The mask with aloe extract moisturizes and provides sensitive facial skin with nutrients. This cosmetic product is indispensable for women with thin, problematic skin. It has a moisturizing, strengthening effect, provides gentle, delicate care. The convenient form of release - in the form of a napkin with an emulsion applied to it - makes home cosmetic procedures simple and enjoyable. Composition The main component is natural aloe extract. It prevents moisture loss, provides the skin with a feeling of freshness, hydration, relieves swelling. Affects irritated areas of the skin, soothing them. Auxiliary components of the mask act on the surface of the skin, penetrate into its deep layers. Effect The mask evens out the skin, saturates it with moisture, maintains the volume of epidermal cells, which can dry out over time. The effect of the product is cumulative, so after a course of procedures, the changes will be more noticeable, and the effect will last a long time. You will enjoy smooth, velvety skin, wrinkles will become less pronounced. How to use Before the procedure, cleanse your face, remove makeup and dirt. Remove the mask from the package, straighten it out, and spread it over your face. Carefully remove air bubbles from under the napkin to achieve maximum adhesion. Relax your facial muscles. Remove the napkin after twenty minutes. Massage your skin with your fingertips for a minute. Rinse off any remaining essence with warm water. Apply a care serum or cream.
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In stock: 304 A fabric mask with natural snail secretion extract (mucin) is enriched with an impregnation with essence, which is distinguished by a high content of active ingredients and enriched with snail mucin. This ingredient is used in cosmetics to restore elasticity, tighten turgor. Enhances the process of cell renewal, rejuvenates and gives a healthy, bright shade. The mask enhances the protective functions of the skin, neutralizes the harmful effects of the environment, prevents premature aging of the skin. Promotes cell renewal, gives healthy freshness to the skin of the face and improves its condition. Snail mucin extract has the following properties: a powerful antioxidant, protects cells from destruction and premature aging; restores and improves local microcirculation, strengthens capillary walls; evens out complexion and resolves stagnant spots. Application: It is recommended to first thoroughly cleanse the surface of the skin of the face, for this use a toner or cleansing foam. Remove the product from the package and apply to the face, carefully distribute. Leave for 20-30 minutes, then remove and gently massage the remaining serum into the skin with your fingertips. For best results, use masks up to three times a week.
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In stock: 1005 About the product This is a nourishing face mask with 24-karat gold microparticles on a fabric base. The Venzen napkin, generously soaked in healing serum, is in an individual sealed package. The weight of one package is 25 g. Molecules of the precious metal penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, stimulate regeneration at the cellular level, accelerate metabolism. The main effect of the product is aimed at nourishing and moisturizing the face, d?collet?, neck, and hands. Composition * High-molecular hyaluronic acid. * Gold microparticles. * Plant extracts. * Vitamins. * Nutrients. Effect The GOLD VENZEN moisturizing mask is recommended for people with sensitive skin. The care product with gold and hyaluronic acid moisturizes the skin for a long time. After the procedure, the face gains an inner radiance and remains fresh throughout the day. The product brightens the skin, removes pigment spots, relieves irritation, signs of fatigue. How to use Open the package with scissors, carefully remove the napkin soaked in the medicinal composition. Put the mask on your face, smooth it out and take a comfortable position. The action time is 20-30 minutes. For a tighter fit, you can cut the fabric into 2 parts. After removing the mask, rub the remaining serum into the skin with light touches along the massage lines.
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In stock: 871 About the product SENANA ampoule mask with hyaluronic acid is designed for women of all ages, suitable for dry, normal and oily skin, does not cause allergies. The compact sealed bag contains a healing essence in the form of a gel and an ultra-thin fabric napkin that follows the contours of the face. The active substance in the amount of 25 ml is completely enough for a single use. Composition The mask contains a complex of 3 types of hyaluronic acid: * high-molecular hyaluronic acid (creates a thin film on the skin, retaining moisture); * low-molecular (moisturizes the skin at a deeper level); * fractions of low-molecular hyaluronic acid (crushed particles penetrate deep into the cells and start the processes of restoration and rejuvenation in the subcutaneous layers). Effect The mask intensively moisturizes the skin of the face, prevents dehydration. The skin becomes firm and elastic. The aging process slows down, premature wrinkles are smoothed out, the characteristic mesh in problem areas around the eyes disappears, nasolabial folds are smoothed out. The cosmetic product not only moisturizes, but also brightens the skin, gives it an inner glow, and discolors pigment spots. How to use Remove a napkin soaked in serum, apply to the face and gently distribute over all areas. Leave for 20 minutes. After the procedure, do a light massage until the essence is completely absorbed.
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In stock: 273 Bioaqua Rice Raw Pulp Mask fabric face mask with rice extract gently cares for the skin, evens out the complexion and relief of the face, fights the signs of aging. Rice also stimulates the production of collagen. The result is not only skin nutrition, but also the elimination of fine wrinkles, slowing down the aging process. Rice extract is rich in antioxidants that maintain skin tone, promote its cleansing and restoration. Rice oil starts the process of cell regeneration, improves skin elasticity, increases its firmness. In addition, rice has a moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, softening and restorative effect. Rice also stimulates the production of collagen. The result is not only skin nutrition, but also the elimination of fine wrinkles, slowing down the aging process. Rice masks make the complexion more even and light. Main active ingredients: rice extract, grape seed extract, propylene glycol, etc. Application: apply the mask to a cleansed face, remove after 15-20 minutes, pat the remainder into the skin until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 1039 About the product The rejuvenating super-moisturizing face mask with red pomegranate extract CAICUI is intended for regular care. The product with a pleasant cosmetic aroma is sold in a single package, which contains 10 masks in disposable bags weighing 30 grams each. A fabric napkin with a dense gel-like texture is made according to a pattern that precisely repeats the shape and relief of the face, holds well, does not slip. The mask with pomegranate extract can be used as a day and night product. It is recommended to apply to the face at least 2-3 times a week. Ingredients * Pomegranate extract. * Hyaluronic acid. * Vitamin C. * Licorice extract. * Centella extract. * Allantoin. * Folic acid. * Antioxidants. Effect The CAICUI Pomegranate Mask has a moisturizing effect, regulates sebum secretion, provides full protection against harmful bacteria, and restores the skin's hydrobalance at the cellular level. Synthesized hyaluronic acid improves the structure of collagen fibers that have undergone age-related changes. This product is recommended for active use in dry, hot weather, as well as during the heating season. How to use The mask is applied to pre-cleansed skin. To achieve the maximum effect, it is recommended to take a comfortable position and relax the facial muscles. After the procedure, distribute the remaining gel over all areas until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 1038 About the product Vitamin mask of the Chinese brand Bioaqua saturates the skin of the face with nutrients, vitamins, softens it, gives a healthy glow. The product can be used for systematic care, preservation of youth, hydration. The mask is released in the form of a napkin, so it is comfortable to use. Regular procedures will make the skin of the face toned, healthy, radiant. Composition The basis of the product is natural substances that deeply penetrate the layers of the skin, have a powerful softening effect. The mask contains active soy extract. It helps smooth out the microrelief of the skin, stimulates the production of natural collagen. Soy was used in Chinese folk medicine to nourish the skin, rejuvenate. Soy extract increases the protective properties of the skin, provides its elasticity. Effect After the first procedure, you will notice how much fresher the skin of the face becomes. You will look like a rested, well-groomed woman even without makeup. Regular use of the napkin mask will eliminate peeling, dry skin, and prevent the feeling of tightness. Application Before applying the mask, cleanse the skin. Open the package and carefully place the napkin on your face. Press the material firmly so that there is no air between the product and the skin surface. Leave the mask on for a quarter of an hour, then carefully remove it. Apply nourishing cream to your face - this will enhance the effect of the napkin mask.
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In stock: 410 About the product The lifting fabric face mask comes in a bright green disposable package with an image of olive fruits, which corresponds to the name of the cosmetic product. The 40-gram face mask with olive extract from the IMAGES brand is generously soaked in hydrogel serum. There is a special notch on the outside to easily open the package. Unlike similar products from other companies, this mask has slits not only in the usual places, but also special loops for the ears. After using the mask, there are no sticky marks on the skin, it does not cause allergies or irritations. Ingredients * Olive oil extract. * Water. * Glycerin. * Butylene glycol. * Sodium hyaluronate. * PEG-40 hydrogenated castor oil. Effect The IMAGES olive mask evens out the tone, lightens pigment spots, helps restore the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Softens, gently nourishes, activates cell regeneration in the subcutaneous layer. It has wound-healing and disinfectant properties. With regular use of the product, enlarged pores narrow, aging skin becomes more tender and smooth. How to use It is recommended to apply the mask with ears, soaked in gel, to cleansed skin and leave for 20 minutes. Then remove the napkin, and gently rub the remaining essence into the skin until completely absorbed. Repeat the procedure at least 2-3 times a week.
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In stock: 72 About the product Bioaqua Sakura Face Mask (Hare) disposable is designed for intensive care of any skin type. Suitable for young girls and women aged 30+, owners of sensitive skin prone to irritation. The mischievous Hare, depicted on the package, lifts the mood and invites you to get an instant result. Ingredients * Water. * Glycerin. * Extract of oriental sakura flowers and chamomile. * Propylene glycol. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Anisic acid. * Benzyl benzoate. * Dipotassium glycyrrhizate. * Methylparaben. * Hydrogenated castor oil. * Potassium hydroxide. * Fragrance, etc. Effect After the skin care procedure with the sakura mask, you will get an even complexion. Its main effect is healing microcracks, nutrition and hydration. The Sakura mask from BIOAQUA smoothes out fine wrinkles and creates a rejuvenating effect. A light touch of your hands will allow you to feel the elasticity and hydration of your face. Your skin will look beautiful, rested, protected from the sun, wind and other climatic influences. How to use: Pre-cleanse your skin of makeup. Wash your face with the face wash foam from the same series. Open the package and apply the mask, distributing it evenly over the entire surface of your face. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes. Then carefully remove the mask and spread the remaining product over your skin with light massage movements. Do not rinse.
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In stock: 157 One Spring Silk Protein Mask Has a quick soothing and moisturizing effect, suitable for sensitive skin. Main ingredients: aloe extract, silk protein extract, vitamin E, witch hazel extract, hyaluronic acid, oat beta-glucan. Silk protein mask is a useful and healing product for the skin. It contains silk proteins of natural origin - this is an environmentally friendly product! With their help, even rough skin becomes beautiful and soft. The mask has good cleansing properties. Thanks to it, a woman's face will be freed from both external and internal impurities. After all, dust, excess fat, dead skin cells, etc. often accumulate in the pores. And with the help of the product, all this will be removed! In addition, with all this, the skin will not suffer - no damage or scratches. Do you want to provide your skin with care and gentle care? This product is the right solution. Its effectiveness has been proven by the experience of many women. With the silk protein mask, you can easily achieve baby-soft skin.
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In stock: Out of stock One Spring Anti-Acne Silk Protein Mask Has a quick soothing and moisturizing effect, suitable for sensitive skin. Main ingredients: aloe extract, silk protein extract, vitamin E, witch hazel extract, hyaluronic acid, oat beta-glucan. Silk protein mask is a useful and healing product for the skin. It contains silk proteins of natural origin - this is an environmentally friendly product! With their help, even rough skin becomes beautiful and soft. The mask has good cleansing properties. Thanks to it, a woman's face will be freed from both external and internal impurities. After all, dust, excess fat, dead skin cells, etc. often accumulate in the pores. And with the help of the product, all this will be removed! In addition, with all this, the skin will not suffer - no damage or scratches. Do you want to provide your skin with care and gentle care? This product is the right solution. Its effectiveness has been proven by the experience of many women. With the silk protein mask, you can easily achieve baby-soft skin.
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In stock: 391 Silk Protein Mask Images Light, gentle fabric mask with silk protein extract and green tea for skin moisturizing. Silk protein mask is a product that will take care of your skin and protect it. With its help, the face will become fresher, more beautiful, because it will be difficult to find a flaw in it. In addition, the skin will shine. The manufacturer has created a special formula that makes the epithelium more elastic and flexible, and also smoothes it out, making the dermis smoother. Thanks to these actions, the face becomes more beautiful. In addition, the mask contains many amino acids. They awaken the regeneration processes in the human body, due to which damaged areas of the skin are restored much faster. The product simultaneously has a moisturizing and nourishing effect. It will provide skin cells with everything they need for life. If there are problems with local metabolism, the mask will help get rid of them.
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In stock: 669 About the product The moisturizing mask with pomegranate from IMAGES is a fabric napkin with holes for the eyes, nose and lips, soaked in a medicinal extract. It goes on sale in individual packaging - a hermetically sealed small sachet of bright red color. For ease of use, the mask is laid out on a special stencil backing. Durable fabric fits tightly to the face, saturating the skin with useful components. Ingredients * Water. * Red pomegranate juice. * Hyaluronic acid. * Glycerin. * Ginseng extract. * Silk protein. * Seaweed extract. * Hydrolyzed pearl. * Propylene glycol. * Allantoin. * Hydrogenated castor oil. Effect The face mask with natural pomegranate extract IMAGES provides delicate intensive care. The balanced formula is aimed at increased saturation of epidermal cells with vitamins, nutrients, and microelements. The components included in the elixir promote skin regeneration, providing a rejuvenating effect. The mask accelerates cell regeneration processes and has a rejuvenating effect. The product reduces sebum production by the sebaceous glands. After the procedure, the face acquires a noble matte finish, a healthy appearance, the oval is tightened, and an extraordinary feeling of freshness and hydration appears. How to use The mask should be applied to cleansed skin. Separate the napkin from the backing, smooth it out, and apply it to the face. Remove after 20-25 minutes, gently pat the remaining liquid into the skin.
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In stock: 557 Bioaqua Snail Mucin Rejuvenating Face Mask About the product Snail mucin rejuvenating face mask from the famous Chinese company Bioaqua is an effective remedy for quickly restoring the superficial and deep layers of the skin, as well as preserving youth and beauty. Traditional recipes of oriental cosmetology together with pharmaceutical developments determine the comprehensive care that all Chinese rejuvenating face masks provide. Composition A natural base of natural active ingredients is the main secret of the cosmetic product. Snail mucin is a powerful antioxidant that helps eliminate free radicals and prevents aging. Vitamins, minerals and microelements are selected for the most beneficial effect on skin structures. Effect Chinese fabric face masks always have a multidirectional effect, deeply moisturizing, nourishing, preventing the appearance of signs of aging. Vitamin complexes in the product improve metabolism, fill cells and fibers with useful substances, stimulate collagen production. How to use The fabric base must be removed, straightened and left on the face for 15-20 minutes. It is not recommended to wash off the remains of the product.
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In stock: 280 About the product Ultra-thin silk mask with natural mucin is an express product for instant softening, cleansing, and smoothing of the skin. The set includes 10 disposable fabric masks soaked in a deep-acting gel-like product. It penetrates the epidermis and affects the skin from the inside, giving it a fresh, healthy look. Composition The main components are hyaluronic acid and snail mucin extract. Low-molecular hyaluronic acid effectively fights dryness by retaining water molecules in the skin. Snail mucin is a natural component that has a pronounced healing, restorative, and rejuvenating effect. Effect The cooling mask with snail mucin gives a feeling of freshness, tones and increases elasticity. It gently removes dark circles under the eyes, lightens pigment spots, and makes blackheads less noticeable. The mask also smoothes the skin and makes it velvety, tightens the face contour and narrows the pores. Application Each package contains a single-use mask, which is applied to clean, dry skin of the face. To enhance the effect, pre-treatment with a scrub is recommended. The base fabric is carefully straightened and applied to the face, smoothed for a tight fit and left for 20-40 minutes. Then it is removed, and the remaining product is gently patted into the skin with fingertips. The product is suitable for daily use.
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In stock: 651 A very effective face mask with honey. Perfectly saturates the skin with moisture, copes with dryness, deeply penetrating the skin structure. In addition, the mask makes the skin more matte and protects it from the unsafe influence of the environment. Your face will get an additional radiance and a velvety effect. How to use 1. Before using the mask, be sure to cleanse and dry your face. 2. Carefully open the aluminum packaging, without spilling the liquid. 3. Apply the mask to your face and gently smooth until complete contact. 4. After 15-20 minutes of waiting, remove the mask. 5. Rub your face with massaging movements until the composition is completely absorbed into the skin. You can use a paper towel or sponge.
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In stock: 683 Do you want to improve the condition of your skin? Do cosmetics take a long time to work, but you need results as quickly as possible? In such cases, a mask with pomegranate extract helps well. It works quickly. With its help, you can quickly relax the dermis, as well as activate the regeneration processes. The mask has a moisturizing effect. It will provide the necessary amount of moisture to skin cells for the whole day. And the minerals, vitamins and other elements necessary for the skin contained in it will restore the skin to full functioning and proper metabolism. Pomegranate extract contains a large amount of organic acids. This nutritional component allows you to: • rid the skin of keratinized areas; • eliminate minor inflammations; • remove rough areas; • even out complexion; • fight pigmentation. The most effective results will be with regular use. How to use: Straighten the fabric mask, apply to a clean face and smooth. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask and massage the skin for better absorption.
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In stock: 1390 About the product Bioaqua Pomegranate Face Mask (Duck) helps fight age-related skin changes. It is necessary to preserve the natural beauty of your face. Eliminates fine wrinkles, restores skin elasticity. Helps eliminate age spots and other signs of skin aging. Tones and moisturizes. Provides a light lifting and gives a rejuvenating effect. Bright packaging, with a funny duck on the cover, lifts the mood and is easy to use. Recommended for women aged 30 and older. Ingredients * Water. * Glycerin. * Butylene glycol. * Propylene glycol. * Aloe barbadensis leaf extract. * Portulaca oleifera extract. * Pomegranate fruit extract. * Carbomer. * Arginine. * Allantoin. * Sodium PCA. * Hamamelis virginiana water (witch hazel). * Sodium hyaluronate. * Disodium EDTA, dipotassium glycyrrhizate, etc. Effect Bioaqua Pomegranate Mask has an extended spectrum of action. It normalizes the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, makes the skin elastic and youthful. Due to intensive skin lightening, pigment spots, freckles, and signs of early aging disappear. How to use Pre-cleanse the skin of decorative cosmetics. Wash your face with cleansing foam. Open the package and apply the mask, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes. Then carefully remove the mask and distribute the remaining product over the skin with light massage movements. Do not rinse.
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In stock: 562 A mask with hyaluronic acid will become an effective moisturizer. It contains many nutrients, thanks to which the condition of skin cells quickly improves. After several applications, the complexion becomes lighter, and the color gradually evens out. Do not be afraid to harm the skin. The product has a mild effect and helps to narrow the pores. With its help, you can provide the dermis with the substances necessary for life. Thanks to this, the skin will take on a more "fresh" look and will have a radiant effect. Hyaluronic acid does not just provide the skin with the necessary amount of moisture. It helps to retain fluid in the pores. Due to this effect, the skin becomes younger, healthier and more beautiful. How to use: Cleanse your face with a cleanser. Open the package, take out the mask and straighten. Carefully apply the mask to your face and smooth it out. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask and massage your face to improve the absorption of the remaining serum. Apply lotion or toner.
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In stock: 2278 Bioaqua BQY3962 Hyaluronic Acid Sheet Mask Hyaluronic acid mask from Bioaqua will become an effective moisturizer. It contains many nutrients, thanks to which the condition of skin cells quickly improves. After several applications, the complexion becomes lighter, and the color gradually evens out. Do not be afraid to harm the skin. The product has a mild effect and helps to narrow the pores. With its help, you can provide the dermis with the substances necessary for life. Thanks to this, the skin will take on a more "fresh" look and will have a radiant effect. Hyaluronic acid does not just provide the skin with the necessary amount of moisture. It helps to retain fluid in the pores. Due to this effect, the skin becomes younger, healthier and more beautiful. Do not be afraid of allergies - hyaluronic acid is not a foreign element for skin cells. Directions: Cleanse your face with a face wash. Open the package, take out the mask and straighten it. Gently apply the mask to your face and smooth it out. After 15-20 minutes, remove the mask and massage your face to improve absorption of the remaining serum. Apply lotion or toner.
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In stock: 26 Images Seaweed Face Mask XXM11294 About the product Chinese face masks are popular as a means of intensive care and restoration of the skin. Natural components in their composition and biological activity of active substances ensure the effectiveness of their use. Also, the wide distribution of masks determines availability. The Images brand face mask is an active tool of oriental cosmetology for the rapid restoration of beauty, maintaining the youth of the skin of the face. Composition Seaweed extract is a natural source of longevity, an activator of the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers, as well as an anti-inflammatory agent. Chinese fabric face masks contain substances for long-term storage, but they are safe for the skin and do not cause allergic reactions. Effect Biologically active components have a regenerating effect, narrow pores, eliminate pronounced vascular network, normalize the sebaceous glands. How to use It is necessary to carefully unpack the mask, remove the fabric base soaked in the composition, then distribute it over the skin of the face. After 15-20 minutes, the cloth should be removed and the remaining cosmetic product should be rubbed in along the massage lines.
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In stock: 1048 Moisturizing face mask with aloe extract Bioaqua art. BQY0481 Aloe extract effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, copes with redness, enhances the protective qualities of the skin, helps the skin retain its natural moisture. Lignin, which is part of aloe, helps moisture penetrate into the lower layers of the skin, activates metabolic processes and promotes cellular renewal. Ingredients Water, glycerin, propylene glycol, aloe extract, glycosyl trehalose, xanthan gum, disodium EDTA, hydrogenated castor oil PEG-40, flavoring, sodium hyaluronate. How to use Carefully apply the mask to a clean, dry face and gently smooth with your fingers until completely adhered to the skin. Relax for 15-20 minutes, during which the skin will absorb the nutrients. Then remove the mask and gently massage your face until the remaining liquid is completely absorbed. For dry skin, you can use it once every 3 days. Then once a week or whenever necessary. For best results from the mask, use it after a shower or 10 minutes of a hot towel. Store in a cool place away from sunlight.
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In stock: 644 Aloe extract effectively moisturizes and softens the skin, copes with redness, enhances the protective qualities of the skin, helps the skin retain its natural moisture. Lignin, which is part of aloe, helps moisture get into the lower layers of the skin, activates metabolic processes and promotes cellular renewal. How to use Carefully apply the mask to a clean, dry face and gently smooth it with your fingers until it completely adheres to the skin. Relax for 15-20 minutes, during which the skin will absorb the nutrients. Then remove the mask and gently massage your face until the remaining liquid is completely absorbed.
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In stock: 937 About the product Chinese face mask is designed for regular skin care. A cosmetic product with a smoothing effect is recommended for people aged 45+. The mask is a tissue napkin made of thin cellulose, impregnated with a gel composition. The product is in a disposable sealed package. The active ingredient is a highly concentrated serum with hyaluronic acid and Rhodiola rosea. The weight of one package is 25 g. When using this product, age wrinkles will be smoothed out, crow's feet will disappear, your face will become smooth, soft, velvety. Composition The smoothing mask contains components of natural origin: 1. glycerin; 2. water; 3. hyaluronic acid; 4. Rhodiola rosea extract; 5. hydrogenated castor oil; 6. allantoin. Effect The fabric mask with hyaluronic acid and Rhodiola rosea has a softening, moisturizing effect. With regular application, even the slightest signs of aging will disappear. Under the influence of hyaluronic acid, the subcutaneous layer is saturated with moisture, vitamins at the cellular level. The extract of Rhodiola rosea flowers restores lost elasticity, firmness, due to which wrinkles are smoothed out, leaving no traces. How to use The mask is applied to pre-cleansed facial skin. After 20 minutes, the napkin is removed, the remaining moisture is carefully distributed over the face and completely absorbed.
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In stock: 375 About the product The country of origin of this product is China. The face mask with a lifting effect is intended for regular care of aging skin. The cosmetic product is designed for single use. A tissue cellulose napkin soaked in medicinal serum is in a sealed package. For ease of use, there are special holes for the eyes, nose and mouth. The main effect is rejuvenation, tightening of the facial contour, smoothing of wrinkles around the eyes, in the nasolabial folds and other problem areas. Composition List of main ingredients: 1. water; 2. glycerin; 3. seaweed extract; 4. algae seed extract; 5. hyaluronic acid; 6. propylene glycol; 7. fragrance, etc. Effect Hyaluronic acid, which is part of the serum, saturates skin cells with life-giving moisture, oxygen, vitamins and other useful substances. Thanks to the gentle effect of the product based on seaweed, the skin is lightened, age spots disappear, wrinkles are smoothed out, bags under the eyes and other signs of puffiness go away. The mask protects the face from ultraviolet radiation, prevents peeling. How to use: Evenly distribute the damp cloth over the face and keep it on for no longer than 20 minutes. After removing the mask, gently rub the remaining serum into the skin of the face. Note: longer exposure can lead to the opposite effect, when the drying mask begins to draw liquid from every skin cell.
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In stock: 36 About the product Universal mask-napkin with olive oil HCHANA Olive penetrates deep into the skin, nourishes it with vitamins, collagen, restores elasticity. The cosmetic product is suitable for women of any age from 18 years. A disposable hydrogel mask is in a sealed sachet with an image of olive tree fruits. The packaging has special slits that allow you to open the bag. One package contains a thin delicate fabric with holes for the eyes, nose and lips, generously soaked in nourishing serum. Weight of the product - 30 g. Composition * Olive oil. * Hyaluronic acid. * Glycerin. * Water. * Flavors and fragrances. Effect A positive result is noticeable immediately after the first session. A mask with olive extract perfectly copes with the problems that women with aging skin face. The product has a powerful antioxidant effect, removes decay products from cells, relieves irritation, moisturizes, has a rejuvenating effect on all areas, including problem areas. The nourishing essence softens, nourishes the skin with vitamins, reduces peeling. How to use The mask with serum is applied to a clean, washed face. The napkin is distributed over the entire circumference and remains for 15-20 minutes. During this time, it is advisable to take a comfortable position and relax the facial muscles as much as possible. Then remove the mask and gently rub the remaining gel into the skin.
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In stock: 29 About the product Chinese chamomile mask is designed for gentle cleansing of the facial skin. The effect is noticeable after the first use. Thanks to the fabric base impregnated with healing essence, this cosmetic product is very convenient for beauty treatments at home. Composition Chamomile has long been famous for its exceptional properties. It removes inflammation, has an antibacterial effect, soothes irritations often observed in girls with oily and problematic skin. In addition to chamomile, the cosmetic product contains witch hazel extract, nicotinamide, castor oil. All components are natural, do not cause an allergic reaction. Effect The mask is recommended for solving such skin problems as signs of fatigue, frequent redness and inflammation. With regular use, rosacea, dark circles under the eyes disappear, the skin tone is evened out. Active ingredients saturate the skin with vitamins, micro- and macroelements. How to use: Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam your face so that the extract is better absorbed. You can take a bath or put a hot towel on your skin. Open the package and take out the fabric mask, gently straighten it and put it on your face. Keep it on for 15-20 minutes. After that, remove the mask and gently rub the remaining product into the skin until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 28 About the product A cosmetic product of the Bioaqua brand with a whitening effect based on goat's milk and rose extract is suitable for all skin types. The mask is intended for regular facial care. It is made on a fabric base, which makes its use convenient and effective. Composition All components of the product do not cause an allergic reaction due to their natural origin. They affect the activation of the production of organic collagen, replenishing its deficiency with age. Rose extract retains moisture at the cellular level, as a result of which the skin looks healthier. Goat's milk acts as a delicate peeling, removing dead cells. Effect The skin softens, becomes lighter, hyperpigmentation disappears. Depending on the form in which you use the mask - cooled or heated - the product allows the active substances to penetrate deep into the skin, have a toning effect, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and get rid of dark circles. How to use Remove the mask from the package and spread it on your face. Leave it on for 15-20 minutes, then remove it and gently rub the remaining essence into your skin. For dry skin, it is recommended to use the product every day for 4 days. Once the epidermis is saturated with moisture and nutrients, it is enough to use it once a week. The fabric mask can be heated to 50 degrees without opening the package to enhance the effect. Cooling is also possible to improve skin tone.
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In stock: 1217 About the product Cosmetic procedures that bring a magical effect are now possible thanks to the use of a refreshing mask with green tea extract. The fabric base is impregnated with plant essence, which has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face. After use, it is saturated with life-giving moisture, vitamins and microelements. Composition The main ingredient of the mask is green tea extract. It contains tannin, which heals wounds and removes inflammation. There are also essential oils that relieve the skin from the daily stress of the external environment. Vitamins of groups B, PP, K, and C prevent the appearance of wrinkles, remove toxins and activate metabolism. Effect The Chinese mask with green tea extract tones the skin, perfectly copes with acne of various origins, inflammation and irritation. Has the ability to neutralize free radicals. The nutritional components included in the mask maintain the water balance of the epidermis, which prevents the feeling of dryness, tightness and local irritation. Application Cleanse the skin of the face from makeup and impurities. Remove the mask from the package, carefully straighten it and put it on the face. Use time: 20 minutes. Then remove the mask, rub the remaining essence into the skin with light patting movements until completely absorbed. Suitable for all skin types, especially for the problematic T-zone.
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In stock: 833 About the product The seaweed mask is designed for effective facial skin rejuvenation. Like many skin care products from China, it is a fabric base soaked in healing essences. This format is the most convenient for use. Composition All components are carefully selected, absolutely natural and do not cause an allergic reaction. This is kelp extract, hyaluronic acid, ascorbic acid, micro- and macroelements, minerals. The seaweed mask is a unique cosmetic product suitable for any skin type, especially oily and combination skin, as it allows you to restore normal lipid balance. Effect The action of the mask is aimed at combating wrinkles, dull color and loss of skin elasticity. A toning effect is noticeable from the first time of use. The product gently cleanses the skin without causing a feeling of dryness, normalizes the sebaceous glands, has an anti-inflammatory effect and helps fight rashes. Hyaluronic acid perfectly moisturizes the skin, due to which the first signs of aging disappear. How to use The mask must be carefully removed from the individual packaging and placed on the face previously cleansed of makeup and dirt. Leave for 15-20 minutes. Remove the napkin and wait until the essence is completely absorbed into the skin, rinse off the remains with warm water. The cosmetic product is designed for single use.
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In stock: 71 Strawberry face mask with vitamins V7 Bioaqua About the product Face masks from China have long been known throughout the world as an effective means for rapid skin restoration. Cosmetics with strawberry extract and vitamins from the famous brand BIOAQUA provide a comprehensive effect and thorough facial care. Composition Berry juice, hyaluronic acid, vitamin complex, as well as other natural extracts make the contents of the bag unique. Natural flavors provide a delicate floral aroma. Effect Chinese face masks should be bought by connoisseurs of freshness and everyone who wants to prevent premature aging. Active ingredients, essential amino acids, biologically important structural elements of strawberries and hyaluronic acid rejuvenate, eliminate expression wrinkles, and prevent the appearance of acne. The mask prevents premature aging. Due to the action of strawberry juice, blood circulation and cellular regeneration processes improve. Directions for use The contents of the sachet are a thick cosmetic composition and a tissue base that must be carefully spread over the face, then left for 10-15 minutes. The residue should not be washed off - it determines the duration of the effect of the product.
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In stock: 64 Kiwi face mask with vitamins V7 Bioaqua About the product Chinese rejuvenating face masks are a real salvation for those who need to provide complete skin care in a short time. A unique oriental product of the famous brand BIOAQUA V7 Toning Youth Mask + Seven Vitamins Essence is a complex of natural extracts to maintain the beauty and health of the skin of the face. Composition Active biological components of fruits include kiwi juice, green tea, chamomile infusion. The complex of seven vitamins is complemented by grape seed oil and other extracts of natural origin. Ascorbic acid, anti-inflammatory medicinal chamomile and a vitamin cocktail provide a deep complex effect of the product. Effect The result of using cosmetics is smooth and silky skin, narrowing of enlarged pores, strengthening of blood vessels, getting rid of hyperpigmentation areas, stimulation of regenerative processes. Grape seeds provide a peeling effect. How to use Having bought face masks from China, you can use them immediately. The fabric-based product is carefully removed from the package, placed on the face and left for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, there is no need to wash off the makeup, massage the remains into the skin.
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In stock: 730 About the product Chinese face masks are known all over the world due to the unique combination of traditions of oriental cosmetology and modern technologies for producing convenient forms of cosmetics. Also, manufacturers never cease to amaze with the originality of the packaging of cosmetics for care - for example, the face mask "Green Tea" of the BIOAQUA brand is sold in a bag with an image of a funny bear. Composition The active substances of the product are varied. Sodium hyaluronate and nicotinamide are used here. Xanthan gum is considered an important component of the composition, and natural substances include green tea tannins. Effect The combination of biologically active compounds of the mask allows you to quickly restore the freshness and beauty of the skin, effectively combat the manifestations of inflammatory processes, and prevent the appearance of signs of aging. How to use It is worth buying face masks from China because of their convenience. The fabric base of the product must be carefully removed from the packaging bag, laid out and evenly distributed over the face. After the time indicated on the packaging (on average, 15-20 minutes), the fabric base should be removed, and the nourishing remains of the product should be gently rubbed into the skin.
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In stock: 122 Orange face mask with vitamins V7 Bioaqua About the product Orange face mask with vitamins v7 BIOAQUA is suitable for all skin types. Inside the package there is a white fabric mask soaked in serum with a rich orange aroma. The mask is dense, does not tear during use. This cosmetic product has high-quality cuts for the eyes and lower part of the face, which is very convenient to use. The fabric application covers all areas of the face and saturates the skin with useful components. The product does not cause allergic reactions. Composition * Hyaluronic acid. * Complex of 7 vitamins. * Collagen. * Useful minerals. Effect Concentrated serum of the BIOAQUA mask based on orange extract nourishes, moisturizes the skin, fills it with vitamins and minerals, stimulates regenerative processes at the cellular level. Vitamin C has a beneficial effect, brightening and eliminating unwanted pigmentation on the face. Vitamins and minerals effectively combat skin inflammation, providing it with a healthy glow. The components included in the mask even out the microrelief, eliminate oily shine and saturate the skin with useful acids. How to use Cleanse the skin with warm water, scrub for better results. Straighten the mask, apply it as tightly as possible to the face. Leave it for 20-25 minutes so that the essence is well absorbed. The remaining liquid after removing the mask can be patted into the skin instead of being washed off.
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In stock: 392 The Teomart online store sells a product to combat skin rashes. The Bioaqua anti-acne face mask has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and antiseptic effect. What does it do? The product is effective against pathogenic microflora, has a positive effect on problem skin: * improves blood microcirculation; * tones the walls of blood vessels; * cleanses and strengthens the muscle frame; * helps to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands; * ensures smoothness and elasticity of the skin; * gives the face a healthy, fresh look. How to use The mask is easy to use at home. You need to apply the contents of the package to your face, leave for 20-25 minutes, remove the mask, distribute the remains over the skin, apply a suitable cream or serum. You can buy an anti-acne fabric mask on our website. We will arrange delivery to any city in the Russian Federation.
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In stock: 1129 Aloe and seaweed face mask Caicui About the product Anti-aging face mask with aloe and seaweed CAICUI fills the skin with vital energy and health. The main purpose of the anti-stress mask is to even out the tone and remove traces of fatigue from tired skin. The super-thin fabric mask with a pleasant floral aroma is soaked in gel-like serum and sealed in disposable packaging. Suitable for any skin, especially for women over 30 with tired skin and signs of early aging. Serum based on natural ingredients perfectly nourishes the skin, perfectly restores elasticity and firmness. Ingredients * Aloe vera extract. * CAICUI seaweed. * Water. * Witch hazel. * Hydrogenated castor oil, etc. Effect If you have problem skin prone to breakouts, with regular use of the anti-stress mask from the Chinese brand CAICUI, you will forever get rid of traces of post-acne, irritation, and rashes. Deeply moisturized, vitaminized skin will give your face tenderness, health, and youth, age spots, oily shine, and unhealthy blush will disappear, and the relief will be evened out. How to use Before starting the procedure, wash your face with warm water, cleanse the skin of traces of makeup. Open the package, take out a napkin soaked in gel, straighten it out and apply it to your face, aligning the holes with the desired areas. After 20 minutes, remove the mask, and gently rub the essence remaining on your face into the skin. It is advisable to repeat at least 3 times a week.
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In stock: 9 About the product Laikou mud mask with added plant extract is designed to quickly restore skin, combat imperfections and dryness. Expressed therapeutic and healing properties are combined with a cosmetic effect visible after the first application. The product is designed for use 2-3 times a week. Composition The basis of the mask is healing mud from the famous Chinese deposits, processed immediately after the extraction of raw materials, and therefore retains all the beneficial properties. An additional component is natural green tea extract, which is known for its tonic, antibacterial and astringent effects. Effect The light texture of the mask lies evenly on the skin, without creating a feeling of tightness and discomfort. The combination of mud and green tea extract provides healing, anti-inflammatory, softening effects. The mask fights inflammation, rashes, acne. It noticeably tightens pores, normalizes the sebaceous glands and stimulates metabolic processes, promoting accelerated cell regeneration. Application The facial skin is pre-cleaned, and for deeper penetration of the active ingredients, exfoliated. Then, the mask is applied to the dry surface using a spatula or manually, evenly distributing it over the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. The composition is left until completely dry, after which it is carefully washed off with warm water and a cotton pad. The cleansed skin is toned, and then daily cream is applied.
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In stock: 258 Caicui Clay and Pea Face Mask 110 grams Caicui Clay and Pea Face Mask About the product Chinese face masks are a must-buy for anyone who cares about their skin and wants to keep it young and fresh for a long time. Caicui Clay and Pea Face Mask is a unique cosmetic product for basic care that completes the ritual of cleansing and healing procedures for the skin. Composition The content of various nutrients in the mask provides comprehensive care and nutrition with biologically active components. The product also includes natural extract of green peas, soybeans, and the root of a medicinal plant - yellow gentian. Various vitamins and microelements provide multi-component care and improve metabolic processes on the skin surface. Effect The main effect of the mask is smoothing out various skin defects, cleansing clogged pores, and combating blackheads. Gradually eliminating traces of premature aging and smoothing out expression wrinkles is especially important for mature skin, but the product is also suitable for use at a young age. How to use A clay face mask differs in use from fabric and night products, since it requires rinsing after the recommended time has elapsed. It is necessary to apply the mask to skin cleansed of makeup and impurities, then leave it for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure not very often - about once a week.
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In stock: 168 Ice cream clay face mask moisturizes and noticeably evens out the tone. Thanks to the collagen in the composition, it perfectly smoothes wrinkles, increases the elasticity and flexibility of the skin. In addition to collagen in the composition: Nicotine essence normalizes the amount of moisture in the skin layers, stimulates cell renewal, improves elasticity, narrows pores. Hyaluronic acid nourishes the skin, increases elasticity, prevents aging, moisturizes. Yeast extract helps saturate the skin with oxygen, has antioxidant properties, increases elasticity. Goat milk extract gives the skin elasticity and firmness, retains moisture and participates in cell renewal, whitens age spots, improves skin color. How to use Cleanse the skin, apply a hot towel to your face for about 1-3 minutes. Apply the clay mask evenly to your face, avoiding the eye and lip area, leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. Recommended to use 2-3 times a week.
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In stock: 151 A luxurious face mask with clay, blueberry extract and AHA acids is an effective remedy for rejuvenating aging skin and toning young skin. The mask contains volcanic mineral clay with a unique porous molecular structure, which has a huge amount of active minerals. The mask increases the elasticity of the skin, nourishes and deeply cleanses it, improves blood circulation. Reduces the depth of wrinkles, evens out complexion and fights age spots. The mask is suitable for any skin type, making it cleaner, fresher and healthier. How to use Apply the mask to cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for 10-15 minutes until completely dry, then rinse with warm water. Use 2 times a week.
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In stock: 235 Bioaqua Lip Sleeping Mask 20 grams About the product BIOAQUA Lip Sleeping Mask is an effective softening agent for the delicate skin of the lips. The kit includes a brush for easy application. Mask volume is 20 ml. The product protects your lips from chapping and cracking. The product, which has a delicate texture, spreads evenly over the lips and is instantly absorbed. Thanks to the perfectly selected composition, the cream does not roll into lumps, and the lips do not stick together. Completely balanced care gives elasticity and firmness to this delicate area. Ingredients * Mineral oil. * Ground wax. * Ricinus Communis oil. * Ethylhexyl palmitate. * Caprylic triglyceride. * Isopropyl palmitate. * Glyceryl stearate. * PEG-100 stearate. * Flavoring agent. Effect With regular use of the BIOAQUA night lip mask, your lips will noticeably increase in volume, a feeling of luxury and perfection will appear. Dry skin of the lips will become soft, tender and smooth. The cosmetic product heals microcracks and prevents the appearance of new wounds. The vitamin complex deeply nourishes, moisturizes, restores and protects the surface of the lips. The skin acquires a rich natural shade, the contour becomes clearer, irritations completely disappear. How to use Start applying the night lip mask 20 minutes before bedtime. Wash your face with water, put the required amount of product on the brush and gently distribute it over your lips. Try not to go beyond the contour.
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In stock: 4 Bioaqua 3 in 1 Blackhead Remover Set Will appeal to those who want soft and silky skin. You will receive a mask, serum and toner in the set. Thanks to them, you will: • get rid of blackheads; • protect yourself from breakouts; • remove oily shine; • improve the condition and health of your skin. The set will be especially valuable for girls who have problem skin prone to frequent breakouts and other defects. Using it, you can be sure that inflammation will not spoil your face. How does the complex work? Each product in this set plays a specific role: 1. The mask contains activated carbon, which adsorbs the contents of the pores and excess fat cells. 2. Serum with witch hazel extract helps open clogged pores. 3. Toner containing aloe has a calming effect on the skin and helps narrow the pores. Beautiful and healthy skin is easy with BIOAQUA 3 in 1!
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In stock: 334 Clay mask with peach extract contains a high percentage of vitamin C, which improves complexion, promotes the body's production of its own collagen, and increases skin turgor. Accelerates regeneration, improves metabolic processes in the skin, cleanses it of toxins, restores the hydrolipid layer and has an anti-inflammatory effect. How to use Cleanse the skin, apply evenly to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. Recommendations for use: oily skin 2-3 times a week, dry skin 1-2 times a week, normal skin 1 time per week.
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In stock: 804 Green tea clay mask for deep cleansing and pore tightening has a rejuvenating effect and a visible brightening effect. The cleansing clay mask has a stick-shaped pencil shape, making it easy to apply and evenly distribute over the skin without causing dryness and tightness. Thanks to its creamy texture, the green tea mask does not dry out or crack. One of the main components of the cleansing face mask is green tea extract, which soothes the skin, prevents inflammation, gently removes dead skin particles, providing gentle cleansing and giving the skin an even and beautiful color. Kaolin clay is enriched with useful minerals (potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, nitrogen), has antitoxic, antiseptic, bactericidal properties, promotes tissue regeneration. Directions for use: Cleanse skin, apply evenly to face, avoiding eye and lip area, rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. Directions for use: oily skin 2-3 times a week, dry skin 1-2 times a week, normal skin 1 time per week.
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In stock: 1229 Clay mask with eggplant extract is designed for effective facial skin care. The stick format allows you to use the product sparingly, without getting your hands dirty when applying. Clay quickly and effectively cleanses the skin, tightens pores and has a bactericidal effect. Eggplant extract is responsible for the production of collagen, makes the skin fresh and elastic. Clay mask with eggplant is a unique cosmetic product that moisturizes the skin, copes with rashes and inflammations, fights the first signs of skin aging. With regular use, you will notice that the skin has acquired a healthy color and radiance, the pores have narrowed, fine wrinkles have smoothed out. How to use Cleanse the skin, apply evenly to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips, rinse with water after 10-15 minutes. Recommendations for use: oily skin 2-3 times a week, dry skin 1-2 times a week, normal skin 1 time a week.
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In stock: 258 The film mask from blackheads effectively whitens, tightens pores, eliminates pimples, blackheads and acne. Gently cares for the purity of your skin, without drying it out or tightening it. The film mask fights oily shine, absorbs toxins, without disturbing the water balance. After the procedure, the relief becomes smooth and elastic, the elasticity of the skin is significantly increased. Delicately whitens, improves tone, restores blood microcirculation. The components of the face mask completely remove impurities from the pores, normalize the water balance and the functioning of the sebaceous glands. How to use Apply the mask to clean and pre-steamed skin of the face (except for the area around the eyes and lips). After the mask dries, slowly remove the resulting film from the face. Rinse off the remains of the blackhead mask with the required amount of warm water. To increase the effectiveness of the result, use several times a week (no more than 3).
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In stock: 149 About the product Bioaqua film mask for blackheads on the face with bamboo charcoal is a highly effective cosmetic product that will make your face clean and pleasant. The components of the mask cleanse the pores of accumulated sebum, which is removed along with the formed film. The product comes in a small elegant tube with a capacity of 60 milliliters. Suitable for women and men with oily skin prone to peeling, pimples, acne. Composition * Bamboo charcoal. * Urea. * Albumin. * Water. * Polyvinyl alcohol. * Glycerin. * Propylene glycol. * Hyaluronic acid. * Flavors. Effect The mask with charcoal will quickly and effectively cleanse your face of excess oiliness, get rid of blackheads. Oxygen will be available through the cleansed pores, as a result of which the renewed skin will be able to breathe freely and will acquire a well-groomed appearance. With regular procedures, the water-fat balance will stabilize, the face will look healthy and blooming. How to use Steam your face in a warm bath, bath or sauna. Distribute the required amount of the product evenly over problem areas, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. Wait 10-20 minutes until the liquid mass turns into a translucent black film. Use your fingers to grab the edge of the film and remove the compacted layer with a gentle movement from the bottom up. Rinse off the remains with warm water. For maximum results, repeat the procedure at least once a week. The amount of mask in the tube is 60 grams. Blackhead mask with charcoal Bioaqua BQY0610
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In stock: 149 Pig Nose Bioaqua Blackhead Nose Mask Total volume: 21 ml About the product Pig Nose Bioaqua Blackhead Nose Mask cleanses pores and removes characteristic shine in the nose area. The care product is suitable for girls and women 30+, with oily skin. The mask is applied in three stages. Each stage has its own packaging, which clearly indicates the order of the procedure. At the first stage, the skin softens and the pores open. At the same time, the dermis receives full hydration and nutrition. At the second stage, open pores get rid of excess sebum and are freed from blackheads. At the third stage, the pores narrow and have an antiseptic effect. This complex cleansing process allows you to prevent pores from becoming clogged with sebum for a long time. Ingredients * Witch hazel. * Tree peony (sufruticosa). * Senegalese acacia. * Garden chrysanthemum. Effect With the help of the three-phase mask from blackheads from Bioaqua, you will immediately see a positive effect. Large pores are cleaned and narrowed. Blackheads are not visible on the skin in the nose area, there is no oily shine at all. The complexion is evened out in tone, the skin is moisturized, toned and shines with purity. The effect after the procedure remains for a long time, but to get a lasting result, it is advisable to prolong it. How to use Pre-cleanse your face from decorative cosmetics. Wash with cleansing foam. Apply stickers to your nose one by one, capturing problem areas, holding each mask for 10-15 minutes. Strictly follow the sequence indicated on the package. After the procedure, treat your face with serum and apply a moisturizer.
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In stock: 830 About the product Do you have oily skin, your nose with enlarged pores is constantly shiny and covered with unsightly black plugs comedones? The Hankey nose mask for blackheads will help solve this problem quickly and effectively. This product is suitable for oily, shiny skin. The system consists of 3 adhesive strips-patches for step-by-step complex cleaning: opening pores, cleansing them from sebum, closing and narrowing pores. Composition * Hyaluronic acid. * Dextrin. * Hydrogenated castor oil. * Glycerin. * Aloe vera extract. Effect Regular use of the Hankey mask will rid your face of oily shine and blackheads. Hyaluronic acid, aloe extract and other useful components penetrate deep into the subcutaneous layers, cleanse pores of accumulated fat. The procedure, which takes place in three stages, will remove fat plugs, pores will noticeably narrow, the surface of the nose will become soft and smooth. How to use: Clean the surface of the nose from makeup, wash off the remains of the cream, paying special attention to the wings of the nose. Then you need to dry the skin and apply patch No. 1 to the problem area. Wait 15 minutes, remove the strip, wipe the nose with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. The second patch is also glued for 15 minutes, after which you should immediately apply mask No. 3. After 15 minutes, remove the adhesive strip and apply Hankey moisturizing cream to the nose.
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In stock: 139 About the product Yeast mask by JLisa is a unique product in original packaging. The jar in the shape of a boiled egg with a broken shell reflects the exclusive composition of the product. When you open it, you will see a white cream of a delicate consistency, reminiscent of whipped protein for making meringue cake. Composition The main component of the face mask is yeast, which is known for its cleansing, rejuvenating and smoothing properties. But the composition contains a special ingredient that maximizes the effect of yeast - eggshell membrane fibers. They penetrate between the cells of the epidermis, delivering nutrients to the deep layers of the skin. Effect Active ingredients effectively cleanse, nourish and soften. The mask evens out skin tone, tightens contours, fights signs of aging and fatigue. The result of regular use of the product is elastic, firm, toned and perfectly smooth facial skin that radiates a healthy glow. Application To achieve maximum effect, the facial skin is pre-cleaned, scrubbed and steamed well to open the pores and stimulate blood flow. This ensures easy access of active ingredients deep inside. Apply the mask with your fingers or a spatula, evenly distributing it over the skin surface, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes until it hardens completely, then carefully remove it with a damp cloth or cotton pad, and rinse your face with warm water.
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In stock: 218 About the product Cream mask with yeast and eggshell Bioaqua perfectly evens out the tone, makes the skin silky. The product attracts with an interesting design. The black packaging depicts a golden egg. The cream is in a plastic container made in the shape of an egg, which holds 30 g of the product. Biocream is economical to use, easy to apply, quickly absorbed. Such a set is nice to receive as a gift, you can take it on trips, carry it in your purse, where it will not take up much space. This product is suitable for all skin types, does not cause allergic reactions and other negative consequences. Ingredients * Water. * Yeast. * Allantoin. * Eggshell. * Betaine. * Collagen. * Complex of vitamins and minerals. Effect The face cream mask of the famous cosmetic brand Bioaqua is famous for its rich composition, filled with a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Yeast extract renews the top layer of the skin, eliminates dryness, and adds smoothness. Eggshell is widely known as a powerful vitamin supplement. Hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen saturate the skin with moisture, give elasticity, and rejuvenate. Vitamin B2 perfectly tones the skin, tightens pores. Betaine relieves irritation and serves as a barrier against the negative impact of the environment. How to use Wash your face with warm water, wipe your face with a paper towel. Apply the cream with gentle, massaging movements. Wait for complete absorption. It is recommended to apply the cream at night 2-3 times a week. 30 grams
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In stock: 35 About the product Light day face cream from Laikou is designed to provide long-lasting nutrition and hydration. In a compact opaque jar - a composition with a delicate texture that is instantly absorbed and does not leave a greasy film on the surface. The cream penetrates deep into the skin, filling it with moisture and giving a delicate aroma of flower petals. Composition The cream contains water from artesian mineral springs, which saturates the skin with moisture, minerals and microelements. The vitamin complex provides nutrition and protection from premature aging, and natural aloe juice fights inflammation, heals microcracks, eliminates dryness and gives a feeling of freshness. Hyaluronic acid binds water molecules, maintaining the youth and beauty of the skin. Effect The melting cream, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, replenishes the lack of moisture, helping to smooth out fine wrinkles, eliminating the feeling of tightness and peeling. Everyday use provides a slight lightening effect: age spots, redness and traces of acne become less noticeable. Application Laikou Moisturizing Cream is designed for everyday use and will be the third step of care. It is applied to clean, dry skin of the face, previously treated with lotion or toner. For better absorption and enhancing the effect, additionally apply serum, and on top of it - cream, making gentle circular movements, but without rubbing it and avoiding the area around the eyes.
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In stock: 72 Bioaqua BQY2775 Blueberry Extract Face Cream Weight: 50 g About the product Nourishing rejuvenating face cream with blueberries is designed for delicate sensitive skin prone to rashes and irritations. The formula of the cosmetic product consists of natural ingredients that do not cause allergies or other side effects. BIOAQUA Blueberry Extract Face Cream is suitable for any skin type, has a rejuvenating effect, restoring health and natural radiance to the face. The cosmetic product is contained in a round bright blue plastic jar with a capacity of 50 ml, packed in a beautiful box with painted blueberries. Ingredients * Water. * Blueberry extract. * Oat seeds. * Polyglycerin. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Cetostearyl alcohol. Effect With regular use of blueberry cream, facial skin becomes more elastic and supple due to stimulation of its own elastin and collagen production. After the first procedures, you will notice how your wrinkles decrease in size and gradually smooth out. Epidermal cells receive the necessary amount of moisture, nutrients and vitamins, due to which peeling disappears, skin dryness decreases. In places of application, oily shine disappears, the skin is matted, the tone is evened out. How to use The cream is applied to clean skin twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. For one procedure, it is enough to take a small amount of cream and evenly distribute it over the entire face with light finger touches. Face cream with blueberry extract Bioaqua buy wholesale
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In stock: 140 About the product Laikou face cream with sakura flower extract is a universal product and is suitable for any skin type, does not cause allergic reactions. It can be used both during the day and in the evening. Quite a fatty cream is in a small white jar. When you open the lid, you will see a special membrane that protects the cream from drying out. This cosmetic product has a pleasant floral aroma. The product has a very delicate consistency, is well absorbed into the skin and does not leave an unwanted oily sheen. Ingredients * Extract of Japanese sakura cherry blossoms. * Nicotinamide. * Hyaluronic acid. * Malic acid. * Vitamin C. * Citric acid. * Glycerin. * Ascorbic acid. Effect Laikou face cream can be used as an anti-aging cosmetic product. Sakura brightens the skin, evens out the tone. Ascorbic acid intensively combats the aging process, eliminates expression wrinkles, and prevents their appearance. Natural oils included in the cream from Laikou saturate the cells with the necessary amount of moisture, maintaining their natural hydrobalance for a long time. How to use Wash your face, pat dry with a paper towel. Apply the emulsion with light massaging movements not only to the face, but also to the neck area. Wait until it is completely absorbed. It is recommended to carry out the procedure every day, preferably before bedtime.
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In stock: 224 About the product Does your skin need enhanced moisturizing care? Face cream with pomegranate extract IMAGES will be your best assistant. Cream with pomegranate juice is an indispensable anti-aging product for slowing down the aging process of facial skin. The product successfully fights pigmentation, lightens freckles that are too dark. Pomegranate extract improves microcirculation, enhances the production of protective functions, restores lost firmness and elasticity. The cosmetic product has a regenerating effect, smoothes out deep wrinkles. The formula of IMAGES cream contains a large number of vitamins and antioxidants. Ingredients * Water. * Pomegranate juice. * Nicotinamide. * Propylene glycol. * Jojoba seed oil. * Pomegranate seed extract. * Pentaerythritol Tetra. * Cyclopenta dimethylsiloxane. * Glycerin. * Hydrogenated starch ether. * Flavoring agent. * Methyl isothiazole ketone. Effect You will notice the benefits of IMAGES cream after the first days of use. The face becomes uniform, the microrelief is leveled, all roughness is smoothed out. Nutrition, toning and deep hydration are reflected on the face with a healthy glow with a slight blush. If you suffer from acne, with the help of this cream you will restore the purity of the skin, as the cream improves the water-fat balance, activates cell regeneration. How to use The cream is applied to clean skin with light massage movements in the morning and evening.
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In stock: 103 Nourishing face cream with avocado Bioaqua Niacinome Avocado Elasticity Moisturizing Cream saturates the skin with vitamins and microelements. It moisturizes and softens the epidermis, removes dryness and flaking, relieves irritation, improves the natural complexion. Main active ingredients: Avocado extract activates the production of its own collagen and elastin, prevents the formation of expression wrinkles. The mineral complex restores the protective properties of the skin, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. How to use: Apply a small amount of cream after washing and using toner and wait until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 138 BIOAQUA chrysanthemum face cream is a clear sales leader in the Teomart online store. Its multifaceted action is determined by the main active ingredients. Chrysanthemum extract perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin, shea butter fills it with useful substances and fat-soluble vitamins, and hyaluronic acid promotes the synthesis of collagen and elastin, retains intracellular moisture. Action The cream effectively cares for the face, providing: * intensive hydration; * elimination of signs of stress; * prevention of premature aging; * smoothing of fine wrinkles; * restoration of elasticity and healthy shine; Advantages The Bioaqua product differs from similar products by other companies: * light, pleasant texture; * pleasant aroma; * rapid onset of the expected effect; * versatility - the product is suitable for any skin type; * safety and hypoallergenic. How to use: Apply a small amount of cream along the massage lines with active movements, rest for a few minutes until it is completely absorbed. You can buy cream with Mexican chrysanthemum extract, in addition - a product for the skin around the eyes and eyelids of the corresponding series on our website. We deliver to different cities of the Russian Federation.
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In stock: 314 Face cream with snail filtrate Caicui 35 grams It begins its action exquisitely, immediately after getting on the skin. The product acts moisturizing and rejuvenating, for the epidermis, due to the unique component included in the constituent part. The cream copes wonderfully with the task of evening out the color of the epidermis and saturating the skin with necessary and important microelements. The cream is remarkably good for all age categories and for any skin, including problematic, which is important. The method of using the cream is simple, you need to take a small amount of the product, with a special spoon and lightly pat it on the previously cleansed face and d?collet?.
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In stock: 253 About the product Highly effective cream with snail mucus extract promotes rejuvenation and restoration of facial skin. The cosmetic product is in a round jar made of thick golden glass with a capacity of 50 milliliters with a screw cap. The cream has a delicate light texture, lies evenly on the face, is quickly absorbed, does not leave greasy marks. The product with an unobtrusive subtle aroma does not cause allergies or other unpleasant sensations. Composition * Snail secretion filtrate. * Hyaluronic acid. * Purified water. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Urea. * Propylene glycol. * Vaseline. * Allantoin. * Flavoring agent and many other useful substances. Effect Cream with a high content of snail mucus stimulates the production of its own collagen, elastin, due to which the skin becomes more elastic and flexible. As a result of long-term use of the product, your face will noticeably rejuvenate, the oval will acquire clear shapes, sagging cheeks will tighten, and jowls will disappear. Fine and large wrinkles in problem areas will smooth out, pigment spots will disappear, and the complexion will improve. How to use Before applying the cream, the face must be thoroughly cleaned of sebum, street dust, and makeup residue using a cleansing lotion. Apply the cream to damp, clean skin and evenly distribute a thin layer over all areas. To enhance the effect, make several massage movements with your fingertips.
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In stock: 7 About the product Bioaqua Snail Repair & Brightening face cream with snail mucin is a highly effective anti-aging product for the care of aging skin. This product is suitable for eliminating such problems as post-acne and pigmentation of individual areas of the skin. It normalizes metabolic processes. Face cream with snail secretion BIOAQUA has a deeply moisturizing, rejuvenating effect. The molecules of the drug affect the internal structure of cells, nourish them with microelements, saturate them with vitamins. Cream with snail mucus Bioaqua effectively fights flabbiness of the upper layers of the skin. It has a velvety texture with a pleasant light aroma. It goes on sale in beautiful glass jars with a capacity of 50 milliliters. Ingredients * Water. * Snail secretion filtrate. * Mineral oil. * Vaseline. * Hyaluronic acid. * Propylene glycol. * Glycerin. * Urea. * Allantoin. Effect BIOAQUA cream with snail mucin normalizes the hydrobalance. Thanks to this, swelling and puffiness of the face go away. The oval becomes clearer, wrinkles are smoothed out. Cream with snail relieves irritation, narrows pores, brightens and evens out skin tone. Removes toxins, gives the upper layer of skin visible elasticity. Accelerates metabolism in cells and normalizes the secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Using a cream containing snail secretion will give your face a young, healthy look in a short time. How to use It is recommended to apply the cream in a thin layer with light massage movements on pre-cleansed skin.
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In stock: 3 Bioaqua Silk Protein Face Cream Silk protein face cream will perfectly replenish the missing moisture in the skin cells, and the fat level will also be balanced. The cream has an anti-aging function, with its help the tone and structure are perfectly evened out. It has the property of penetrating into the skin cells, without leaving, at the same time, a greasy film. Due to the fact that the composition includes proteins, the skin becomes soft, delicate and smooth, natural hydration occurs, dullness goes away and the skin acquires a healthy appearance. How to use: It is necessary to apply to cleansed skin of the face and neck only after using other cosmetics, it is better to use in the morning and evening. Weight: 60 grams Main components: water, cetearyl alcohol, sericin (silk), calendula extract, sucrose stearate, EDTA.
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In stock: 169 About the product Snail mucin cream is an excellent product with a powerful rejuvenating effect. It has a delicate texture, is easy to apply and is quickly absorbed. The active ingredients begin to act immediately, the result is visible after the first use. Age category - 30+. Composition Asian scientists have developed a unique formula for a care product that includes snail mucin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamin B3. Snail secretion (special mucus) has anti-aging properties that stimulate the synthesis of elastin and collagen. It perfectly moisturizes, soothes irritated skin, slows down the aging process, the appearance of wrinkles and age spots. Collagen contains about 20 amino acids, vitamins B5 and C. Its effect can be called "repair" of the skin. Effect Regular use of the rejuvenating cream leads to intensive regeneration of epidermal cells, improves and evens out skin tone. Your own collagen begins to be produced faster, signs of fatigue disappear, skin turgor increases, and a lifting effect is noticeable. Small scars and wrinkles disappear, the skin is maximally moisturized, its texture and relief are evened out. How to use Cleanse your face of makeup and impurities. Apply a small amount of cream and let it soak in. It is recommended to use it after the serum procedure in the morning and evening. Duration of use is 3 months.
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In stock: 160 Laikou Snail Extract Cream 50 grams Laikou Snail Extract Cream is one of the most popular today. It can be used for all skin types. The product contains snail mucus, which has a positive effect on the skin. After a week of regular use of the cream, you will notice the result. The skin color becomes even and close to natural. Yellowness and age spots disappear. Wrinkles on the skin are smoothed out, all redness, inflammation and acne do not appear. After just a week, the skin becomes pleasant to the touch, soft and velvety. The immediate effect will be noticeable even after the first use, for this, take a photo before and after, and you will be surprised by the result. Peeling of the skin and oily shine disappear immediately. How to use: To make the result noticeable as quickly as possible, the cream should be applied morning and evening to the entire face. It is not recommended to use other cosmetic creams and lotions while using this product.
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In stock: 301 Snail extract cream Images 50 grams The snail face cream SNAIL IMAGES contains snail mucin. This is a mucus that improves the restoration of skin cells, it contains chondroitin, which stops aging, makes the skin elastic and improves cell metabolism. The use of the cream makes the skin soft and elastic. Snail mucin increases the moisture content in the skin at all levels. Moreover, the cream whitens and evens out the tone. Cosmetologists recommend using the product for people with enlarged pores on the face, acne, age spots and scars. Cream with snail extract Images eliminates wrinkles, removes acne scars, removes inflammation. The product has a light peeling effect, which removes the rough layer of skin. Suitable for different skin types. How to use: Before applying the cream, the skin of the face should be thoroughly cleaned with water or lotion. Rub the cream into your skin with massaging movements, wait until it is absorbed. Remove any residue with a napkin.
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In stock: 172 About the product Horse fat cream is an effective product for mature facial skin care that requires additional hydration, rejuvenation, and regeneration of subcutaneous cells. Horse fat is several times superior to vegetable oils in the amount of microelements, vitamins, and nutrients necessary to restore internal processes. In terms of chemical composition, horse fat is as close as possible to human fat. Therefore, beneficial substances penetrate deep under the skin and are completely absorbed. Composition BIOAQUA cream contains: * horse fat extract; * deer fat; * hyaluronic acid; * shea butter; * jojoba oil; * chamomile extract; * witch hazel. Effect The natural product maximally saturates cells with moisture. Due to the ability to retain water molecules inside the tissue for 72 hours, the cream with horse fat prevents dehydration and eliminates flaking of the skin. With regular use, aging skin becomes smooth and soft, pores are narrowed, wrinkles and pigment spots disappear. How to use Moisturizing cream BIOAQUA with horse fat is recommended to be used in the morning. After water procedures, apply a small amount of the product and spread evenly over the entire face. Wait 20 minutes until the cream is completely absorbed, and then you can do your makeup.
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In stock: 92 About the product Laikou face cream with lanolin weighing 35 g is suitable for all skin types, does not cause allergic reactions. The cream comes in a white box with a picture of a cute sheep. The fairly thick product is easy to apply and absorbs well. The cosmetic product has a pleasant aroma and does not leave a greasy shine. You can take a miniature jar of cream with you on trips and always carry it with you in your cosmetic bag, it will not take up much space. Ingredients * Lanolin. * Australian sheep oil. * Glycerin. * Mineral oil. * Dimethicone. * Propylparaben. Effect Laikou face cream stimulates cell regeneration and promotes their renewal. The composition of this cosmetic product provides intensive nutrition and deep hydration of the skin. Australian sheep oil smoothes visible wrinkles and prevents their appearance. Mineral oil will restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. The components included in this cream lighten the skin by several tones, slow down the aging process. Natural lanolin oil will help retain moisture inside the cells, preventing dryness. How to use: Blot your damp face after washing with a paper towel. Apply the cream to all areas of the face, including the neck. Rub the cream into the skin with circular motions. Allow the cream to absorb and benefit your skin. It is recommended to perform the procedure every day, morning and evening.
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In stock: 26 Bioaqua Pearl Face Cream The face cream will perfectly moisturize the skin, nourish it with substances that will help eliminate wrinkles and age spots. The product contains several dozen types of trace elements and vitamins that fill each cell with energy. The pearls included in the composition provide the skin with the necessary ultraviolet protection, activating cell regeneration, which helps suppress the appearance of spots and freckles. How to use: Apply the cream to clean skin at the very end of cosmetic procedures, that is, after using milk, lotion, tonic, and so on. Apply with light movements. Weight: 60 grams Main components: water, pearl powder, sea minerals, amino acids, oat protein, silk protein, vitamin E, seaweed, stearyl alcohol, olive oil, almond oil. Buy Bioaqua Pearl Face Cream wholesale
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In stock: Out of stock The online store of cosmetic products Teomart presents a universal face cream-gel with aloe from the Chinese company Bioaqua. The main feature of the product is its unique composition based on aloe extract, a natural plant substance, the juice of which fills skin cells with moisture, provides regeneration, refreshing and protective action. Advantages * The care effect is noticeable after the first application - the skin becomes smooth, the tone and surface are evened out, a healthy shine appears. * The product is hypoallergenic and safe. * Suitable for all skin types - dry, combination, oily, with the first signs of aging or pronounced age-related changes. * Can be used as a makeup base, as it is quickly absorbed. * Has a light gel-like texture, does not weigh down, does not leave greasy marks. Effects Face cream with aloe Bioaqua provides a comprehensive effect: * heals minor damage; * promotes cell renewal; * moisturizes, restores water and lipid balance; * protects against environmental factors; * improves blood circulation and nutrition; * normalizes lymph flow, prevents the development of edema; * fills the skin with useful biologically active substances; * cleanses pores, prevents the development of inflammation. How to use It is recommended to apply the cream in the morning after washing. To ensure maximum effect, you need to: * take a small amount of the product with a cosmetic spatula or spatula; * apply the cream to the face and neck, evenly distribute with smooth movements along the massage lines; * leave for a few minutes until completely absorbed, after which you can apply decorative cosmetics. It is convenient to buy any Bioaqua products on our website with home delivery to any city in the country.
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In stock: 148 Bioaqua Rice Raw Pulp Cream brightening face cream with rice extract makes the skin soft and velvety, instantly saturates the cells with moisture, eliminates dryness and flaking. Evens out skin tone, removes dullness and redness, smoothes the relief. The cream deeply nourishes the skin, promotes long-term moisture retention in the deep layers of the epidermis, prevents dehydration and dehydration. Soothes irritation, accelerates the renewal and healing processes, improves metabolism. Restores the protective barrier of the skin, improves its structure, smoothes wrinkles and skin creases. Main active ingredients: Rice extract deeply moisturizes and softens the skin, evens out complexion and fights pigmentation, stimulates tissue regeneration, smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin. Makes the skin smooth and matte. Grape seed extract has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect, normalizes the hydrolipid balance of the skin. Hyaluronic acid solves the problem of skin hydration: it attracts and retains water molecules in the epidermis, thereby making the skin more elastic, smooth, soft, and the relief more even. Oriental thuja extract rejuvenates the skin, tightens the facial contour, improves the appearance of the skin, nourishes the skin with useful substances, micro and macro elements, antioxidant substances, helps eliminate wrinkles, flabbiness, fatigue and dullness of the skin. How to use Apply a small amount of cream to pre-cleansed skin and distribute evenly with light massage movements until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 167
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In stock: 211 A cream with a delicate consistency and a pleasant aroma is used for intensive care of delicate, aging skin around the eyes. With regular use, the optimal moisture level is restored in the cells, the skin acquires a healthy shine, elasticity and firmness. The cosmetic product contains fermented rice extract, which has an exceptionally beneficial effect on the skin: Relieves fatigue at the end of the day, tones and refreshes well in the morning Effectively fights dark circles under the eyes, lightens age spots Nourishes the deep layers of the dermis with useful components and normalizes all metabolic processes Rice is rich in minerals and organic acids. The molecules of this substance are small in size, which allows them to better penetrate into skin cells. Rice grain extract triggers its own regenerative functions, helps in the rapid healing of damaged areas of the epidermis. Regular use promotes the production of its own youth protein - collagen. Directions for use: In the morning and evening after cleansing the skin, apply the required amount of cream to the skin around the eyes with massage movements. Allow to soak in.
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In stock: 381 Bioaqua Niacinome Avocado Eye Cream is a completely natural cream for the skin around the eyes, the main component of which is avocado oil. After applying the cosmetic composition, an invisible layer is formed on the sensitive skin, which not only prevents moisture evaporation, but also protects the sensitive area from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Avocado oil includes a large number of vitamins, microelements and other useful organic compounds. Due to the optimal concentration of all nutrients, the cream has an extremely beneficial effect on the skin around the eyes: Tones and soothes; Smoothes wrinkles; Eliminates all signs of fatigue, lack of sleep and stress; Stimulates cell regeneration. The cosmetic composition has a delicate, light texture that is easy to apply and quickly absorbed, making the skin elastic and silky. How to use: In the morning and evening after cleansing the skin, apply the required amount of cream to the skin around the eyes with massage movements. Let it soak in.
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In stock: 116 Laikou Snail Extract Eye Cream 30 g The eye cream is very intense in its action, since thanks to the snail oil filtrate it contains, it stops the appearance of new wrinkles around the eyes, reduces swelling, and also helps eliminate dark circles. The cosmetic product has a light texture, perfectly moisturizes, and each wrinkle is smoothed out after just a few uses, they are almost invisible. It also noticeably tightens and tones the skin, it is absorbed very quickly and is an excellent moisturizer. How to use: Laikou Snail Extract Eye Cream should be used every day after water procedures, morning and evening, until it is completely absorbed.
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In stock: 121 Eye cream with snail extract Images 20 g Contains snail mucin, it perfectly moisturizes and restores highly sensitive skin, and it also actively removes expression wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes and fights swelling. It is a gel that is perfectly absorbed into the skin, necessary before applying makeup. Mucin, which is included in the cream, is relevant for swelling, acne, blackheads and various inflammations on the skin. Suitable for everyone with sensitive skin. How to use: Eye cream should be used daily in the morning and evening, gently rubbing into the skin until completely absorbed. It must be applied from the corners of the eyes to the bridge of the nose, then in the other direction. The effect of the cream will be felt immediately.
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In stock: 76 About the product Bioaqua aloe extract eye cream moisturizes the skin around the eyes well. The cream in a small tube goes on sale in a cardboard box with an image of aloe leaves. There is a special nozzle at the very tip for squeezing out a minimum amount of the product. The tight lid does not allow the product to leak out. The cream has a gel-like consistency, is completely transparent, has a pleasant aroma with notes of fresh cucumber. The gel is easy to apply, spreads well and is quickly absorbed, leaving no unpleasant oily sheen. This cosmetic product does not cause allergic reactions, suitable for combination skin. Composition * Glycerin. * Aloe vera extract. * Hydrogenated castor oil. * Hydroxymethyl. * Sodium hyaluronate. * Flavoring. Effect Bioaqua nourishing eye cream has a softening effect. The product contains a very important component - aloe vera, which prevents the spread of infections, quickly heals wounds. The plant effectively smoothes wrinkles, slows down the aging process, improves the elasticity and flexibility of the skin. Gel with aloe extract intensively moisturizes the deepest layers of the skin. Castor oil relieves inflammation, stimulates intracellular processes. How to use Apply and distribute the gel over the skin around the eyes with light massaging movements. Wait until completely absorbed. Do not rinse. The gel is suitable for daily use.
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In stock: 58 Bioaqua Blueberry Eye Cream 20 g BQY4250 Bioaqua Blueberry Eye Cream will perfectly moisturize the skin around the eyes, which is very delicate, while preventing moisture loss. The cream will give the skin elasticity, and also moisturize it, make it more elastic, has a whitening effect. It will help reduce dark circles around the eyes, make the skin more toned and smooth. The cream contains blueberry extract itself, as well as cloudberry, pollen, shea butter and passion flower. How to use: This cream should be used morning and evening, after hygiene procedures, on clean skin. Apply a little product to the eyelid and from the lower to the upper, gently smear, massage until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 124 About the product Veze cream-gel with added gold particles is designed to care for the upper, lower eyelids and the area around the eyes. The product with an anti-aging effect is recommended for women over 30 with early signs of skin aging. A container with golden balls floating in a transparent liquid is located in a designer gold box. The weight of the product in the jar is 30 g. For ease of use, there is also a plastic spatula. The cream in golden balls can be used as a base for makeup. It is quickly absorbed without leaving greasy sticky marks. Branded cosmetics are suitable not only for personal use, but also as a gift. Ingredients * The smallest particles of 42-karat gold. * Sakura flower extract. * Hyaluronic acid. * Natural collagen. * Castor oil. * Vitamin complex. Effect Nourishing cream in golden balls with a light cosmetic aroma has a delicate consistency. Anti-aging cosmetic product enhances cell regeneration, activates metabolism, significantly slows down the processes of early aging. Thin skin is smoothed, becomes elastic and supple, flabbiness of the eyelids disappears. Fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes become invisible. How to use Apply the product to cleansed skin. Remove the ball from the jar with a spatula. Distribute the composition under the lower eyelid and above the eye. Repeat the same on the other side.
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In stock: 400 About the product IMAGES cream-gel with the addition of gold particles is designed to care for the upper, lower eyelids and the area around the eyes. The product with an anti-aging effect is recommended for women over 30 years old with early signs of skin aging. A container with golden balls floating in a transparent liquid is located in a designer gold box. The weight of the product in the jar is 30 g. For ease of use, there is also a plastic spatula. The cream in golden balls can be used as a base for makeup. It is quickly absorbed without leaving greasy sticky marks. Branded cosmetics are suitable not only for personal use, but also as a gift. Ingredients * The smallest particles of 42-karat gold. * Sakura flower extract. * Hyaluronic acid. * Natural collagen. * Castor oil. * Vitamin complex. Effect Nourishing cream in golden balls with a light cosmetic aroma has a delicate consistency. Anti-aging cosmetic product enhances cell regeneration, activates metabolism, significantly slows down the processes of early aging. Thin skin is smoothed, becomes elastic and supple, flabbiness of the eyelids disappears. Fine wrinkles in the corners of the eyes become invisible. How to use Apply the product to cleansed skin. Remove the ball from the jar with a spatula. Distribute the composition under the lower eyelid and above the eye. Repeat the same on the other side.
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In stock: 587
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In stock: 70 About the product Biologically active cream with a rejuvenating effect protects the delicate skin around the eyes from dry air, sunlight, bad weather and other external factors. Many women note a quick positive result in the first days of use. A narrow bright red tube contains 20 g of the product. With proper use, this amount is enough for several months. Composition The product includes natural ingredients with a high content of vitamins and minerals: * red ginseng root extract; * snail mucin; * glycerin; * avocado oil. Effect The main action of the cream is aimed at combating wrinkles, eyelid puffiness, dull skin color, dark circles under the eyes. As a result of using care cosmetics, the look becomes more open. Snail mucin is rich in collagen and elastin - essential proteins in the fight against flabbiness of aging skin. Mollusk mucus restores the elasticity of the thin subcutaneous layer, is suitable for sensitive skin, does not cause allergies. Ginseng root extract restores blood circulation, improves blood microcirculation, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents rosacea. How to use Carefully apply the cream to cleansed skin around the eyes, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane. The light structure will allow you to evenly distribute the cream over problem areas without rubbing.
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In stock: 33 Bioaqua Pearl Eye Cream 25 grams We suggest you try the new Bioaqua Pearl Eye Cream, made from pearl extract. It is made using a unique formula that improves the appearance and condition of the skin in a short time. The product has a good consistency – it is a cream-gel, so it is easy to use and absorbs quickly. With this product, women will achieve: 1. Deep hydration – each skin cell will receive the required amount of water. 2. Skin relaxation – the dermis receives the necessary care, due to which it becomes “fresh” and beautiful again. 3. Disappearance of wrinkles – small wrinkles that appear with age are no longer a problem. 4. Clean skin – unaesthetic areas and “bags” under the eyes will soon disappear from the face. If you want your eyelid skin to be beautiful and have a radiant effect, this is the right choice. How to use: 1) Take the required amount of cream on your finger and gently apply it to your eyelids along the skin texture with circular movements; 2) Massage your eyelids for better absorption of the cream.
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In stock: 1050 Eye cream is the secret to the beauty and youth of your facial skin. Our Asian brand offers you a professional care product developed specifically for the delicate skin around the eyes. This unique cream combines powerful anti-aging properties with a moisturizing and restorative effect. The sun, harmful environmental factors and stress - all this can negatively affect your skin, especially in the eye area. But our cream will help you protect yourself from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and prevent the appearance of pigmentation and wrinkles. A special formula helps fight age-related changes, rejuvenates the skin and makes it more elastic and supple. Eye cream also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, preventing dryness and flaking. It brightens dark circles under the eyes, eliminates swelling and soothes irritation. Thanks to the content of hyaluronic acid and collagen, the cream tightens the skin, smoothes fine wrinkles and makes the look brighter and more expressive. The cream has a light texture, is quickly absorbed and does not leave a greasy feeling. Eye cream is not only a care product, but also an ideal base for makeup. It makes the skin smooth and even, improves the durability of makeup and prevents it from rolling. You will look fresh and radiant all day! Trust a professional brand and enjoy the beauty and youth of your skin! The cream is applied to pre-cleansed skin. It can be used in the morning under makeup and in the evening before bed to restore the protective functions of the dermis and soothe it after a hard day.
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In stock: 55 Laikou Hyaluronic Acid Eye Cream 30 grams About the product Chinese LAIKOU cream containing hyaluronic acid is intended for delicate sensitive skin around the eyes. The cream-gel comes in an elegant tube with soft walls made of elastic blue plastic. A small tapered spout acts as a dispenser, thanks to which the cream is squeezed out of the tube in small drops and is used very economically. The moisturizing product for the skin around the eyes has a light, barely perceptible aroma, the consistency is gel, the color is translucent. Ingredients * Water. * Glycerin. * Aloe barbadensis. * Punica granatum. * Cladosiphon ocamuranus. * Hyaluronic acid. * Snail mucin. * Silk protein. * Shea butter. Effect The cream-gel has a rejuvenating effect. It spreads well over the skin, is quickly absorbed, does not cause stickiness or discomfort. The skin around the eyes is well moisturized, as a result, expression wrinkles are gradually smoothed out and become invisible. The skin becomes firm and elastic, dark circles and flabbiness disappear. When applied to the eyelids, hyaluronic acid molecules penetrate into the subcutaneous layers, filling the cells with the necessary amount of moisture and activating the production of its own collagen. How to use It is recommended to apply the eye cream in the morning and evening every day. One of the main conditions is that the skin should be clean, without any makeup or night cream residue.
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In stock: 95 Laikou Day-Night Eye Cream 20 g Day plus night eye cream from Laikou will help rejuvenate the skin of the eyelids, make it smooth and moisturized. The soft texture of the cream will provide care even for the most delicate skin. The natural ingredients included in the cream effectively combat age-related skin changes, eliminate redness, dark circles and puffiness. Using the cream regularly, you can eliminate such defects as expression wrinkles, pigmentation, vascular networks. The cream can protect the delicate skin of the eyelids from the harmful effects of sunlight, prevent aging and wilting. How to use: Squeeze a small amount of cream from the appropriate dispenser morning (pink) or evening (white). Apply the cream with light massage movements until completely absorbed.
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In stock: 705 Vaseline lip therapy - ideal care for softness, smoothness and healthy look of your lips. It is used to moisturize dry skin of the lips. Ideal for daily use. It will become an ideal must-have lip care product in your cosmetic bag. How to use Apply a small amount to the lips and enjoy the result!
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In stock: 487 The caring formula of the balm gently, but at the same time effectively moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the lips. The light texture is easily and evenly applied in a thin layer. The lip balm has a delicate rose aroma and a natural pink tint. How to use Apply a small amount to your lips and enjoy the result!
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In stock: 441 For soft, rosy lips For visibly healthier lips today and tomorrow Instantly softens lips and adds a sheer rosy hue Locks in moisture so lips look healthier over time Made with pure Vaseline and a light honey scent Directions Apply Apply a small amount to your lips and enjoy the results!
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In stock: 187 Protective balm + improvement of natural lip color. African shea butter stimulates collagen synthesis, gives amazing smoothness and protects delicate skin of the lips. High-quality antioxidant green tea improves blood circulation in the skin, saves from age-related changes and ultraviolet aging. How to use Apply a small amount to the lips and enjoy the result!
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In stock: 271 About the product Lipstick with strawberry extract is sold in an elegant pink tube with a berry design. The cosmetic product with a melting structure is designed for delicate care, quick moisturizing and nutrition. It has a strawberry aroma, is instantly absorbed into delicate skin, improves microcirculation, gives lips natural volume and beauty. Composition BIOAQUA lip balm is made from natural products that do not cause allergies or other unpleasant sensations. Main components: * strawberry juice; * beeswax; * a complex of vitamins A, C, E; * Brazilian palm wax. Effect With regular use of BIOAQUA strawberry lipstick, your lips will visually become more voluminous, the pink pigment will give your lips natural brightness and attractiveness. The product based on berry juice, developed using the latest technologies, moisturizes every cell, makes the subcutaneous layer more elastic. Beekeeping products protect delicate skin from adverse atmospheric influences, relieve inflammation, and promote rapid healing of chapped lips. How to use Strawberry-flavored lipstick can be used several times a day. The product is applied to dry lips in a thin layer. When applied to warm skin, the colorless balm appears and colors the lips in a natural pink color that lasts a long time and does not fade throughout the day.
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In stock: 125 About the product The compact highlighter and corrector Images Play Stick is a convenient mattifying product that allows you to correct individual parts of the face and even visually change its proportions. The corrector will help to lighten or darken different areas using two shades - natural beige and dark coffee. The highlighter is equipped with a retractable mechanism for scrolling, does not require sharpening or special skills. The optimal diameter provides the required amount of product for even application to the skin. The volume of the Images Play Stick corrector in one package is 3.6 g. Composition * Oil. * Microcrystalline wax. * Propylparaben. * Sulfur alba. * Vaseline. * Paraffin. * Carnauba sulfur. * Hydroxyethyl cellulose. * Lanolin * 2-ethylhexyl palmitate. Effect The soft consistency of Play Stick Concealer decorative cosmetics helps to achieve ideal masking and a mattifying effect. You can apply the corrector directly to the inflamed areas that require matting. It evens out, smoothes, and gives your skin an even and beautiful tone. The face gets a well-groomed and healthy look with a soft, natural coffee shade. You can always correct your makeup in any conditions! How to use It is necessary to cleanse the skin, and then apply it pointwise to the areas that require correction. Avoid a large amount of concealer, carefully and delicately blend it so that the boundaries and transitions are not noticeable.
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In stock: 349 About the product Chinese mascara is a great find for those who lead an active lifestyle and want to always look perfect. It has a waterproof effect, but at the same time there are no problems with its removal. It is supplied in a plastic container with a volume of 8 g. The brush is of a universal shape, convenient for most customers. Composition The cosmetic product contains natural wax, thanks to which the eyelashes are curled, and the paint itself is laid evenly and neatly. The composition also contains glycerin and jojoba oil, providing gentle care and nutrition of the hairs, eliminating their thinning and loss. Effect The mascara belongs to the waterproof category, and it absolutely justifies its purpose. With it, you can not worry about the perfect look on the beach, where the sun and water can damage another cosmetic product, creating an unpleasant "panda effect". The fluffy brush evenly paints each hair, lengthens and curls. The mascara does not stick the eyelashes together and does not crumble. It is guaranteed to last up to 12 hours. It is very easy to remove the makeup, despite its increased durability - just use a makeup remover lotion or micellar water. How to use To get the best result, it is recommended to start coloring the eyelashes from the roots. If you need everyday makeup, then apply mascara in one layer. To enhance the effect of expressiveness of the look, you can use two or three layers.
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In stock: 512 About the product Makeup looks harmonious only with pronounced eyelashes, and waterproof thick mascara SENANA will help you with this, which will become the most important beauty product in your cosmetic bag. Having tried it once, you will no longer be able to refuse the wonderful effect. The mascara makes you feel like a real star. It does not irritate the mucous membrane and does not cause allergic reactions. Very convenient to use, does not stick together, does not stick to the eyelashes. The waterproofness of this product will allow you not to be nervous about sudden rain or sweat in the heat or during training. Volume - 8 ml. Composition * Beeswax. * Macadamia oil. * Vitamin E. * Carnauba wax. * Dye. Effect The silicone bristles of the mascara from SENANA completely capture the inter-eyelash space and paint over the entire length. The product does not weigh down the look, does not stick eyelashes together, does not crumble, does not smear. A few light touches are enough, and your eyelashes acquire the desired length and volume. Makeup looks neat and natural, giving you self-confidence throughout the day. The declared stage effect is a plus, thanks to which you can use mascara for evening, more intense makeup. How to use It should be washed off with micellar water or a two-phase product. Dampen a cotton pad and apply to the eyelids for 20 seconds, do not rub. This will remove most of the mascara. The remains can be removed in the same way.
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In stock: 392 The mascara formula is based on plant-based wax, gives the eyelashes a flirty curl, without weighing them down or sticking them together. The mascara has a heat-waterproof effect. It is resistant to cool water - it does not flow or smear from tears, rain, sweat and swimming, but is easily washed off with warm water with a temperature above 38 degrees. This is due to special heat-resistant polymers. When applied, they envelop each eyelash with a thin film, like an elastic tube. And when exposed to warm water, these tubes get wet and easily come off the eyelashes, like flagella. It is convenient to take on trips and you do not need to carry additional means for washing off waterproof makeup. When washing off the mascara, there are no dark circles (the so-called "panda eyes"), you do not need to rub the thin skin under the eyes to wash them off, and the skin is not stretched or injured. Safe for sensitive eyes and for those who wear contact lenses, the mascara does not flow or crumble, and, therefore, the paint will not get into the eyes and on the lenses.
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In stock: 84 About the product In the summer, waterproof mascara is especially popular. Brasmatic Images lash Curling Waterproof Mascara will definitely be the best choice for the beach, going to the pool and other events where regular mascara will not withstand the humid environment and will simply flow, ruining your makeup. The cosmetic product is packaged in a convenient and laconic design tube, has a brush that clearly distributes the paint over the eyelashes without sticking them together. Composition Images mascara contains carnauba and beeswax, macadamia oil, vitamin E. Carnauba wax protects and softens the eyelashes, preventing their breakage and loss. Beeswax gives the necessary texture to the mascara, enhances its durability. Macadamia oil is a real storehouse of vitamins, acids and minerals. Vitamin E nourishes, strengthens and stimulates the growth of eyelashes. Effect The presence of wax in the composition provides the necessary density of mascara. Due to this property, the volume and length of the eyelashes increase, the look becomes especially expressive and attractive. During the day, the decorative eye makeup does not crumble, does not smear even with active participation in water procedures. How to use Apply the paint to the eyelashes with gentle movements in the direction from the inner edge to the outer. You need to paint from the very roots of the hairs. You can wash off the mascara with lotion or another makeup remover.
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In stock: 166 About the product LAIKOU foundation for makeup natural skin mass is designed to correct tone and eliminate visible imperfections. BB cream from LAIKOU lays down well, easily adapts to the natural complexion. The texture of the foundation is quite dense, does not slide down, confidently masks enlarged pores, redness and unevenness. If you apply a thicker layer, it masks scars. The foundation is available in three shades: ivory, natural and dark. By combining different tones, you can create a beautiful sculptural relief of the face. Composition * Water. * Glycerin. * Pearl powder. * Magnesium acid. * Propylene glycol. * Sodium phosphate. Effect The foundation does not clog pores, allows the skin to breathe, does not create a feeling of a film on the face. The bioactive elements included in the BB cream slow down the production of sebum and regulate the water-fat balance. The base perfectly masks imperfections: hides blackheads, acne, pimples, removes oily shine, gives the face a noble matte finish. The skin acquires a lasting color and moisture. The base protects the face from ultraviolet rays. Using different shades of the base, you create a delicate color and a beautiful oval face. How to use Moisturize your face with a mask or cream. Apply the base to the T-zone and the center of the chin. Using smooth movements, rub the tone from the bottom up and from the center to the edges. If necessary, make the layer thicker. Finally, lightly powder your face.
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In stock: 55 Thanks to the active ingredient, it “wakes up” the hair bulbs and stimulates their growth, helps to restore a uniform cover, fill in bald spots on the eyebrows. Strengthens eyelashes, gives them elasticity, restores damaged structure and growth of eyelashes. Helps to increase thickness and volume. How to use: Apply the product to the skin of your eyelid directly above the eyelashes along the growth line, and under the eyelashes along the lower line. There is no need to apply more than once a day. Also apply to eyebrows and mustache. Avoid getting the product in your eyes. Use on cleansed areas 2 times a day.
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In stock: 306 About the product Chinese eyelash growth serum BIOAQUA is a universal product that is designed not only to stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. It is also designed for men who care for their mustache and beard. Bioaqua serum is sold in a vertical transparent plastic bottle with a capacity of 7 milliliters, complete with a convenient brush with soft bristles. In appearance, the packaging is similar to regular mascara. The product is a liquid oily consistency, colorless and odorless, it is easy to apply, does not irritate the mucous membrane, and does not cause allergies. Ingredients * Sea water. * Glycerin. * Natural silk proteins. * Myristoyl Pentapeptide-4. * Hydrolyzed oat protein. * Vitamin E (tocopherol). * Xanthan gum. Effect The main effect of the product is to restore the hair structure, give the eyelashes and eyebrows volume and a well-groomed appearance. BIOAQUA serum protects hairs from aggressive effects that damage the structure, adds shine, which is especially important after extension or permanent makeup procedures. The active elements of the serum nourish the hair follicles, strengthen each hair from the root to the very tip. With regular use of the product, the eyebrow line is evened out, the eyelashes become thicker and fluffier due to the increased volume. How to use Clean the hairs and skin from dirt and makeup. Using a thin brush, distribute a small amount of serum along the growth lines of the eyebrows and eyelashes, gently massage. After 15 minutes, remove the product with a soft napkin.
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In stock: 57 About the product Translucent mattifying powder in a natural shade is designed for owners of combination and oily skin, but is suitable for all types and is recommended for use in the hot summer. The cosmetic product is packaged in a black jar with a screw cap, which is complemented by bright pink prints. Composition The basic ingredient of the powder (at least 85%) is mica ground into powder. Mica sericite is necessary for even coverage of the skin, giving it softness, smoothness and velvety. The necessary shade and antiseptic effect are given to the powder by the high content of iron oxide, and titanium dioxide protects from negative environmental factors. Effect Powder in a natural light shade creates a weightless, barely noticeable coating. It does not roll during the day, displaces moisture well and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands without clogging pores. The product has anti-inflammatory and mattifying effects, so it is ideal for use in hot weather. The water-resistant powder is suitable for fixing summer makeup, and is not afraid of rain or splashes of water. Application Before use, shake the powder thoroughly, then lower the applicator into the jar. It absorbs the required amount of the product, and the excess should be carefully shaken off. Gently pat the sponge onto the skin, evenly distributing the loose powder over the skin surface. Pay special attention to problem areas: the apples of the cheeks and the T-zone.
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In stock: 195 About the product ROREC loose mineral mattifying face powder is used when applying makeup as a matte finish. Mattifying dry powder with a universal transparent shade is ideal for owners of oily and combination skin. It does not clog pores and does not dry out the skin, so it can be applied to a clean face or to foundation or BB concealer. Finely dispersed ROREC powder emits a pleasant mint aroma. The product has a light mineral structure, spreads perfectly over the face, adapts to any shade, without leaving marks on clothes. Ingredients * Talc. * Modified corn starch. * Quartzite powder. * Sunscreen titanium dioxide. * Mint leaf extract, menthol. * Natural oils. * Phenoxyethanol. * Flavoring. Effect ROREC matting powder has a sunscreen effect, evens out the tone in all areas. In problem areas, it eliminates oily shine by absorbing sebum. Menthol, which is part of the product, helps to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Powdered skin becomes matte, smooth and soft, the characteristic oily shine disappears. Reliably fixed makeup retains freshness for a long time and does not change its appearance for a long time. How to use A small amount of powder is lightly applied with a powder puff to the cheeks, forehead, nose, chin and then evenly distributed over the entire face. Particular attention should be paid to problem areas in places with the most intense production of sebum.
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In stock: 339 About the product Chinese eyeliner KEEP COLOR HCHANA is a thin black felt-tip pen with a non-slip surface. The amount of active substance is 2 grams. In addition to coloring pigments, the eyeliner contains nutrients that protect the skin from drying out, withering, and allergic reactions. One of the main advantages of this product is its economical consumption. Composition The product contains ingredients that do not cause allergies or eye irritation: 1. natural water; 2. black dye; 3. propylene glycol as a moisturizer; 4. 1,2-butanediol is a colorless substance of viscous consistency; 5. PEG-40 is hydrogenated castor oil, which softens the skin of the eyelids, heals microcracks, and forms a thin protective film from negative environmental influences; 6. acrylic copolymer to maintain elasticity. Effect The makeup product emphasizes the beauty of the eyes, creates depth and expressiveness of the look. The liquid eyeliner does not roll into lumps, is applied quickly, and stays on the eyelids throughout the day. The contours applied to the eyelids dry quickly, do not smudge or imprint. With skillful use, you get neat arrows of rich color. How to use The eyeliner is applied to clean eyelids along the contour of the eyes. Each arrow is drawn with neat and at the same time confident strokes from the outer to the inner corner.
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In stock: 90
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In stock: 234 ZOZU cushion foundation for the face, with a tinting pigment, enriched with avocado extract, will help even out skin tone and mask skin imperfections. It has a pleasant fluid texture, looks natural and is not felt on the skin, has a matting effect that eliminates oily shine. The foundation lies in a thin, even layer and does not clog pores, while providing good coverage. It is recommended to fix the result with powder for greater durability. Resistant to high temperatures and humidity. Does not dry out the skin, provides care and restoration of the skin of the face. Can be used as a concealer. How to use 1. Apply a small amount to the skin of the face, focusing on problem areas. 2. Blend with a sponge. 3. It is recommended to fix the result with powder for greater durability. Great for everyday use, for special occasions, and also an interesting gift idea. Convenient, compact packaging, easy to take with you everywhere.
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In stock: 226 Venzen Beauty Cream cushion foundation perfectly evens out and moisturizes the skin of the face. Masks all kinds of rashes, redness, but does not create a mask effect. Perfectly hides redness and peeling. The cushion protects the skin from aggressive environmental factors, including ultraviolet light, provides deep moisturizing, prevents moisture loss. After use, the skin becomes smooth and silky, has an even tone and a slight glow from the inside. Can be used as an independent toning agent, and also supplemented with powder or other products. Main active ingredients: Rhodiola rosea root extract has a deep rejuvenating effect on the skin - it stimulates metabolic processes, increases the protective functions of the skin and resistance to external influences, saturates the skin with vitamins. Ginseng root extract moisturizes well, nourishes, relieves inflammation, tones, increases skin elasticity, strengthens vascular walls, protects against external factors and photoaging, and gives radiance to the skin. How to use: Apply the cushion to the skin, paying special attention to problem areas, and blend well. To create long-lasting makeup, you can additionally use powder. Precautions: Before using the product, make sure that the skin is compatible with the active ingredients. To do this, you can apply it to a small area of the skin. If an adverse reaction occurs, immediately stop using the product.
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In stock: 256 DD Cream Caicui 35 grams DD creams are still new and “little-studied” for the fair half of humanity. Don’t be afraid to try their effectiveness on yourself. In fact, they are no worse than the better-known BB and CC creams. They are also often used in professional makeup. A successful model would be a cream from a reliable manufacturer Caicui. Its peculiarity is as follows: the developers focused not on the moisturizing or toning effect, but on the anti-aging effect! So with its help you can significantly improve the condition of your skin: • remove age wrinkles; • get rid of flabbiness of the skin; • saturate skin cells with missing elements; • eliminate various age-related defects on the face. In addition, the product protects the skin from various negative environmental influences. For example, it helps protect particularly sensitive areas from ultraviolet radiation. How to use: Apply the cream to the cheeks, chin, nose and forehead. Distribute evenly from the center of the face to the edges.
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In stock: 40 About the product Anti-aging CC cream for daily use by Images is designed to eliminate imperfections and give the face a fresh, well-groomed look. The product in an ivory shade is recommended for girls with light and slightly tanned skin, which will give a healthy look and make it visually younger. The waterproof cream is ideal for summer use, including when going to the beach. Composition An important component in the cream is tocopherol, which tones, intensively nourishes, restores the skin and starts regenerative processes. It penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, saturating the cells with vitamins and improving metabolic processes. Effect CC cream fights a complex of age-related changes: eliminates dryness, normalizes sebum secretion, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, saturates it with nutrients and makes it soft. The product smoothes out fine wrinkles, gently removes pigment spots and effectively evens out skin tone. Application Anti-aging cream with a high concentration of pigments is used as a corrective, care product, makeup base or foundation. The face is pre-cleaned, toned, covered with a daily emulsion or serum to enhance the effect. Then turn the base of the tube so that drops of cream appear on the applicator. They are carefully distributed over the skin, achieving an even tone.
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In stock: 60 About the product Nourishing CC cream for everyday use Images is designed to combat age-related changes in facial skin: fine wrinkles, age spots, flabbiness, wilting and enlarged pores. The compact tube is equipped with a removable applicator for easy application, including on the go or while traveling. Composition The main component in the composition is vitamin E, which is necessary for nourishing and restoring the skin. It penetrates deep into the epidermis, filling the cells with unsaturated fatty acids, which stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The high concentration of pigments also makes the product ideal for masking local problems: enlarged pores, blackheads, inflammation and age pigmentation. Effect CC cream intensively nourishes, softens and delicately brightens the skin of the face. It eliminates the first signs of aging, improves tone and elasticity, evens out skin tone and gives perfect smoothness. Delicate, velvety skin remains matte for several hours, and does not wash off when caught in the rain or relaxing by the pool. Application Anti-aging CC cream in a natural light shade is suitable for local application: it is used as a concealer to lighten the area under the eyes, mask blackheads and redness. But it is used mainly as a base for makeup or a light foundation. The cream is applied to dry, clean skin of the face using an applicator. After turning the base, squeeze the product onto it and distribute it evenly over the face.
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In stock: 66 About the product LAIKOU NATURAL BB CREAM contains rose petal extract and ocean pearl powder. When applied to the face, the product instantly moisturizes and gives the skin an amazing shimmering shine. The color of the cream perfectly adapts to the complexion. Its light texture allows you to emphasize the natural image, without creating the effect of a dense mask on the face. It is long-lasting and does not require constant makeup correction. Suitable for any skin tone. Stylish packaging will not take up much space in a woman's cosmetic bag, and the volume of 50 ml will last a long time, because the consumption of the masking cream is very economical. Composition * Ionized water. * Hyaluronic acid. * Glycerin. * Rose and chamomile essence. * Rosehip extract. * Ocean pearl powder. * Bearberry essential oils. * Butadiol. * Butylene glycol. * Mineral dyes. Effect BB Cream from LAIKOU instantly evens out skin tone when applied to the skin. It can be used to mask age spots, discolor freckles, make acne invisible and much more. Corrects the relief, favorably emphasizes the oval of the face, makes it more toned. Does not clog pores, hides fine wrinkles, creates a glow effect, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation. How to use The cream should be applied to cleansed, slightly moisturized skin. Using your fingertips, lightly pat the product over all areas of the face so that it lies in an even thin layer. If necessary, you can lightly powder.
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In stock: 118 BB Cream Super Wearing Bioaqua (natural) art. BQY5606 About the product Waterproof sunscreen foundation BB Super Wearing Bioaqua (natural) provides professional skin care with perfect coverage. The cosmetic product of liquid consistency with a pleasant berry aroma is in a transparent glass bottle with a capacity of 30 ml with a convenient dispenser. Unlike other decorative cosmetics, Wearing Bioaqua BB has a moisturizing effect and is completely imperceptible on the face. Girls note the absence of unpleasant feelings of tightness and clogged pores. Composition * Bamboo vinegar. * Wormwood extract. * Tree bark extract. * Charcoal. * Hyaluronic acid. * Glycerin. * Vitamins. * Minerals. Effect BB cream has excellent camouflage ability, with its help you can hide any imperfections on the face. Super Wearing conceals fine wrinkles, acne scars, and pimples. Deep hydration helps relieve flaking, flabbiness, signs of fatigue, and other unpleasant sensations. The main advantage of Bioaqua foundation is its ability to adapt to the base skin tone and stay on the face without rolling throughout the day. How to use Before use, shake the bottle well to mix the cream base with the powder pigment. Apply the cream to a clean, washed face and spread evenly over all areas, including the neck and d?collet?.
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In stock: 123 About the product Self-sharpening eyebrow pencil by Bioaqua is designed for applying makeup and gentle care. It is packed in an original cardboard box with a bright design, so it will be a great gift for fans of Asian cosmetics. The pencil with a retractable rod is compact, it is convenient to carry in a woman's purse. Composition The basic component in the composition of the product is natural beeswax, which envelops each hair, protecting it from the negative effects of the environment: wind, sunlight, sweat salts. The product also contains a vitamin complex based on tocopherol, which nourishes the hairs and skin, stimulating metabolic processes, saturating with useful elements and increasing the density of the eyebrows. Effect Enveloping the hairs and covering the skin, the eyebrow pencil creates a protective moisture-resistant coating. The applied makeup is not afraid of rain and trips to the beach, lasts well throughout the day and does not lose its brightness due to the high concentration of dark brown pigments. It colors not only the hairs, but also the skin, so it is optimal for natural eyebrow makeup using the hair technique. Application The product should be applied to pre-cleaned, dry skin. To extend the rod from the body, you need to twist the movable base clockwise. To sharpen the rod and then draw a clear tip of the eyebrow, use a sheet of thick paper.
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In stock: Out of stock About the product LAIKOU pink makeup base is suitable for women of any age with a dull complexion, regardless of skin type. The cosmetic product with a light, oil-free structure is often used by makeup artists doing professional makeup. The main task of the LAIKOU color-correcting primer is to prepare the skin for applying foundation and subsequent makeup. The product goes on sale in 40-milliliter glass bottles with a dispenser cap. Composition * Silicone. * Hyaluronic acid. * Pink pigment. * Rose petal plant extract. * Vitamins A, E, C. * Microelements. * Nutrients. Effect The primer base is easy to apply and evenly distributed in a thin layer, protecting the face from ultraviolet radiation. Like all makeup bases, this cosmetic product perfectly evens out the skin surface, hides existing defects, and gives decorative cosmetics applied to your face additional durability. It makes wrinkles invisible, hides enlarged pores, pigmentation, as well as acne, pimples, or post-acne. When using a pink makeup base, the face acquires a noble matte finish and an inner glow. How to use The base is applied pointwise to individual areas of the face, and then carefully shaded over clean skin with a sponge. As soon as you achieve the desired tone, proceed to applying makeup. Before use, make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the makeup base, test it on a neutral area of the skin.
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In stock: 245
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In stock: 150 Three-color face base is three products in one that interact harmoniously and allow you to achieve perfect, velvety skin. It simultaneously evens out the tone, improves the structure and relief of the skin. How to use Before use, cleanse the skin, apply the base, wait 5 minutes until completely absorbed